View Full Version : Valentines Day - The Haters

25-01-2008, 14:15
This is the thread for all the people who don't like valentines day or who don't like the commercialised event that it has become.

25-01-2008, 14:18
Me me me :D

We tend to do something nice for each other, maybe have a nice bath, candles, nice meal. Something a little different from the norm without spending loads of money on a commercialised event.

25-01-2008, 14:19
Oooh it's deja vu :p

25-01-2008, 14:21
Oooh it's deja vu :p

Well we've had a few new members since last year so I thought it could be good to do it again

25-01-2008, 14:23
The commercialisation bothers me, the day itself doesn't.

Parents are having a nice meal out and going to the Barbican (that's in Londinium for the non-cultured among you :p) for a concert. Three days later it's their Silver Wedding Anniversary (note to self - must return RSVP for that).

25-01-2008, 14:24
Me me me :D

We tend to do something nice for each other, maybe have a nice bath, candles, nice meal. Something a little different from the norm without spending loads of money on a commercialised event.

gonna contradict you there mate :D
The fact that you do something nice on THAT day (candles, nice meal, bath etc) meand you DO like Valentines Day.

What you dont like is the over commercialisation of it ;)
YOU posted ion the wrong thread :D:D
anyway, I only posted here to let Desmo know that :D
I am off to the other thread!

25-01-2008, 14:27
**** off :p

Actually, I still think the day is a load of crap but I do something nice for Sinead. If it were me, I'd quite happily let it pass by unoticed.

25-01-2008, 14:55
I'm more of a hater of the actual day, rather than doing something nice. I tend to just cook something for dinner, turn the phones off, and just have a bit of dedicated time with one another. However I prefer going on holiday or spending weekends with someone rather than bothering going all out just for one day. It's like new year's it's always an anticlimax or feels like over zealous effort for little achievement.

25-01-2008, 14:59
I'm looking forward to it this year because it marks the end of my official training :)

25-01-2008, 15:18
I hate the commercialisation and all the crap padded toys and trinkets that society feel they need to go out and buy. That stinks. But the rest of the day is fine. And it usually guarantees rudeness at least.

Edit: in-bed rudeness that is :o

25-01-2008, 15:19
I struggle to think of a reason to actually like it, aside from an excuse to drink heavily.

25-01-2008, 15:51
Lynne and I have always disliked it. We don't do anything for it nor do we get cards for each other. We love each other and show it all year round in our own way, so we don't need a special day to do it, we don't need prompting because the card companies think we should :)

Del Lardo
25-01-2008, 15:54
Before I had a GF I liked it as I could go out on the pop and find lots of desperate, drunk and single women :evil:

Now I have a GF I really couldn't care less about it but Klara does so I'll have to do something. I'll be out the country this year so can get away with just sending flowers :)

25-01-2008, 17:27
Lynne and I have always disliked it. We don't do anything for it nor do we get cards for each other. We love each other and show it all year round in our own way, so we don't need a special day to do it, we don't need prompting because the card companies think we should :)


As it should be. :)

25-01-2008, 17:34
Agreed. And it shows.

I did get one very nice hand madecard last year which was a total surprise.
I have a sneaking suspicion I know who it's from though ;)

25-01-2008, 21:41
.... we don't need prompting....
Lucky you!! Seriously. Some people, however, DO need prompting :angry: :p

01-02-2008, 07:13
I don't hate valentine's day, I hate the fact that everybody else hates it. Not doing anything for valentine's day or moaning about it seems to have become far more common than doing something nice, commercialised or not.

I hate the fact that I am single, but I also hate the fact that attempting to make any sort of advance on a lady friend at any time approaching Valentine's day is emotional suicide because it has become more acceptable to avoid clichés than to enjoy the tradition for the good it may bring :p