View Full Version : Chilli \o/

27-01-2008, 18:28
This evening the occupants of Chateau Dimtree are being treated to a yummy Chilli :)

I've not cooked chilli before but I was supplied a nice recipe to have a play with.

I started off by chopping up a red onion, 3 cloves of garlic, a red pepper and a yellow pepper.


These went in a pan prepared with some basil, chilli powder and chilli pepper infused olive oil.


Fried them off for a bit and then added the mince.


Subjected some mushrooms to the chopping process and added them in.


Once everything was fried off nicely I added a can of kidney beans, a can of chopped tomatoes and half a can of water.


It's now simmering away nicely which it's going to do for a few hours before I serve it up with rice.

Got to play with the Antipodean Midget's christmas present.... This thing is soooooo cool :D (http://s121.photobucket.com/albums/o237/dymetrie/Chilli/?action=view&current=Onetouch.flv)

27-01-2008, 18:32
Got to play with the Antipodean Midget's christmas present.... This thing is soooooo cool :D (http://s121.photobucket.com/albums/o237/dymetrie/Chilli/?action=view&current=Onetouch.flv)

I wondered what the hell the sound was :D

27-01-2008, 19:08
Add some hot chocolate powder - about 2 teaspoons going by the amount you have in the pan.

27-01-2008, 19:09
Add some hot chocolate powder - about 2 teaspoons going by the amount you have in the pan.

I saw a few recipes which said about adding chocolate...

Alas I have none to hand :(

27-01-2008, 19:12
Boooo :/

Try it next time, it really makes the chilli lovely and rich ;)

I also normally add some oxo cubes ( 1x veg and 2x beef )

27-01-2008, 19:13
God. I'm far too impatient for one of those things!! I would have had two tins open in the time that had done one :/

BB x

27-01-2008, 19:14
RDi ( last company ) very nearly got sued for breach of patent on that one touch.

Had to dump a 20' container full of stock ! ;D

27-01-2008, 19:16
Definitely needs some beef oxo and a couple of table spoons of tomato puree.

Yep, I normally put tom puree in too :)

Here's my recipie :

Minced beef
Mixed herbs
chopped toms
tom puree
beef oxo
veg oxo
hot chocolate powder
chilli powder
kidney beans
salt & pepper

Don't ask me the quantities though ;D

27-01-2008, 19:21
I definately need to start making it from scratch, I use jars at the moment which I know is baaaad!!!

Kate made us a lovely one last year, so much nicer than jars :)

27-01-2008, 19:27
I don't use tinned tomatoes (as I don't like them) so use maybe half a tube of concentrated tomato purée instead. I also use some garlic purée.

Have never put chocolate powder - just doesn't sound right in my head.

I generally add some gravy granules or an oxo cube to help thicken it up depending on how liquidy it is. Sometimes I'll add a veg oxo cube to the veggies while frying them off too. If that were mine I would also look at adding some more chilli powder, paprika or something like this (http://shop.englishprovender.com/product_info.php?product_id=481&rangeid=21&categoryid=&page=1) during the simmering stage.

This is why I'd never write my chilli recipe down - it changes and varies every time I make one ;D :o ;D

27-01-2008, 19:29
Oh and that can opener looks fun but so slow and loud ;D :p

27-01-2008, 19:30
An hour into cooking and it's looking good :)


It's thickened up nicely (now have it covered so I don't lose too much more moisture) and smells pretty damn good.

Added in some black pepper and extra chilli powder when I started simmering it...

27-01-2008, 19:49
only an hour????
now turn it off the heat, put a lid on it, and leave it until tomorrow :D

Chocolate is a must in Chilli.

27-01-2008, 20:49
I always put hot choc powder in mine too. Works :) Looks lovely, Dym

27-01-2008, 21:57
The finished article :D


Plenty left for me and jarp to have it with jacket spuds and topped with cheese tomorrow night :)

27-01-2008, 22:37
What fat bastard had the portion on the left? ;D

27-01-2008, 22:38
Me of course :D

And I finished my dinner first :p

Kate only had a small portion (the one on the right) as she's not feeling well :(

27-01-2008, 22:40
Dym, of course. Mine was the one at the back and Kates the one on the right.

27-01-2008, 22:49
Looks great (better than mine in fact) :)

28-01-2008, 09:12
Hmm, I fancy Chilli for my tea tonight. I think I'll go to Leytonstone (with a Lightsaber) after work ;)

28-01-2008, 12:08
What fat bastard had the portion on the left? ;D

That's just a starter isn't it?! :/ ;) (though I'm eating so much at the moment :o )

I use cocoa powder too (not the sweetened stuff) it really does add to it. Another tomato puree user here.

28-01-2008, 15:53
There appears to be some odd vegetation added to your chilli :huh:

Make sure it doesn't accidently find its way in next time :)

You don't chuck a bottle of beer in yours?

28-01-2008, 22:01
And finished it off this evening on baked tatties topped with cheese :D

Shame we'd run out of tobasco, was gonna sprinkle some on top :(


And for Jamie, mine's on the right this time :p

29-01-2008, 10:06
Soooo wrong to have fag butts and food in the same picture :(

BB x

29-01-2008, 10:11
Looks yum Dym :) good job there was no tobasco though - that would have ruined it :p

30-01-2008, 14:56
Urgh, fag butt smell mixed with chilli and spud :(

Ok I'll stop trolling this thread now...

30-01-2008, 15:01
There appears to be some odd vegetation added to your chilli :huh:

What got added that you thought was odd? :huh:

Joe 90
30-01-2008, 17:23
gonna give this ago tonight i think :)

just putting my shopping list together on 'mysupermarket' atm :)

Joe 90
30-01-2008, 20:29
i've done it!!!
