View Full Version : Yay Website is up! WOOT!

26-01-2008, 12:48
And it begins....


:D :D :D

Duncan hasn't yet managed to get my "Under construction" warnings up on it yet buuut it's starting to come together! YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!

There's a lot ... A LOT of tweeking required (ie the screen whizzing through all the screens at once annoys me... I just wanted the next "slide" to appear when you clicked on the relevant tab) and plenty of other nigly bits.... buuuut it's up!

What do you think of it so far?! Any advice?! I've a feeling there will be a fair bit as you guys don't know what it will end up finally... but YAY!

:D :D :D :D

26-01-2008, 12:56
Very funky website Clare :)

I quite like the way it whizzes through everything :D

26-01-2008, 12:57
Looks fab hunny :)

The bottom line of news is slightly cut off on my screen though and when I tried to go from contact back to home the slidey bit got stuck

26-01-2008, 13:08
Excellent :D I like that, very nice. I think the only thing I would try is to see if it looks better centered rather than to the left. Hmm, also I'm a bit undecided on the body text font. The one for news, and on the home page. Its a bit rigid. You've got 2 fonts really and it feels a bit jumpy. I'm guessing its because the rigid font is reading text from a file so its easy to update where as the other is created in Flash so harder to do. Also, a bit technical, but I would ask him to sort the source code so it uses a more accessible Flash script. Theres some funky things you can do with that. Something like SWF Object (http://blog.deconcept.com/swfobject/). Basically you can hide content in there. So if someone / something doesn't have Flash it'll see that content instead. You can put in a block of text for search engines for example, full of keywords.

26-01-2008, 13:23
Looks great Pheebs! :D

26-01-2008, 13:24
Looks great! I couldn't tell because of the style and feel of the page, but are some of the spelling mistakes intentional? e.g. frollicks=frolics?

26-01-2008, 13:27
:) I like it hundreds!

26-01-2008, 13:42
Oops at the spelling!

It will be centered eventually (Poor Duncan has a huge long lists of "To dos" from me - and all prioritised) and the text should become proper text boxes (if you know what I mean) as opposed to jpegs and things. It's just to give me an idea of how it's getting on! As for the text... they should have matched... but they don't :( Not sure what happened there - will have to ask him and see what happens :D

Pete - I think I get you - though I will copy and paste your post to him just incase ;D

There's soooooooo much more needing to be done to it... but I am chuffed to pieces that it's finally see-able if you know what I mean :D


26-01-2008, 13:56
Love it! And I like the way it whooshes across to whatever bit you've clicked on :)

26-01-2008, 13:56
Very girly and spangly :D

26-01-2008, 16:10
The website looks amazing!! Really fun looking :-) cant wait to see it when its complete

26-01-2008, 16:17
Fun website :D

At first I thought hmmm pointless use of Flash but it works well :)

26-01-2008, 16:49
It looks really good!

26-01-2008, 16:55
'tis good :)

26-01-2008, 21:21
I likely a lot. Like Pete I feel it will look better centred, and it'll be easy for your web guy to sort when he gets the time. :)

26-01-2008, 21:28
Looks really slick !

Love it ! :D

26-01-2008, 23:26
Looks lubberley. :D

27-01-2008, 19:16
Excellent i hope he has his SEO all sorted out, using flash and all. Looks nice, i like the scrolling, but it shouldn't be too much trouble for his to change it to a single slide per tab.

Without trying to pick holes, i don't feel you've gained from the use of flash instead of a more accessible XHTML & CSS based site. But thats probably getting a bit anal... Hows your updating going to work, on things like new/random/products etc...?

28-01-2008, 09:12
Well flash wise... it's going to come more into use with the gallery (once it's working blooming properly) as well as the game (forgive me if I talk complete garbage... I'm not that technically minded when it comes to these things :) I just go by what I have heard!)

Updating wise - Duncan seems to know what's going to happen and says I will be able to do it from my computer (something like all the pictures will be uploaded from my computer and all "text" will become text as opposed to Jpgs... which will mean I can edit it easily!)...

I'm really not sure. I've explained to him I need LOTS of access to it as it will eventually be changing almost daily - most definitely weekly. If he doesn't make it so by the time it's finished I will bug him until he does and ask for no extra charge as that was a very specific requirement from the beginning :)

I said to him last week "I gave you this before Christmas... and I need it viewable by Friday" so I think he's just chucked together what he can in a matter of a couple of evenings :) I'm hoping it will be easy. I don't want to have to pay someone every time I need it updated that's for sure!

I am hoping to do a website course this year and get my head around it all fully so I will be able to understand and take full control myself. IMO - learning for a couple of hundred squid and then maintaining yourself is better than dishing out £500 a year or something daft.

I only wish I knew how to do it all myself. :( I'll get there! (Haly - need you to let me know what that course is like when you're done :D)

Best be off... I need to compile a portfolio by tomorrow ideally and send it off with all my new designs to be shown to people like Hallmark and things. *eak*

:) If I could keep you people updated with what's happening and you tell me if it looks poo or not when updates are done I'd be appreciative :D

Fankoo for your help and comments :D xx

28-01-2008, 10:10
Good luck Pheebs - the site looks wicked :) love it!

BB x

28-01-2008, 11:25
Pheebs using flash for the gallery and game might be good, but he could have just integrated the flash into a perfectly normal website. I just don't see the reason to go flash, i'm not trying to rip this apart honest, i'm just being over critical i guess. Learning flash and actionscript when you don't know anything about them will be much harder than learning XHTML & CSS (which is what you'll probably learn most of website courses), so as for taking control yourself i think you'll have quite a ways to go...

28-01-2008, 11:41
I agree with Alex. If you want to be able to change this yourself, it would have been easier with a normal HTML & CSS based site rather than flash.

28-01-2008, 13:11
Very nice :)
Although I do agree with Alex also.

28-01-2008, 14:24

I wish I fully understood what's being said... but I don't cos I'm a MOOSTER! Hehehe!

I will send an email to Duncan tail end of this week with some of your comments tagged in it (if that's okie?) If it would look good without flash and things then YAY! When I did the webby I said to Duncan:

"I would like it to look like this *showed drawings of pages etc* and scrolly from each page to the other." I then went on to explain the gallery bit and games in depth (need to be able to slide open boxes and things)... and then he agreed to put it together. I did say "what way you going to do it" and he said flash was best... so I just accepted it and went along with it!


