View Full Version : Red Kooga energy shots

25-01-2008, 13:11
Anybody seen these before? I was handed a load of free samples in Victoria station. From what I can work out it's some kind of can of Red Bull concentrated and squeezed into a tube. You rip the end off and take it like a shot:

http://www.dropfiles.net//files/319/random pics/25-01-08_1149.jpg

I thought game for a laugh I'd try one at work. First impression is it looks like fake blood and smells fairly similar. It's blackberry and cherry flavour so they clearly couldn't decide what flavour to call this new substance. I got a bit in my mouth and started to gag almost immediately, this stuff is not for the faint hearted.

Anyway it was at this point my immature side took over and I was forced to stage a hideous accident that could potentially occur in an IT environment with pink scissors:

http://www.dropfiles.net//files/319/random pics/25-01-08_1150.jpg


25-01-2008, 13:13
Thats looks gross....

It is the wrong colour and consistency to put anywhere NEAR your mouth!

BB x

25-01-2008, 16:49
It looks like runny poop http://www.wossi.co.uk/smileys/puke.gif

25-01-2008, 16:58
He's the scat man.

26-01-2008, 16:12
It is the wrong colour and consistency to put anywhere NEAR your mouth!
I can't believe someone actually went mmmmm this is really nice, we should sell this. It's so grim.