View Full Version : Von'll agree, but I doubt the government will listen though.

05-02-2008, 20:15

The time and money wasted on police red tape could put 3,000 more officers on the streets, according to a police reform report due out this week.

05-02-2008, 20:28
No, I'm afraid you're wrong there. The Government will go on a drive to reduce red tape. This drive will involve removing one piece of paperwork and replacing it with three.

At least I believe that's how these things have worked in the past.

Von Smallhausen
07-02-2008, 20:06
Good idea in principle but Labour are so hell bent on control and targets that it is simply unworkable without, I believe, a change of regime.

Examples I give.

I attend a domestic. I have to fill in a domestic violence form that requires a 6 page form for the Domestic Violence Unit. Why is that neccessary when a good log entry will do ?

I attend a crime and stop a member of the public to ask them if they saw anything. I have to fill in a stop form. Why ?

Ethical recording of crime states that all crime must be recorded, ie I attend a pub where someone has reportedly been in a fight but will not say who, what, why, when or where. The government wish that to be recorded as a crime even if it is not verified by co-operation via a statement and willingness to press charges. Why ? No complaint should mean no crime.

There is one huge reason why police are mired down and morale is so low. Labour.

07-02-2008, 20:19
Government in removal of red tape shocker :shocked: :shocked:


If it's true, of course. I don't claim to understand the intricacies of these forms.

07-02-2008, 20:58
I got stopped and searched just before christmas.. the form was incredible. Stop and search, 2 minutes. Form filling, probably 5.