I should of got one of you chaps to have done it :(

28-01-2008, 14:25
*worried she is going to spend £500 - £700 on a webby that will not be updateable and look poo*

28-01-2008, 14:38
*worried she is going to spend £500 - £700 on a webby that will not be updateable and look poo*

You haven't. It looks great as it is and while I haven't used Flash properly in a few years I'm perfectly sure he can make it so you can update it. What the others are saying, and its something I've believed in for years, is that its technically better to have a normal website with flash elements integrated into it. I say technically because its still a raging debate in web design. Full flash or integrated. I think the site looks great and hopefully is as updateable as you want. If he uses the swfobject I mentioned you can put things in for SEO. The thing is, are you looking to sell via the website or is the website just there for clients you plan to approach?

28-01-2008, 14:38
It looks really good so far, so any improvements and I wouldnt worry as there is no way it could look poo! I look forward to playing the games hehe x

28-01-2008, 14:39
Don't worry, the site looks great :) So you haven't wasted your money!

28-01-2008, 14:41
Don't worry - if you specified the requirements then you're paying him to to the job you asked him to, which I'm sure he has and is continuing to do.

I agree with the others unfortunately. Flash certainly has its place, and I've no problem with that, but overuse of flash, especially when the job can be done perfectly well without (albeit with the loss of some of the fancy scrolling effects) is one of my pet peeves, and I do have good reason for that. Please don't take this the wrong way. The site looks good as it is, but if you decide you need to take a small change in direction then better sooner rather than later.

Why dislike? Mostly because it's an accessibility nightmare - especially for people like me who want to be able to use big fonts and/or screen readers (which convert text on the page into speech), neither of which is really possible with flash. It also means users who can't or won't install flash are effectively banned from your site. It's likely both of these groups are going to be a very small proportion of your target audience of course, so whether or not you see this as a problem is up to you. :)

PS - instead of relaying this stuff, would the admins abject if you offered Duncan an account here? I suspect probably not, though there's also the problem of how he would take the comments. :)

28-01-2008, 15:19
Summed up perfectly there I think Lozza :)

28-01-2008, 16:52
Right i've been in lectures, and what lozza and mark and others have said i also agree with. its not bad, i just personally dont agree entirely with the need, and even though flash can be updateable i still dont think its as versatile. I'm happy for you so send him whatever i said, and i will talk to him on here, or via email for you if you like? My email is around here somewhere so pass it on if you like...

I wouldn't worry too much it will sort itself out, thats just his job, as you've rightly worked out he's probably thrown that together in an hour just to show you what it *could* look like, but for now thats nothing more than animated pictures (which i could teach you how to do, and i know very little flash/actioscript!)

28-01-2008, 18:23
Why dislike? Mostly because it's an accessibility nightmare - especially for people like me who want to be able to use big fonts and/or screen readers (which convert text on the page into speech), neither of which is really possible with flash. It also means users who can't or won't install flash are effectively banned from your site. It's likely both of these groups are going to be a very small proportion of your target audience of course, so whether or not you see this as a problem is up to you. :)

I gotta agree... if a site has flash I won't look at it. Plus its banned to download at work.

Looks brill as it is :)

BB x

28-01-2008, 18:41


No I viewed it from home last night.

BB x

28-01-2008, 19:17
Little picture symbol... not the red cross the blue red and green one.

BB x

28-01-2008, 19:21
Yeah, just the missing plugin image. That's all you get.

29-01-2008, 10:12
Firstly I see this:

http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/7804/oneyg0.th.jpg (http://img254.imageshack.us/my.php?image=oneyg0.jpg)

Which then turns into this:

http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/7384/twoqa6.th.jpg (http://img183.imageshack.us/my.php?image=twoqa6.jpg)

Lozza is right :( it would be pretty sad.

Don't some websites have html versions aswell? I know it would cost more monies, but I would personally have the option.

Sorry I could do all the image stuff as I had to leave work last night!

BB x

29-01-2008, 12:57
Firstly I see this:

http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/7804/oneyg0.th.jpg (http://img254.imageshack.us/my.php?image=oneyg0.jpg)

Which then turns into this:

http://img183.imageshack.us/img183/7384/twoqa6.th.jpg (http://img183.imageshack.us/my.php?image=twoqa6.jpg)

Lozza is right :( it would be pretty sad.

Don't some websites have html versions aswell? I know it would cost more monies, but I would personally have the option.

Sorry I could do all the image stuff as I had to leave work last night!

BB x

You might as well have a HTML version to begin with, if i get a choice i always choose anything but full flash.

29-01-2008, 14:47
You might as well have a HTML version to begin with, if i get a choice i always choose anything but full flash.

Me too... even if I am at home... I get too impatient waiting for the flash to load up... not really the case with Pheebs website.... but some of them take ages and I just think I cannot be arsed :p

BB x

29-01-2008, 14:54
What would be handy is a simple HTML holding page that forwards to the flash site if flashplayer is detected. that way you cater for both sets of people. At least everyone can get some info about you :)

Admiral Huddy
29-01-2008, 18:11
I like that loads :)

Edit - I've quicky read through some of the above comments re: Flash so this may have already been suggested but could she not have a front end screen that asks "Flash version" or "non-flash version"?

29-01-2008, 18:23
What would be handy is a simple HTML holding page that forwards to the flash site if flashplayer is detected. that way you cater for both sets of people. At least everyone can get some info about you :)

I like that loads :)

Edit - I've quicky read through some of the above comments re: Flash so this may have already been suggested but could she not have a front end screen that asks "Flash version" or "non-flash version"?Er kind of. In the post immediately before yours. :D

What does your gangster training teach you eh? ;D

29-01-2008, 18:24
Gangster Training? Huddy went in the wrong door and did 3 years at Clown School!


Admiral Huddy
29-01-2008, 18:27
Gangster Training? Huddy went in the wrong door and did 3 years at Clown School!


I'm in rehab.. :D


Did I mention that I dropped next doors keyboard when I took it back last week.. Took me ages to get the damn keys back in the right place. I just hope there's not one out of place.


29-01-2008, 18:31
I like that loads :)

Edit - I've quickly read through some of the above comments re: Flash so this may have already been suggested but could she not have a front end screen that asks "Flash version" or "non-flash version"?

