View Full Version : Need some art?

26-01-2008, 20:50
H and I have bought quite a few bits from these guys and their studio is just down the road from us. As they just knocked 60 off a couple of pieces we bought I thought I would give them a mention.

Jason's stuff is really cool and we have a couple of his pieces, he does the textured stuff in the first 3 sections of the pull down menu :)

They also do photos on to perspex, one of the pieces we just go is a black and white horizon shot on perspex it reminds me very much of some of Pete's work, I'll take some photos when we put it up :)



26-01-2008, 21:11
Oooh, some of those look lovely !!

/hides CC ! :o

26-01-2008, 21:36
Damn there is some good work on there. My house is rather barren at the moment and I have been thinking about getting some work to put up. Actually the tryptichs on there would look good in the living room. Have you had a wander around the studio?

I do want to go back to the little studio/shop in Boulogne as that had some cracking art in there.

26-01-2008, 21:40
Loving the city life section.

26-01-2008, 23:55
I really like some of the Jason Howard tryptichs - I might well be tempted at some point.

Some of the textured stuff in the textured paintings 1, 2 & 3 look very familiar. They look like prints that I saw on the Northlink Ferries that travel between Aberdeen and Shetland.

27-01-2008, 00:54
I love some of the textured originals, if I had the money I'd buy some.

I saw some awesome awtwork at ILVA in lakeside today, for some reason a couple of the original pieces there just jumped out at me.

27-01-2008, 10:19
i like the 'banksy style' pieces - and i love having original art on the walls
we have:
and as soon as i have the money, i'll be investing in more :)

27-01-2008, 21:50
Heres some of the stuff we have already

This is a fabric piece which is in the living room, I really need to get it put on the wall properly!



This piece is above our bed, the flash really doesn't show it off well


This is the new piece on the bed. Its going to be put up on the wall opposite the bed so its almost like a long window. Heather isn't sure about having two pieces opposite each other, but I think in a bedroom when your only really going to be able to look at one piece or the other it should work OK. We fell in love with this, its a photo which has been transfered on to a piece of acrylic so it has a depth to it and is glass like on the front. When we saw it we just had to have it!



27-01-2008, 21:55
I think the fabric pieces look very artistic on the shelf ;)

28-01-2008, 00:25
Their sale looks really good. The paintings are very cheap. Think i may get some

Prices page (http://www.fourblankwalls.co.uk/prices/index.html)

28-01-2008, 00:27
Seen these ones in London for over a grand. Show how much the galleries add on. They are only charging £275.00.
Perspex art looks really cool

28-01-2008, 00:28
Their sale looks really good. The paintings are very cheap. Think i may get some

Prices page (http://www.fourblankwalls.co.uk/prices/index.html)

Hello Jason ;)

I suspect that Jason has been monitoring his webtraffic ;D

Don't worry mate you can tell them about your stuff, we're a pretty closed community here and we encourage blatant self promotion ;)


28-01-2008, 00:36
Seen these ones in London for over a grand. Show how much the galleries add on. They are only charging £275.00.
Perspex art looks really cool
That does look very cool.
Maybe you should tell us about yourself before pimping your work ;)

28-01-2008, 00:37
Oh the subject of blatant self promotion my Thai Spiced Meatballs rock



28-01-2008, 00:37

28-01-2008, 00:40
No really pimping as self promotion doesn't really work.

I use a lot of chat rooms when i am bored and this one looked good. It is all about the backlinks and google picking up the web address.

Saves me paying hundreds per day on google adwords.

That is me on the perspex there.

do i look nice?

28-01-2008, 00:42
You look lovely dear but could do with a haircut.

(We haz thread for noobs to say hi and allow every one to poke them for fun http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5614 )

28-01-2008, 00:46
Some of Pete's work would look amazing on perspex don't you think?


28-01-2008, 00:49
Some of Pete's work would look amazing on perspex don't you think?

I was literally JUST thinking this looking through the cityscapes on the site :)

28-01-2008, 00:51
This stuff!



28-01-2008, 00:54
Yeh, that is great stuff.

The colours are just right for perspex. I don't know pete but we would sell it for him.

