View Full Version : NTL related question

10-08-2006, 22:11
Not sure if anyone will know but worth a try.
Just looking on the NTL site, using the 'is ntl available in my area?' postcode search thingy. When I type in my soon to be Stafford postcode ST16 3RB it shows the house numbers etc, mine comes up as 3 Account Tedder Road.
Now I wondered if that meant there's already an account there (which I'm guessing will make making it go live again simpler), but when I checked my home postcode SA4 6RF it comes up a bit odd as 71 58 Belgrave Road (I have no idea wtf the 58 is there for) which throws my theory out a tad.

Anyone got a clue? :D

PS no one turn up on either doorstep without letting me know please :D:p

Dr. Z
10-08-2006, 22:14
Does it just mean there is a cable on that road? Is there one on your road?

/me turns up unannounced

10-08-2006, 22:16
Nah, if NTL isn't available in that area. It just says that via the postcode and recommends virgin net instead.
So it is definitely available, just not sure if the 'account' bit means anything.
I'm on NTL at home/Swansea btw :) Forgot to say that :embarassed:

I know if I phoned up I'd probably be able to find out but I can't move in till mid September so won't be able to get it installed till then. Just wondering if it'll be a quick reactivation or wait for a cable engineer to sort it......which will affect how long I'll be offline for.

10-08-2006, 22:17
Looking at the page, it wouldn't make sense to exclude addresses that aren't connected. I mean, if its not on the list, you enter it manually anyway and get told then.

There's no logic to support it anyway.

Dr. Z
10-08-2006, 22:24
The road isnt called "Account Tedder Road" is it? :p

10-08-2006, 22:25
No :p
It definitely says Tedder Road :p They're named after RAF Colonels or something like that according to my Dad.

Guess I'll find out nearer the time, have to figure out a good time to call NTL regarding installation.
It'll be a lovely new fresh start, but I don't want to be netless for too long :embarassed:

10-08-2006, 22:27
Cant you rob some 3G from work for a few weeks? :p

10-08-2006, 22:29
Cant you rob some 3G from work for a few weeks? :p
My phone's not 3g :( ......yes I know that's a bit rubbish for someone that works with them :p
I can use wap, suppose I could use it as a dial up modem :eek:

I'll figure something out, hopefully it's already got an NTL line in there and then I think it's a very quick installation.

10-08-2006, 23:15
wap wap wap wap wap

sounds like

fap fap fap fap fap fap

which can be interpreted many ways.

I'll leave now.

10-08-2006, 23:19
You been on the real ales my dear Feek? :p
Even my mind's not quite that filthy.....at least tonight it's not ;)

10-08-2006, 23:40
I may have partaken in a few bottles this eventag :D

11-08-2006, 09:46

11-08-2006, 19:38
Having experienced NTL @ several people houses that I've helped out...

I wouldn't touch them for broadband or tv.
Given Sky's boardband offer I'd probably go with that.

NTL didn't even know if our flats were wired for NTL. Found out a couple of weeks ago that they are. There's bloody great big NTL box in the corner of one of the storage cupboards.


11-08-2006, 19:42
I'm already on NTL and I'm very happy with them :)
So I'd rather stick with what I know. I don't want a tv package so got no interest in Sky.