Yes i suppose, but as i said above i don't see the point in having the two websites, it may be harder to update (shouldn't but may) and it would probably cost more, why not just make a non-flash version!?

29-01-2008, 18:38
I wouldn't suggest two actual sites. If the main one is in flash, the html one could be a simple holding page with a few card designs and some contact details

Admiral Huddy
29-01-2008, 19:03
I wouldn't suggest two actual sites. If the main one is in flash, the html one could be a simple holding page with a few card designs and some contact details

I think that's a good idea. I did visit a professional website designer about the admiralcomputers.co.uk. He suggested a "flash" website and i wasn't too keen. Flash being the operative word.

Inccidently, a woman called me last week. She said she liked my website because it was simple, easy to read and makes sence. I think that counts for lots.

29-01-2008, 20:01
easy to read and makes sence.

Unlike this post :p

BB x

29-01-2008, 20:46
I think that's a good idea. I did visit a professional website designer about the admiralcomputers.co.uk. He suggested a "flash" website and i wasn't too keen. Flash being the operative word.

Inccidently, a woman called me last week. She said she liked my website because it was simple, easy to read and makes sence. I think that counts for lots.

You website is nice huddy, but i think you could seriously drop a bit of money on it and make it look really professional, i can't remember what your flyers look like but have it tie in properly with those?

29-01-2008, 20:47
Unlike this post :p
Ooh, cutting. :p ;D

29-01-2008, 21:07
Unlike this post :p
This post? That would be your post then you nanna head.

29-01-2008, 21:15
Bite me! :p

BB x

29-01-2008, 21:16
Careful! He might be hungry! :p

29-01-2008, 22:40
I just had a look through it and my girlfriend looked over my shoulder and said 'Ooohhh - Faye would love that. What's the link?'

So it looks like you've connected with your target demographic pretty well there :)

I liked it too but being a man don't really bother with cards, cos a pint mostly says it better. Are personalised e-cards a possibility in the future though? Sometimes (ok often) I find myself in need of a card at short notice :o

30-01-2008, 08:37
Just wanted to let you know I have read your posts but due to being up to here (am reaching well above my head at the moment whilst being on tiptoes) with my portfolio putting together I haven't been able to respond fully!

I should *touch wood* have it completed and sent off by midday so will respond after that!

Until then...

*WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH* The printers out of ink and I need to find A3 pockets/wallets for my folder which do NOT have anti-glare! (Ie I need the cheaper looking ones!) Else my work looks not so good! If anyone knows where I could get them in a local store (whsmiths style) then let me know! That's the non-anti-glare (most are dappled looking - WAAAAAAAGH!)

*runs about flailing arms*


30-01-2008, 10:11

Will peg it staples, then rymans, then home, then print, then put last 2/3bitsi n portfolio then post office then back here and CUP OF TEA + PROPER RESPONSE TO THIS THREAD (and all the lovely people who have been texting me)


*runs off*

30-01-2008, 12:57
Good luck :D

30-01-2008, 14:08

I haven't seen this word since my Games Workshop days.;D

Yeah I fell in with the wrong crowd at school - the ones with paint under their nails, White Dwarf in their back packs and D20s in their pockets.

30-01-2008, 19:46
Ta for your patience :) Trio (doggy) required UBER amounts of attention when I got back for being such a stupendous puppy dawg the past two days whilst I have been unable to pay her much love! Then things rolled on and now it's 6pm! Dear lord! Where does it all go!?!

Okie... I've taken on board your comments and am now a *wee* bit confuddled what to do!

Would I... pwetty pwease... be able to nominate Mister LD to email Duncan for me ref what's being said? I have just literally spoken to Duncan and he's saying that there will be some HTML front page but flash will be offered for d/l etc etc!

Integration oh Flash to a HTML webby sounds fab! But then I'm easily swayed by these things! Anything sounds fab as long as it finally ends up....

a) Looking professional and "simple". Nothing too fandangle.
b) So pretty much everyone can view it... everywhere!
c) Update-able. And easily. In the end I will be working on it weekly, if not daily so I will need to be able to change it pip squeek.

Briefly, Duncan has said that most people have flash and that he will be making text files for me to update... as well as picture files for gallery/other items. He said he was also going to have a proggy for me to click on so it does automatically update once I have changed things!

Don't ask me how it works - not the foggiest! He did explain it to me very well but brain retention at the moment is minimal!

LepD - would you be able to email him with your suggestions and reasons? I really don't mind losing out on some flash things at all if it's easier and still looks great and means more people can get it? I said to him you may mail and not to be offended or nowt and he said he's always taking up new suggestions so is cooooool with it!

I will PM you his email addy - but don't feel you have to! If you don't fancy it I will just do some copying and pasting of some posts here onto an email and plonk it through (I just don't know what I'm talking about so figured you may have more knowledge/explanations) :)

Ref him being part of BD - he's already an Ex Colleague of mine and tbh, he's dealing with a major part of my hopefully successful business... I don't really want him to be a "really good friend"... just a "colleague". And I fear bringing him here would change that. Sounds daft but I feel keeping this distance is good as it means I remain in full control of it all and can set deadlines/prices etc. As a "friend" these things could change...


BTW - portfolio has gone - it looks AYMAYZING! :D

30-01-2008, 20:51
I like that loads :)

Edit - I've quicky read through some of the above comments re: Flash so this may have already been suggested but could she not have a front end screen that asks "Flash version" or "non-flash version"?

Twas a bad idea way back yonder and is still a bad idea today. Technology is stable enough at the moment that you can create a stunning website, just one.

08-02-2008, 08:51


Duncan is starting to annoy me. I hoped this wouldn't happen. I have emailed him ALL of this week, sent texts, rang etc... and he hasn't got back to me.

It's about completely revamping the website (as you guys have suggested HTML with flash integrated), so really important. And it's got deadlines in. I said to him last year "I anticipate the website being complete by february" and it's not :angry: I have therefore given him more deadlines (and albeit it was pushing it as I expected a lot done - hardly surprising though) and NO REPLY!

I am going to call him up all of today until he answers his sodding phone. I will see what he says but I'm starting to get fed up with the delays. I will be paying him good money for this... I know he'll do it well but I need it before 2020 preferably.

Money wise - for the whole website - we were looking at £700.

Put it like this. If anyone here thinks they can do a better job than muppet man and would like an extra £700 in their pocket let me know. I will happily travel to sort it out too if you would need me around for a few days to agree on bits.


