View Full Version : Next doors PC.

Admiral Huddy
23-01-2008, 17:40
Ok, I've fixed next doors PC.

Now question is, do I charge the mafia or not?

The Mrs think I should charge "mates rates". Total cost comes to £105..so she thinks maybe half.. I feel obliged to let him have it for free because basically, despite that people may think I'm making this up, I'm **** scared of him as I know he has connections and he is built rather large. I just don't want to keep owing favours.. if you know what I mean.


Dr. Z
23-01-2008, 17:44
I dunno, the way you described it in the other thread was just a case of him popping it round for you to have a look at / fix as a neighbourly thing rather than as a customer.

I would say that if it has cost you money you should pass that cost on and maybe a little extra for your time but no more.

23-01-2008, 18:04
I would say that if it has cost you money you should pass that cost on

If he says he wants to give you something extra then take it, this is known as 'an offer you cannot refuse' ;)


23-01-2008, 18:04
Agree with both above ;). If it was a business engagement then you can treat the job like you would any other customer. If it was 'can you have a look at this please' and you didn't make it clear there might be cost involved then I think I'd be a bit miffed if I got a bill I hadn't agreed to, never mind your 'mafia' neighbour.

The only problem you'll have if you do it gratis is of course they'll expect the same next time. How you deal with that (or if you do) is your business. :)

Of course, you shouldn't leave yourself out of pocket.

23-01-2008, 18:21
Huddy, you're part of the "family" now. Doooonta wooorrrry!!!

23-01-2008, 18:53
Your time is valuable, don't let yourself get screwed over by people, and don't give in to bullies, whether they are mafia or not!

23-01-2008, 19:02
I'd do it at cost, and only if the cost was over £30ish. You dont want to find your guinea pigs head in your bed!

23-01-2008, 22:31
I don't charge relatives,neighbours friends etc other than any costs I incur

I do seem to have an endless supply of cases of beer though :)

24-01-2008, 01:37
You're call you know the situation best, but you don't want to start giving out freebies all the time. Maybe a one off?

24-01-2008, 09:42
I wouldn't charge.

24-01-2008, 10:40
Let him know it took ages and chuck in 'you owe me a bottle single malt for that hahahah'

24-01-2008, 11:29
If it only cost you your time then I'd not charge...just chuck in a joke about "the invoice is in the post" and see what his reaction is :D

24-01-2008, 11:54
Just give him the name of the person you want Wasted written on a scrap piece of paper in Pencil :lipsrsealed:

Or just tell him how much it cost to repair & leave it up to him to give a Drink on top :cool: (Check those 20's though ;D)

Admiral Huddy
24-01-2008, 11:54
If it only cost you your time then I'd not charge...just chuck in a joke about "the invoice is in the post" and see what his reaction is :D

This is my thought.. :D

I'll pop it round tonight, see what happens. I couldn't beleive the amount of Spyware on his system. I poped round there the other night and said that it would be quicker to do a fresh install. He took it ok, but couldn't understand why he had so much.

On a lighter sight, the funniest thing is the air fresh smell when the PC is switched on. As his wife is "clean-a-holic", I'm sure the machine has sucked in "Shake-n-vac". My workshop smells lovely.

24-01-2008, 15:21
Just ask him if he can help with that pesky traffic warden who always gets you in town. ;)

Admiral Huddy
24-01-2008, 16:59
Just ask him if he can help with that pesky traffic warden who always gets you in town. ;)

haha someone who appreciates good humour :)

24-01-2008, 17:56
haha someone who appreciates good humour :):) I try.

You should come on MSN sometime, we'd have a hoot. :D