View Full Version : Sony Ericsson Users

14-02-2008, 17:56
So this morning I decided to plug my phone in and finally get round to adding Serj Tankien's album to my walkman..

And then I had fun!

Sony has updated all the phone mgmt and media mgmt software and by jove it is soooooooo much better :D

PC Suite is now version 3.108 and the old disc2phone stuff has been replaced by a program called Media Manager.

It's much, much, much, much nicerer and works a lot better :D

So I suppose this is just a heads-up thread to all my compadres who have SE phones so that they can get the new software and enjoy the updates :)

Links are (bearing in mind I have a W880i, but most of the software is the same):

SE PC Suite 3.108 (http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/support/products/software/w880i/sonyericssonpcsuite310800en?cc=gb&lc=en)

Media Manager 1.1 (http://www.sonyericsson.com/cws/support/products/software/w880i/sonyericssonmediamanager11english?cc=gb&lc=en)

Have fun :D