*feels better*


08-02-2008, 10:16
If anyone here thinks they can do a better job than muppet man and would like an extra £700 in their pocket let me know.

Really wish I could help Pheebles - hope you can get it sorted out

08-02-2008, 10:28
I think it may be time to put your foot down!

Its just rude - not getting back to you at all - even with an update, even if he hasnt done anything...just manners and courtesy...

I get this alot with the web company at work... it does my brain in... we're paying them a bit more than £700 though. ;)

Wish I could help you darl :(

BB x

08-02-2008, 10:36
Whilst I can do simple web pages, taking on what you want is beyond me, otherwise I'd be happy to help.

08-02-2008, 11:04
Whilst I can do simple web pages, taking on what you want is beyond me, otherwise I'd be happy to help.

What he said sadly :(

Hope you manage to get it sorted Pheebs, must be so frustrating :( *hugs*

08-02-2008, 11:05
Well the dweeb answered his phone and apparently has been "busy"!!! ONE EMAIL back saying "I got your emails/texts/voice messages... am going to get onto it this weekend" would have been fine but nooooooooo!

He says he's working solidly on it this weekend and will call me up tomorrow (I will call him at 8/9am to make sure he's got his butt out of bed and is doing it!) He said he got your email LD (yay) so hopefully will reply/let me know his plans.

I am SO going to learn how to make websites. It's silly. It can't be _that_ difficult (though obviously not a walk in the park) but the money made from it is stupid and the necessity of it is just massive for me.

*feels less grumpy*

*is going to spend a day focusing on researching new potential clients... not that I can contact them as I have a poo website and want something for them to wow them other than a portfolio.*

*might make a new portfolio up too*

*busy lady*

08-02-2008, 11:50
I agree with the others - HTML/CSS/backend code I can do. Graphics design and Flash - no.

I've also been one to ignore contacts recently and get chased up. Cue apology. :o

Good luck - glad he's got in touch.

08-02-2008, 12:20
I wish I could help. I can do HTML, CSS, Javascript and Flash, but unfortunately I don't think to the skill level required for a site like yours Pheebs. I'm also a crap designer and generally a code monkey instead.

Hope you get it all sorted soon though, it does seem like he's dragging his feet somewhat and need a good kick up the backside. Perhaps threaten him and tell him that if it's not done by date X then you'll start deducting money from him. That may well spark him into life.

08-02-2008, 14:26
I do the designing! I just need a code monkey to put it together and work as I says it does :D

He hasn't had any dosh yet and won't until I am happy :) It's that simple! I know £700 isn't much but it's more than nothing!

Going to wait patiently and see what happens on monday. Else I will kick his teeny butt to the moon!


08-02-2008, 15:34
Hey Pheebs what you want is a little more than the average "coding" website still.

Personally if i was doing it myself, i may look into theming wordpress (should be the easiest but most restrictive of design looks).
XHTML & CSS, make a normal website, and then use the gallery section as a link to an installed gallery like coppermine or whatever the cool kids use now days.

It would be functional and would look nice but wouldn't be far as interactive as you want right now.

As i said i'm going to have a play tonight, to show you what you can put together fairly quickly, but don't get you're hopes up :p.

As the others have said, as much as i'd love £700 right now, i couldn't do what you want, nor have the time i'm afraid...

08-02-2008, 15:43
But it's not that interactive is it? The most interactive bits are the gallery and the game (which isn't vital :))

*me hopes it all works out okie* :D

Fankoo for your time and help People :D

08-02-2008, 16:37
Not a fan of theming wordpress myself. Wordpress is being used to death. Sadly it's the game and gallery that myself (and probably most people here) don't have the skills for. I've seen some nice galleries about but not sure how much flash/javascript code they have behind them.

08-02-2008, 16:57
nonononon, don't theme wordpress.

All you need is a simple CMS so that you can change all the text yourself, a gallery so you can upload and organise images yourself and the flash game embedded in its own page - could also be done in the CMS. That's £700 mates-rates easily

08-02-2008, 18:05
Ulterior motives, anyone?!

I've dropped you a PM, Pheebs, but I've just realised that I have you on MSN so that was probably a bit silly!

08-02-2008, 18:11
nonononon, don't theme wordpress.

All you need is a simple CMS so that you can change all the text yourself, a gallery so you can upload and organise images yourself and the flash game embedded in its own page - could also be done in the CMS. That's £700 mates-rates easily

While i agree on a no to wordpress i meant for general ease, otherwise i'm sure you know better, as i'm very low on research and actual use of CMS over the last few years...

It should be a case of as mentioned a simple implementation and something installed at the backend to help you keep the gallery and news feeds updated, but it shouldn't have to be at all complicated esp to someone who knows what they re doing (ie. just used it before). Jasper is a good bet i reckon :D *Points* (If he has the time).

08-02-2008, 18:26
To be fair, it'd be easier and quicker to implement something bespoke from my PoV because it'll cater for the eventuality that Pheebs wants something totally outlandish that I couldn't begin to imagine how to implement in Joomla! It'll only really need a basic level of content management and a document structure. Should be totally fine :) As you can probably guess, I've got time right now!

08-02-2008, 19:14
*kicks self in head*

Wish I'd asked before.

I'll wait and see what Duncan says tomorrow... but to be honest... I'm ready to drop him like hot spuds. (or is it hot cakes? I forget the saying but you know what I mean).

I think I'm going to call him and ask him whether he thinks he has the time to do this (meeting my deadlines). If it's a no, I'll get on to you Jasper and if you're up for some extra dosh I'll pop up, grab some Lozza boobies, then pop to yours and have a chin wag through it all :)

(Oh, whilst in the area I would obviously have to go abuse Sam's boobs too).


08-02-2008, 19:43
yeah, that's cool :)

08-02-2008, 20:32
and whislt in soton, go to chicken 4 you :D
and rice and spice!
/me drools.

08-02-2008, 23:15
boobies or rice and spice???

erm... both? :o

10-02-2008, 12:09
Jasper - I'd just thought I'd let you know that Duncan's got til 12:30 today to respond to my numerous calls, emails and texts... if he doesn't he's dropped and you're on :)

I will try him again at midday... but I just called his mob and it rang and rang and rang then went to answer phone. Left it five mins, called again and it didn't ring, it just went straight to voicemail. So I'm guessing he's turned his phone off. (I called his home phone too and his parents told me he's in Bridport this weekend where his gf is so I he can't have done any of my website as all his computery gumph is at home.)

