View Full Version : Wii Games

09-02-2008, 16:15
As I can't search for "wii" as it isn't a long enough search query I thought I'd just ask - other that Wii Sports, what good games are about atm.

I don't have a huge amount of spare money so I'll probably be hunting about on ebay or other second hand shops.

I'm sure the sports will keep me amused for a time being but it would be good to know what is available :)

09-02-2008, 19:01
Twilight Princess kept me entertained for hours and hours :) Links Crossbow Training is also awesome :D

(notice they are both Zelda games :o)

09-02-2008, 20:49
Sam, don't forget that you cna also play Gamecube games on it as well so there's plenty of them kicking around cheap :)

09-02-2008, 20:51
Ooo didn't realise that

09-02-2008, 22:03
I'll second the vote for Rayman's Raving Rabbids, if you can handlie the disco games (silly things). :)

Not sure what the new version is like though.

10-02-2008, 11:46
Still waiting for deliver atm - fingers crossed it should be next week some time, then I just have to wait for Mic to set it up for me :o

10-02-2008, 11:49
oh and as a side rant - the less than 4 letter search query thingy really peeves me off too
I'll get it changed to 3 :)

It'll put extra load on the server but nothing much.

10-02-2008, 14:49
I'll get it changed to 3 :)

It'll put extra load on the server but nothing much.

Can't you just add certain words that are allowed? Or does that not affect server load?

10-02-2008, 15:20
well that doesn't help if you're looking for something that Desmo's not thought of yet does it? :p

No but in time the word list would grow, but it would keep the list shorter and i think load lower. We don't *need* many 3 letter words anyway you can usually substitue for other words that would occur in the same thread. Wii is one of those annoying ones you can't do that with!