Canvas would be ok but you would lose a lot of the gloss. Perspex would allow him to show the colours as with his prints.

He should post them on the fans websites.

28-01-2008, 00:57
http://www.vanilladays.com/gallery/2007/03/another_place_-_gormley_statues/ (and other ones of the gormley statues)
Other examples ;)

28-01-2008, 00:58
I love that HDR stuff, the cathedral pic is literally breath taking.


28-01-2008, 00:59
Very good! Stunning colours.

28-01-2008, 01:00
Some of Pete's work would look amazing on perspex don't you think?


Yeah if I had the cash I'd so go for some over the normal 30x20'' prints I do. I had some metre wide canvas prints done the other month. Just so damn nice looking. But £180 to print.

Yeh, that is great stuff.

The colours are just right for perspex. I don't know pete but we would sell it for him.

Canvas would be ok but you would lose a lot of the gloss. Perspex would allow him to show the colours as with his prints.

He should post them on the fans websites.

:shocked: Hello there. Glad you like my photos. :)

28-01-2008, 01:00
Does no one have to work tomorrow?

28-01-2008, 01:02
That is really expensive. There are plenty of trade art suppliers like our company that do them cheaper. You should be able to get them for about £50.00

28-01-2008, 01:02
Yes...well no not really i have a 9am lecture, but can't sleep due to being very sore.
Plus i'm looking at Pete's photos now, i always get distracted.

28-01-2008, 01:02
Does no one have to work tomorrow?

Unfortunately yes :(

I've got 6 careers interventions to do in the morning and Aitch hasn't gone to bed yet and she'll be up at 6.30 for the commute :(

I'm off for the night :wave:


28-01-2008, 01:03
Do you sell your stuff on Istockphoto or anywhere like that Pete?

28-01-2008, 01:05
Does no one have to work tomorrow?

Freelance photographer :D So, no jobs tomorrow. Just people to call about exhibition and a meeting at 3pm.

That is really expensive. There are plenty of trade art suppliers like our company that do them cheaper. You should be able to get them for about £50.00

Really? It was with a company called www.photo-canvas.com. 1m wide, 4cm deep and delivered in 2 days. I didn't mind so much as I was selling them at £450 :)

28-01-2008, 01:05
I have about 20 perspex pieces to pack. We sell to photographers who resell in studios like "venture" and alike. They don't like it if they are late in the post.

Me off too. Nice to meet you all. Nice to see a thread where people actuall talk and reply to posts.

28-01-2008, 01:07
Ooooo pre bedtime thought, you should have a nose at Pheeb's cards too Jason they might work in your store


I really must go to bed :D


28-01-2008, 01:09
Pete, email me at info@fourblankwalls.co.uk when you get a chance and i will send you the trade price list.

Canvas prints are quite cheap to print nowadays and they should have given you a trade discount I would expect the price to be about less but it all depends on quality. They are part of a chain a bit like snappy snaps, so would be expensive. They print on Dye sub which is the same as ours but that is a bit steep.

Invest in your own printer for 1.5 - 2k and you can print them and frame them for about £15.00

All the best.


28-01-2008, 01:13
Do you sell your stuff on Istockphoto or anywhere like that Pete?

Oh god no. They're really really far too cheap. 50p a use is terrible. I've sold photos to clients for £500. I think Istock is great from a clients perspective but photographers make so little money.

I have about 20 perspex pieces to pack. We sell to photographers who resell in studios like "venture" and alike. They don't like it if they are late in the post.

Me off too. Nice to meet you all. Nice to see a thread where people actuall talk and reply to posts.

Cool, nice to meet you too. Hopefully chat soon about things.

28-01-2008, 01:14
Try fotolia.co.uk

I have friends on there that photograph like factories and earn **** loads. One gal earns about £5k per month but she does do 3d stuff as well.

28-01-2008, 01:16
ooh sorry about the stars...forgot.


28-01-2008, 01:53
Try fotolia.co.uk

I have friends on there that photograph like factories and earn **** loads. One gal earns about £5k per month but she does do 3d stuff as well.

£5k would certainly be nice, but I do feel that my photography is worth more than your average meal at McDonalds :) No offense to her as I could so do with £5k a month.