*am a little bit angry but mainly disappointed* :(

*am excited at having Jasper join the team though! :D*

Jasper - if he does answer there's still a high possibility I will just say "thank you for your help but I need someone more reliable and that responds quicker" and get rid of him (he's got a looooooot of making up to do if he wants to remain on the job)! So if you're available at somepoint this week I may ask to pop up and say boo and then show you what I had in mind (and then you can say "Doable, but stoopid" and things like that ;))

It would probably have to be after tuesday if you could do this week - but I will talk to you about that later! :D

*big thank you in advance* :)

10-02-2008, 12:19
Screw it!

Just spoken to Picky and he's said "The guys unreliable, hasn't got back to you and is being a complete dick. You've said you'd give him one last chance all week - you just need to get rid of him"

*picks up phone and gets ready to leave a "thank you but no thank you" message*

Thing is... do I pay him for what he's done already?

Might have to chuck a couple of quid his way. But doesn't seem worth it at all. What do you all think?

So jasper! Want the job!? :)

10-02-2008, 12:25
What a rude idiot Duncan was :(

10-02-2008, 13:03
I've just left him a voicemail and also sent him this email... (Jasper I'll say now if you canny do it then let me know I won't mind! I'll find someone somewhere! But I hope you can as everyone says you're awesome... plus it would mean a trip to Soton! YAY!)

Hello Duncan,

I just thought I would send you an email to confirm my voicemail.

After much consideration I have asked my friend in Southampton to take on the Website job. I've had to look at it from a business perspective and whilst I think you'd do an excellent job I need it to be up and running quicker than I think you're able to commit to due to other work commitments (which I obviously don't hold against you at all!) I also need someone who can respond quickly to me and be in constant contact, which once again I think you have struggled with as you're already in a full time position.

I have two major clients I am focusing on at the moment and their professional standards are phenomenally high. Despite one of them being very understanding with me being a new business I cannot keep putting back dates of when the website will be fully operational. Although they can see how it will look eventually... they're not bothered at that at all. They are more interested in the content and gallery, which hasn't changed for the past few weeks.

What you have done has been superb though, I am really so sad that you will not be continuing with it.

As said on the answer phone I will be traveling much of today so getting hold of me may be a struggle, however, do try and I will call you back as soon as I can.

Hoping you understand and don't take it personally. I really do like your work... just business wise I've unfortunately had to make this decision.

Thanks Duncan, Keep smiling and speak soon,


Now the question is do I pay him for what he has done up until now? I obviously won't use what he has done (tbh... I don't know how hard it is to have done what he has... but all of webby design is mine... he's just made it slide side to side, made the tabs work and put 4 pictures in the gallery... and even they don't work properly)... but do I pay him any dosh? I haven't suggested I will in the email/phone call... but am unsure whether I should. I did tell him I would pay him hourly for his work... but he hasn't told me what hours he's done nor what he's done in them (which he said he would initially but didn't)

Silly man imo and I don't really want to pay him anything. He's kind of just wasted 3months of my time.

10-02-2008, 13:29
OK - first question. Did you register the domain or did Duncan? It's in your name so he'd have a hard time saying it was his if he wanted to be awkward, but you should ensure you own and control the domain (i.e. have the username/password for the 123-reg.co.uk account).

As for the money, well that's really up to you. Has he done anything that has been of benefit to you? (whether or not you're going to keep the website itself). I'd be inclined to give something at least so I don't burn any bridges, but then I'm a bit weak in that department and it's not my business, so if you feel it's appropriate to tell him to naff off, then by all means. :)

10-02-2008, 13:52
Nope I bought it all myself :) Not that daft to let him have bought anything I need!

And no... he's not done anything to benefit me at all (other than made me realise he's a bit of a numpty and there are better people out there! He's made things worse as he's wasted my time and therefore wasted opportunities to see more companies.

10-02-2008, 13:54
Nope I bought it all myself :) Not that daft to let him have bought anything I need!First of all, good girl! :D You have your head screwed on.

And no... he's not done anything to benefit me at all (other than made me realise he's a bit of a numpty and there are better people out there! He's made things worse as he's wasted my time and therefore wasted opportunities to see more companies.I'm no expert in this but I would say seeing as you own the domain and hosting and that he's wasted your time and hasn't told you how many hours he's spent on the site (With proof!) and he's wasted your time and hasn't really done what you wanted I'd be inclined to not pay him.

10-02-2008, 14:03
I haven't read it all yet, but don't pay him for christs sake, he's done nothing but 5 mins work in flash :)

He should be paying you for wasting your time...

//Edit: Yeah after reading everything i still think you shouldn't pay :D

Get to work Jasper!

I get up late and all hells broken loose! :D

10-02-2008, 14:04
First of all, good girl! :D You have your head screwed on.

Some people might argue with that ;)

Generally... I think I have thought out and planned my business very well. I know what I want, when I want it and how I want it! Plus, I've been uber paranoid about copyright and things so everything has been properly copyrighted (including all of the cds I have given to Duncan -they've been duplicated and copyrighted) so yeh... I don't planned on getting conned or screwed over (albeit Duncan has wasted time.. which is always precious).

I'm looking forward to moving on and a new clean slate. If it means giving him £20 and saying thanks then fine. But tbh, if he doesn't contact me and ask for dosh and give me good reason to hand it over... I won't go chasing him with it :)

Other people are worthy of the money IMO! I don't like the idea of dishing it out to someone who cba! TBH people on here have been more helpful than him! They deserve it more than he does!

*hearts you guys*

Right... must sort out today and get on with it :) will bbl to see whether people think I'm a meany!

10-02-2008, 14:05
I haven't read it all yet, but don't pay him for christs sake, he's done nothing but 5 mins work in flash :)

He should be paying you for wasting your time...

I didn't think what he'd done would have taken an hour (which I said I'd pay him by). If you genuinely think it would have taken under this then no payment to him!

10-02-2008, 14:06
If he's a proper web-designer then it surely wouldn't have taken him that long to do.

10-02-2008, 15:05
I like the site - I haven't a clue what it's all about but it looks good :) The only problem was the loading time and the fact it's all flash based which will be very content heavy. It seems odd that the site would be so slow to load when your product is based around basic images (basic as in single, solid colours unlike photos).

