View Full Version : Networking ..

Admiral Huddy
25-01-2008, 14:01
Not the computer sort ;)

A few weeks back, i was invited to the Chelmsford Business Breakfast Club noobs meeting. :D With nothing to lose, I thought I’d pop along.

I was quite surprised at the attendance, about 20 people in all and all new. Each person represents a specific and unique field at the club so there are no conflicting interests and I've been asked to fore fill the PC services sector. I felt a bit of a cheat and fraud really, as the others seemed to be established already whereas I’ve not quite taken the commitment yet. I’ve been told, we all have to start somewhere.

The group meet once a week and discuss all sort of small business matters and hold a workshop regularly. Thinking that there's a catch, being the sceptic I am, it's run by a couples of blokes who were fed up with paying for corporate business club rates. This is only £25 a year, plus cost of the breakfast whereas they were paying about £500 per year.

When you join each member gets a collection of business cards for passing on etc. Each new member was asked to describe themselves and the nature of their business whilst biting into a Cumberland sausage. I got sauce down my tie haha

They all seem pleasant and helpful. One chap was quite interested in what I was doing. A few people round the table where making notes on the back of my card which got me curious. They were most likely jotting down “check public liability”.

Anyway, I’m going back next week and see if I can get myself on a workgroup. I have to decide soon which way I'm going on this as I can't run two jobs at once. The calls are coming on and I spied on a competitor in Billericay this morning after a meeting with a new client. They opened my eyes a bit and I have to say I was green with envy.

Just thought I'd share that, as my mind was going into over drive last night.. couldn'd sleep so I watched the Spurs beat Arsenal again, Torchwood, then some porn! :)

25-01-2008, 15:11
Good luck with it. I remember you heading there the first time with the other noobs. Pick up some cards for me as I'll have some tree lopping and other random bits and bobs that will need doing round the house :)

edit:- There is a IT facebook that keeps being pointed in my direction.... does "linked in" mean anything to anyone?

25-01-2008, 15:33
Yeah I'm on linked in... though I don't like it. I don't like the interface and that puts me off :/

I went to a networking event last year.. its was hosted by a company called Broadbean.

They had green cocktails and hideous broadbean canapes... yuk!

Also a magician who was total pony... the week before we had auditioned a magician for our Christmas party who was AMAZING!!! So with this magician I was watching really closely and chose the card he didn't want me to choose a couple of times ;D

As for actual networking (apart from the eating of chicken canapes and drinking of champers) I met a couple of companies... one called Zubka... which I laugh everytime its mentioned on the web... didn't get any business from this event though.

Yours sounds ace though Huddy :)

BB x

Del Lardo
25-01-2008, 15:49
I'm on linkedin as well though it's proving to be a pain in the arse as all the incompitent idiots from where I used to work keep on contacting me trying to get a job where I work. I didn't want to work with them first time round let alone subject myself to it again.

I go to 4-5 trade shows a year so do all my networking there. Preferably over a pint :D

25-01-2008, 16:41
Hmmm mixed views on this site. I may as well join as it can't hurt. I should really start attending some events.

25-01-2008, 16:54
Each new member was asked to describe themselves and the nature of their business whilst biting into a Cumberland sausage. I got sauce down my tie haha

This bit wasn't blindfold was it?

25-01-2008, 16:58

Admiral Huddy
25-01-2008, 18:10
haha, I've just read that and see how it sounds.

"Right everyone, hop on one leg, one hand on head, the other hold sausage and BITE!! Now explain who you are are.. etc etc etc " lol