31-01-2008, 10:21
Probably doesn't deserve a thread of it's own but I thought it was hilarious:
Yesterday I galloped into the Post Office at 12:45 thinking *Poo poo poo poo poopy doo poo I've missed the chance for guaranteed next day delivery I know it Poo poo poo poopy doo*
So I patiently stand in the queue for 10mins and fiiiiiinally reach the lady serving who says "Yes, you can still send it next day delivery"! YAAAAAAAAAY! I was beaming soo soo much! So I filled out my slip and things and happily chatted to the lady.
Lady: "Would you mind putting your box on the weighing machine"
Me: *stifles giggle - feels slightly immature - decides to try and cover laugh as a laugh of relief* "Oh I am so happy. I didn't think I would make it! Thank you so much" *puts "box" on machine and giggles more*
Lady: "That will be £7.50 then, is that ok?"
Me: "Yup yup yupparoo! It could be £50 at the moment! I wouldn't mind! As long as it's there tomorrow!"
Lady: "Excellent!"
Me: *passes dosh*
Lady: "Thank you. Now, would you like to give it to me through the back hatch now?"
Me: *involuntary "PBBbBbT HAHAha" laugh, followed by shaking of shoulders and frequent "PpbbT giggle" laughing!
It was hilarious! I couldn't control myself laughing! I was just stood there shaking uncontrollably! The man behind must have been mid 30s and started laughing too (I don't know whether he was laughing at what she said or just laughing at me in tears trying to ever-so-politely-continue my transaction!)
Awww. Hehehe. I was so happy after giving it to her through the back hatch. She made my day! ;D
Yesterday I galloped into the Post Office at 12:45 thinking *Poo poo poo poo poopy doo poo I've missed the chance for guaranteed next day delivery I know it Poo poo poo poopy doo*
So I patiently stand in the queue for 10mins and fiiiiiinally reach the lady serving who says "Yes, you can still send it next day delivery"! YAAAAAAAAAY! I was beaming soo soo much! So I filled out my slip and things and happily chatted to the lady.
Lady: "Would you mind putting your box on the weighing machine"
Me: *stifles giggle - feels slightly immature - decides to try and cover laugh as a laugh of relief* "Oh I am so happy. I didn't think I would make it! Thank you so much" *puts "box" on machine and giggles more*
Lady: "That will be £7.50 then, is that ok?"
Me: "Yup yup yupparoo! It could be £50 at the moment! I wouldn't mind! As long as it's there tomorrow!"
Lady: "Excellent!"
Me: *passes dosh*
Lady: "Thank you. Now, would you like to give it to me through the back hatch now?"
Me: *involuntary "PBBbBbT HAHAha" laugh, followed by shaking of shoulders and frequent "PpbbT giggle" laughing!
It was hilarious! I couldn't control myself laughing! I was just stood there shaking uncontrollably! The man behind must have been mid 30s and started laughing too (I don't know whether he was laughing at what she said or just laughing at me in tears trying to ever-so-politely-continue my transaction!)
Awww. Hehehe. I was so happy after giving it to her through the back hatch. She made my day! ;D