As Jasper has already said, a content management system is the way to go IMO. I've not used Joomla my self but I've heard great things - I have some experience in a competing technology, DotNetNuke, which is very powerful and you can theme it very easily - just get your skin designer to theme the thing for you based on the images you provide and they can deliver a DNN skin which you just apply to your web site. There are providers now who host DNN-based sites and you can then of course utilise such powerful features as forum modules, shopping cart modules, etc. It's all open source and there's a huge community developing around it. There are loads of free modules as well as professionally designed ones and typically, you're looking at £50 for an off-the-peg skin and maybe a couple of hundred pounds for a skin conversion from an HTML version.

Good luck :)

10-02-2008, 15:26
I didn't think what he'd done would have taken an hour (which I said I'd pay him by). If you genuinely think it would have taken under this then no payment to him!

You could probably stretch the work he's done to an hour, but its still very basic preliminary, and i don't think it constitutes payment really. if you want to stay on good terms with him offer him bare minimum thank him, and leave him. If you don't care much for him save it.

10-02-2008, 15:33
I didn't think what he'd done would have taken an hour (which I said I'd pay him by). If you genuinely think it would have taken under this then no payment to him!
I've got a pretty basic knowledge of Flash, and if I already had the designs/work to go into the page, then I doubt it would take me any more than 2 hours to put that together, and that's as a very limited Flash designer. If he's meant to be competant at all, then it shouldn't take him long at all. All he's basically done is put some slides together in Flash with some basic scripting to tell what should happen when you press each of the buttons. Not difficult at all from what I can see. If he's had 3 months, he's wasted your time, pure and simple :)

Now get to work Jasper, I can't wait to see what you come up with :)

10-02-2008, 16:41
If he's had 3 months, he's wasted your time, pure and simple :)
Agreed :(

10-02-2008, 19:21
Whoa! sorry for the lack of response, Pheebs - have been with the olds looking at their new doggies this weekend and haven't really been near a computer.

I'd be delighted to take this on - you seem to have done all the bits I don't like doing (I hate drawing pictures, but I love taking those pictures and HTML-ing them!). I can do nights in the week so let me know when you're reading and we can get together and discuss what you want and how I see delivering it :)

10-02-2008, 19:58
Superb stuff!

YAAAAAAAY! I r excited :D

Duncan _finally_ text me and said something along the lines of "Hello Clare. I'm sorry I haven't got back to you I'm going thruogh a bad patch at the moment so you've probably made the right choice. Don't worry about paying me, hope your good. See you soon, Duncan"

So yeh... I don't feel bad or nowt but am hoping he's okie (I think he had gf problems - she wasn't at all happy about him popping over to my house ref the webby! Silly lady)

Anyway, got to disappear but will call you tomorrow day time Jasper! YAY!


10-02-2008, 20:11
Good that he was OK about it rather than be defensive. At least you can move on properly now.

10-02-2008, 21:33
That's good to hear :)

Looking forward to seeing the new and improved version (and tbh the original looked pretty funky to me :D).

11-02-2008, 10:10
Still a bit annoying that he couldn't have let you know sooner, then leaving you to wonder wth was going on... hmmm

Anyway onwards and upwards with Jasper :)

BB x

11-02-2008, 10:12
onwards and upwards with Jasper


01-03-2008, 11:43
I just wanted to announce publicly that JASPER IS THE GOD OF WEBSITES AND I ADORE HIM (and more so Goldilocks for putting up with him nerding away at the poota)!

It's not on www.akettleoffish.co.uk at the moment... but http://akof.sameagain.net/ if you want to take a peek at how it's coming!

I have to admit... I think I need to shuffle some of the drawings around in the gallery... they don't all seem to fit their categories (general, him&her and random are confusing me let alone others).

But so far so WOW! Yay! You've done so much more than Duncan did Jasper and have been so sOOO sooOO much more helpful than him - as well as understanding to my thickiness!

I will text you in a bit... few things I'm wondering whether could happen with it... but nothing major at all (well... to me ;)) I will plonk some ideas down in word and send them through later too!



Chaffing brilliant. Thank you!

Oh and I know I've sung lots of praises and things but if people could provide some constructive thoughts on it's development I would love to hear them! If there's anything you don't get at the moment or thinks needs changing please post away!

I like today. Today is good. I am declaring this day as The Happy Day of Muchos Goodness.

*tootles off to enjoy The Happy Day of Muchos Goodness*

01-03-2008, 11:51
Fab, fab, fab, and probably fab.

I think that adequately demonstrates why the old site was the evil spawn of satan. The new site currently has no flash at all (well, none that I can find) and it does all the same stuff and works much better too.

I see the transitions are done with JavaScript, which is pretty impressive. Just to make sure though, I turned off JavaScript (pats Web Developer extension) to see what would happen. Guess what - it all still works (though without the fancy transitions, obviously).

Well done Jasper. :)

01-03-2008, 13:06
Looks great :) Much improved :D

01-03-2008, 14:01
wow it looks brill pheebs :D yay its all happening now woot

01-03-2008, 14:02
Site looks el fabidoso. :D

01-03-2008, 14:26
I see the transitions are done with JavaScript, which is pretty impressive. Just to make sure though, I turned off JavaScript (pats Web Developer extension) to see what would happen. Guess what - it all still works (though without the fancy transitions, obviously).

Well done Jasper. :)

yeah, I love doing it like that because then Javascript comes along and makes it all pretty like it wasn't before :D

thank you so much for your kind words guys. It's not been fully tested in Opera, and I know of a pretty big breakage on the gallery in IE6 and 7 so don't look at it in those just yet! :D I didn't realise pheebs was going to see it and get all excited and come and show you all!!

01-03-2008, 14:28

Can't stop playing with it!



01-03-2008, 14:33
thank you so much for your kind words guys. It's not been fully tested in Opera, and I know of a pretty big breakage on the gallery in IE6 and 7 so don't look at it in those just yet! :D I didn't realise pheebs was going to see it and get all excited and come and show you all!!Only gave the site a quick test but it seemed OK for me in Opera 9.26. :D

01-03-2008, 14:40

Can't stop playing with it!




