View Full Version : What would you rather be doing?

24-01-2008, 15:13
I'm stuck at work. It's only just gone 2pm and it feels like it should be past 3.

I'd rather be at the coast taking a walk. A walk by the coast in the winter breeze followed by a cuppa and a fish and chip dinner in one of the only places open over the winter. All but one of the amusement arcades closed and wrapped up, the only open one is deserted. 2p pushing machines and a vintage one-armed bandit that always seems to pay out. Happy days.

24-01-2008, 15:18
I wish I was skiing on an untouched, deserted ski slope. It's too damn hot in here with all these computers, and to be hurtling down a mountain, the wind in my... ski hat... adrenalin pumping, would be ace.

24-01-2008, 15:40
Bryce Dallas Howard.

24-01-2008, 15:53
At the moment I'm debating whether to drive to lakenheath and do some plane spotting. Its such a nice afternoon, will give the car a run, and two F15s have just gone over, glinting in the sun. aww :D

That's the realistic what I'd like to be doing, the unrealistic one is lazing by a pool somewhere warm. Preferably near some planes.

Or... driving a car on track in my new helmet!!!!

24-01-2008, 15:56
the wind in my...
...balls, naked. I know what you were thinking.

24-01-2008, 16:03
lazing by a pool somewhere warm.


24-01-2008, 16:11
...balls, naked. I know what you were thinking.

Oh to have cool balls right now. 'Hot potatoes' doesn't even come close.

24-01-2008, 16:12
Tues felt like Weds, Weds felt like Thurs, Thurs feels like it should be Fri



BB x

24-01-2008, 16:13
I thought it was Wednesday this morning when I got in, so I received a small morale power-up today!

24-01-2008, 16:18
Tues felt like Weds, Weds felt like Thurs, Thurs feels like it should be Fri



BB x

Every day this week has felt like an extra long, extra carp, nothing going right monday :/

24-01-2008, 17:13
I'd like to not have a sore throat.
Other than that, I'd like it to be Monday because then I'll have quit the crappy job and be looking forward to the new one :D

24-01-2008, 17:16
In my apartment in Bulgaria, although saying that, I have no idea what the weather is like over there right now. The food, drink and women would keep me warm though :D

24-01-2008, 17:28
I would like to be playing volley ball on a sunny beach with Pickers and friends... and a cocktail bar close by that does woo woos and iced lolly pops. Blue waters, snorkel and rubber dingy too.

Ideally a nice warm breeze - not sweltering hot... but hot enough to be comfortable in a strappy top.


*snaps back to reality* ... bah got my p/t sainsburys jobs now. Lots of smiles prepared and "Would you like a hand packing" voice ready.


24-01-2008, 19:53
I'd like to be about 10m under the water and about 1m above the coral with a full tank of air, zero swell, 20m visibility and lots and lots of brightly coloured fish.

<hums Octopuses Garden>

24-01-2008, 20:11
<hums Octopuses Garden>

I just listened to that on my mp3 player down the gym. :D

24-01-2008, 20:50
I'd rather be planning a scilly holiday!!!

It's not somewhere I had really considered before. But just lately I have been watching 'An Island Parish' and I think it just looks like the loveliest place. Unfortunately I am so very skint I doubt I'll be able to afford to go there any time soon. Maybe one day I can visit the Devon/Cornwall/Scilly area. Argh I really should have done it when I lived in Wiltshire :o;D

24-01-2008, 21:16
Lots of smiles prepared and "Would you like a hand packing" voice ready.


No, I prefer not to have my hands packed.

24-01-2008, 21:55
I'd rather be watching Pheebs playing beach volleyball :D

24-01-2008, 22:38
I'd rather be watching Pheebs playing beach volleyball :D

Me too!

25-01-2008, 09:31
I'd rather be planning a scilly holiday!!!

It's not somewhere I had really considered before. But just lately I have been watching 'An Island Parish' and I think it just looks like the loveliest place. Unfortunately I am so very skint I doubt I'll be able to afford to go there any time soon. Maybe one day I can visit the Devon/Cornwall/Scilly area. Argh I really should have done it when I lived in Wiltshire :o;D

YAY! Father Guy is the chap who married Pickys Sister in Old Town Church (the teeeeeeeeny one on St Marys!)

We both heart the Isles of Scilly! Tis where Pickys Pa grew up! It's SOOOOOOOO Beautiful and everyone is superb! Tis where we got engaged too (up by penninis!)

You should head down our way and we'll take you trekking around sunny Cornwall :D

I'd rather be watching Pheebs playing beach volleyball :D

Me too!

You both come under my "friends" category so I'm afraid you wouldn't be allowed to watch. You'd both have to play. So nerr.

Such a great sport. Miss it lots. Should take it up again.. but don't have the monies. Boo! In the future maybe! ;D

Joe 90
25-01-2008, 11:18
so its 10:16 and i'm sat on't helpdesk.

tonight my mates are getting a 15:41 train to manchester for a bday... i've gotta be here till about 16:00 and try to get the 16:41 over...

I'd much rather be doing a half day and not rushing to get over there.!!!!

25-01-2008, 11:18
I'd rather be back in Florida with Lynne, enjoying a buffet breakfast while deciding which theme park we'll be spending our day in. 30+ degree weather with pure sunshine ftw :)

25-01-2008, 15:15
Today I want to go out for an afternoon drive because I have my own bébé car at work with me and I know Hastings is only a bit further down the A21.

I'm stuck here :(