01-03-2008, 14:57
I just wanted to announce publicly that JASPER IS THE GOD OF WEBSITES AND I ADORE HIM (and more so Goldilocks for putting up with him nerding away at the poota)!

aww - he is quite good, isn't he :D
i don't know how he manages to do a whole days work and then spend another few hours in the evening pootling away at it, and again on weekends - i really don't have the patience or the inclination to give away my free time!

i know he's still got quite a bit to do on it - but he was muchos chuffed when he reached your march 1st deadline for the main bits to be functional :) (i might have to start giving him deadlines for housework and such... it seems to work! hehe!)

01-03-2008, 17:37
aww - he is quite good, isn't he :D
i don't know how he manages to do a whole days work and then spend another few hours in the evening pootling away at it, and again on weekends

Mebbe cos he's a nerd? ;)

i know he's still got quite a bit to do on it - but he was muchos chuffed when he reached your march 1st deadline for the main bits to be functional :) (i might have to start giving him deadlines for housework and such... it seems to work! hehe!)

I cannot believe how quickly he's done it all! I insinuated first week in March thinking that would be really tight but he's done it by the 1st of March!! Blimey gov!

I think perhaps giving him deadlines on washing hand-wash items might be a good idea ;)

Thank you so much for putting up with him slaving away for me! I owe you muchly! :D

01-03-2008, 19:49
Just thought I'd let everyone know quickly that the demo should now work in IE6 and 7. Mental note: header('Content-type:text/xml');


01-03-2008, 21:22

One minor thing with the gallery. The left/right scrolling of the pictures doesn't feel natural to me. Normally when scrolling if I click to the left the content scrolls right, and if I click right it scrolls left. Scrolling that way around could also be used to remove the gap between blocks of images - though I don't know if there's some implementation reason why that can't be done.

01-03-2008, 23:32
Heh same goes Mark... and then I started wondering whether I was backwards!

Just looked at it again and I'm beaming :D

02-03-2008, 01:50
I'm a little confused at what you mean - you click left, the content scrolls right and then goes back or it scrolls like it's on a conveyor belt and the new content comes from the left as well? The current way it works seems most natural to me so you'll have to explain it slowly! :D

02-03-2008, 03:07
I think what Mark means is that when you click the right arrow to scroll through the gallery, he's expecting the new images to come from the right, not the current ones scroll there and the new ones to come in from the left. Now that he's pointed it out, I see what he means as well.

My one concern is that with a large resolution (1440*900) there's an awful lot of white space around the main part. Maybe consider changing the background white to something a little softer?

02-03-2008, 06:59
Davey has it right, and fair point about the whitespace too (I use that same resolution).

Also, given the nature of the site I think it needs a more obvious copyright notice, and if Pheebs has trademark sorted then that too. :)

02-03-2008, 14:34
Yeah, the copyright is coming.

Not sure I really agree about the white space. When you consider the colour scheme for the rest of the site, I don't think a colour that isn't white would work. If pheebs has an idea for something more appropriate than white then it's easy to change, but I can't think of anything that would work in its place.

I've got strict instructions on how the gallery slider thing is going to work - not sure that's how I'd have done it as the arrows imply the direction things are going to go, but it's not my website ;):D

02-03-2008, 18:23
lol @ strict instructions! ;D *puts away whip*

That's how I thought it would be (the drawings I sent you anyhoo) but then I began to doubt myself and think I was being backwards! You'll probably change it and I will be like "huh? It worked better t'other way!" ;)

Hoping my list made sense (I didn't half garble on it!) :)

02-03-2008, 21:06
Wow! Looks great guys - well done Jasper good work! :)

BB x

02-03-2008, 21:32
That looks so much better! Well done both of you!

03-03-2008, 01:30
It looks a bizillion times better, you've done a great job Jasper. :)

03-03-2008, 07:48
Thanks guys :)

06-03-2008, 22:26
Very brief, but looky! It's on www.akettleoffish.co.uk now!

Jasper is uber leet!

I have to dash again but when you go to the gallery do the scrolly buttons work in your head for you (ie when you clicky left and right to see more piccies at the bottom)? I made Jasper change it and it works for me but the other one seems to work for me too now (cos I got used to it!)


Jasper - will try and collar you tomorrow when I can - am Ann SUmmering it the next few nights so am uber busy!

Big huggles ppl :D

06-03-2008, 22:33
Absolutely sodding wonderful Jasper :)
Loving the page transitions, bit of AJAX i guess? Really cool though :)
Not being picky just curious
How does the News page flow when content is added?
How do left and right work in the Gallery, do they change between Random/Nerd etc...? I can't work out "where" i am within the categories sometimes...

06-03-2008, 22:56
Yeah, gallery works much better in my head now. Well done all. :)

Just accidentally stumbled across a bit of an oddity though. Move the mouse into the gap between the page names and the black border. On Firefox 2 & 3 the words jump up and down like a turbocharged Ann Summers unmentionable. On IE7 the batteries are running low (only jumps when you move the mouse), and on IE6 the batteries are flat (no movement). :)

Dr. Z
06-03-2008, 23:21
Yeah, gallery works much better in my head now. Well done all. :)

Just accidentally stumbled across a bit of an oddity though. Move the mouse into the gap between the page names and the black border. On Firefox 2 & 3 the words jump up and down like a turbocharged Ann Summers unmentionable. On IE7 the batteries are running low (only jumps when you move the mouse), and on IE6 the batteries are flat (no movement). :)

Looks to be because the mouseover event (or similar) moves the image up, which means its no longer in the catchment area for the mouseover, meaning it comes back down, repeat ad infinitum. I can think of a few ways it could be fixed but dont know how that would translate to the webdev side of things.

06-03-2008, 23:24
Yeah, I thought it'd be something like that but I've spent all day coding so the last thing I needed was to look at more code. :p :)

06-03-2008, 23:25
Looks fab Clare! Well done guys!

I especially like the changes you have made to the Christmas cards - I want some now! :p

BB x

07-03-2008, 08:06
cheers everyone :)

Yeah, gallery works much better in my head now. Well done all. :)

Just accidentally stumbled across a bit of an oddity though. Move the mouse into the gap between the page names and the black border. On Firefox 2 & 3 the words jump up and down like a turbocharged Ann Summers unmentionable. On IE7 the batteries are running low (only jumps when you move the mouse), and on IE6 the batteries are flat (no movement). :)
I noticed that as well - not too sure if there's a way to stop it, as it's moving the whole image using padding, the overall size of the li should expand and not cause this problem. Tis a beard scratcher - I'll have more of a look at it later.

Absolutely sodding wonderful Jasper :)
Loving the page transitions, bit of AJAX i guess? Really cool though :)
Not being picky just curious
How does the News page flow when content is added?
How do left and right work in the Gallery, do they change between Random/Nerd etc...? I can't work out "where" i am within the categories sometimes...

cheers dude. All the new page content is loaded with ajax, yeah. Using jquery because it's the best :D

At the moment, it's not possible to add news, you can only change the current story and pictures. It's going to be subject to a lot of testing as there's only a very small amount of space to work in! We're also looking at a way to make it more obvious what category you're in - was thinking of changing the title of the page and getting pheebs to do me another copy of all the words for the categories but they're underlined or something equally akof-y ;)

07-03-2008, 08:57
Hello hello!

Yeh the categories bit, whichever one you're on we're gonna make it more obvious! But for the time being it's just as it stands until we can get other stuff done (the request page at some point but there's niggly bits still being updated!) (me being fussy basically ;))

What might have to happen with NEws is to make the writing box larger and then turn it into a scrolly job (so current news up top, other news stories below but as a linky so when you click on them the full story opens up)

Am so god damn chuffed though! Really am! :D

08-03-2008, 02:22
Good for you pheebs, nice to see you all pleased :) And no reason not to be at an excellent job like that! All sounds excellent Jasper, obviously in good hands anyways :p Keep us up to date as the site progress' :)

01-04-2008, 17:06
Okie pokie!

We're nearly there people!

Jasper has worked his ARSE off for me - he is the website God with no butt cheeks now.

He's just finalising a few bits this week and poss next week (though I know it's getting on his tats now so he wants to finish it asap) but then it will be done!

He's done this AWESOME control panelly type thing for me to use (it's AYMAYZING) so I will be able to update pictures and texts pipsqueekly and actually understand what I am doing without wanting to cry! HURRAH!

He's also just finishing the requests page bit.

However. There's been a hiccup. Which I didn't forsee but stupidly should have asked around more prior to sending him the final mock up.

Basically, I showed a few people before Jasper did it and they were like "yeh it's great"... so I asked no questions and let him spend HOURS on it this weekend (like a millennium on it). When I saw the mock up I thought "WOOOOOOOOW it RULLLLLLES" but upon showing it to other people I was told there were problems :(

You can go looky at the mock up here (http://akof.sameagain.net/) but below there should be a screen saver of it.


People liked it but pointed out the that with a growing database, there will be no easy way to get to the last pages of drawings as you have to scroll through each 15 lines at a time. This means people wont be bothered to scroll through them and look at all the pictures.

This kinda made me go Noooooooooooo and Ragh and upon telling Jasper.. well I'm expecting a little red dot to appear on my forehead in a minute and hear a kablam.

Listening to people I realised that I had made a fundamental error (one which I should have figured out before) and quickly have mocked up the following idea.


Just curious to know what people think of that?

It's more than annoying for Jasper as he spent a lot of time doing the one prior so I really want to make sure that what we eventually change it to be will be absolutely spot on - thus less trouble for Jasper.

As said to Jasper over tinterweb, I am massively sorry I didn't see this coming and am gutted and feel awful :( We'll figure something out in the future but as long as you know I'm not titting around with this on purpose - I've just been severely dumb and wasn't up to scratch with market research.

I wub woo lots Jasper. And Charlotte - great choice in colour for the bars ;)

01-04-2008, 18:35
Firstly, Jasper has done a fab job for you and anyone who has been in the industry will know problems like this happen. I've been in situations where entire projects that have taken several people three or more years work ended up getting scrapped completely due to an unexpected change of plans. Trust me, frustrations like this turn into a needle in a haystack when that happens. :(

OK - just a few more tweaks I hadn't thought of when pondering this over MSN.

In the new date panel you've highlighted the month and year, so could you think of any way to shorten the dates to give more room for the requests themselves in the requests panel (it's essentially repeating information). In fact, how much do the dates really matter?

Once I realised what the scrolly thing was down the side and how to use it (I tried dragging on the star first) I quite liked the effect as it lets you know how far through you are, but the redesigned one is more in keeping with what the gallery does and doesn't have the problem with the non-draggable star, so dunno there. :huh:

Otherwise, even though I admit I didn't spot the problem until you told me, I agree with the general idea behind the changes. If the requests section does end up getting big then adding a search facility there in future might help (same goes for the gallery).

Looking forward to trying it all out for real. :)

01-04-2008, 18:56
I'm going to do some drawings tonight of ideas to maximise the space. The problem I can see is that there's a lot of space being taken up by the request box. The way I see it is the focus will be taken off that, with a link to make it pop up (like the request items do now) so that more space can be spent on the fulfilled requests.

I've spoken to Pheebs and I think we've agreed that this will be for a near future version of the site, so things are going to stay the same for the short term.

01-04-2008, 19:38
I've spoken to Pheebs and I think we've agreed that this will be for a near future version of the site, so things are going to stay the same for the short term.Makes sense. Get it up and running now and then make improvements over time. :D

01-04-2008, 19:42

01-04-2008, 20:55
Makes sense on both counts.

Taking the focus away from the request box may well be a good thing in general actually as one would hope it might encourage visitors to look at existing requests first (which I'd argue is what they should be doing).

01-04-2008, 22:57
There will be a bum cheeks inspired card, won't there?

I really hope so :D

01-04-2008, 23:16
Goatse? :shocked: :shocked: ;D

02-04-2008, 06:37
Makes sense on both counts.

Taking the focus away from the request box may well be a good thing in general actually as one would hope it might encourage visitors to look at existing requests first (which I'd argue is what they should be doing).

I think it's what they'll be doing for the most part. Chances are, once you've made your request, you won't want to do it again for a while and, therefore, the request box is a little redundant. The little bit of website Feng Shui that I was going to do last night and didn't get round to it should be very beneficial.

That having been said, I really like it the way it is now. It's always struck me as an archive that you browse rather than an organised directory. And I love that little star - really fun bit of code, and took me ages to get my head around the logic!

02-04-2008, 10:24
I'll bet - it looks great and it's fairly unique (certainly amongst sites I've seen).

02-04-2008, 13:35
Jasper teh genius is... well a genius ;) Sooooo happy with the webby! Only thing I hate is the home page (which is my fault for doing such a stoopid and boring design)! When that is changed everything is gonna rooooooooooock :D