View Full Version : Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

15-02-2008, 17:21
Wooo-hooo! There's a glorious hi-def trailer (http://get-trailers.com/trailers/35-indiana-jones-and-the-kingdom-of-the.html) and it's looking good :D Much more than the brief teaser I was expecting - But he's definitely looking a lot older now.

Time to dust my hat off again...

15-02-2008, 17:23
I saw a small crappy trailer this morning but will get the full HD version and watch it on the big telly.

15-02-2008, 17:25
It's a great trailer. Left me covered with the grin of an 8 year old :D

15-02-2008, 17:31
I've just been rewatching it all day. "Damn I thought that was closer..." *BOSH!* :D

Really excited about it.

15-02-2008, 17:37

15-02-2008, 18:01
"Damn I thought that was closer..." *BOSH!* :D


15-02-2008, 19:13
We're doing an arch soc trip to see this, i think we might all get our fancy hats on (rude not too) :D

15-02-2008, 20:01
Can't wait for it to be released!

16-02-2008, 01:45
Saw the trailer at the cinema last night. Went to see Jumper *which is pretty good tbh... but it's a bit predictable* and saw the Indy and Dark Knight trailers as well.

Love it. :D

16-02-2008, 05:37
Left me covered with the grin of an 8 year old :D


17-02-2008, 00:38
It's a great trailer. Left me covered with the grin of an 8 year old :DSame. Some great films the Indiana Jones series and can't wait for this. :D

17-02-2008, 10:53
Woah ... COOL !! :D

17-02-2008, 12:00
Kewl :D

22-05-2008, 17:08
Just came back from seeing this.
Really good film :) I haven't seen the others in a while so little tricky to compare, but I really enjoyed it and it felt like it kept the magic.
Bit sad to see Indy looking a bit old now though but he still managed to hold his own :D

Kept my attention which was just what I needed today :)

22-05-2008, 17:16
Off to see it in about 40mins.

Have choccies on standby. :D

22-05-2008, 18:46
I've been told it's utter gash (worse than AvP2) so I don't think i'm going to bother :/

22-05-2008, 18:59
Going to see this in about an hour with the archaeology society *is excited* :D

22-05-2008, 19:01
Ignore the above. what she actually means to say is:

Am I write Missy? ;D

Well........I wouldn't say no :D ;D
*sticks with the understated :cool:*

23-05-2008, 00:16
Well that was...random. Very funny and very good though.

23-05-2008, 00:22
It rocked!!! :cool: the film that is though Kitten's post was very funny ;D

23-05-2008, 01:07
Absolute tosh :/

Remember how disappointing and rubbish Star Wars Ep1 was?

It's like that. There's even the Greaser who is up their with JarJar Binks for annoyingness.

Gash I'm afraid. :p

23-05-2008, 01:21
There is the what???

23-05-2008, 01:24


23-05-2008, 01:27
Sorry but comparing Shia LaBeouf to Jar Jar is complete and utter tosh. I just don't understand what isn't to like about the film. I thought Shia played a good character and thank goodness for once Ray decided to keep his natural accent and not go bastardising some other one when he keeps slipping into cockney all the time.

23-05-2008, 01:30
Are their spoiler tags on this forum? I'd happily go into it in a lot more detail, but I wouldn't want to give away part of the plot!

23-05-2008, 01:31
Yes there are spoiler tags on here surprised you've not seen them. Feel free to go into detail.

23-05-2008, 02:27
To be honest there are always going to be people that don't like it, i sat there at the grand finale thinking this is a bit stupid but i really enjoyed everything else which meant for me it was a great film. I laughed, jumped and discussed continuity errors with the people i was with. May i just add that his lessons are the most bizarre even by archaeology lecturer standards, Skara Brae then throws in something COMPLETELY unrelated. Although if my lecturer did that through the library to help students i'd definitely spend more time there ;)

23-05-2008, 10:51
Well first of all, I'll say that I'm an absolutely huge Indiana Jones fan. My favourites are ROTLA and TLC but I do like TOD as well.

Good Bits.

Regardless of Harisson Ford being old, I thought he was still really good. He plays the character the same way as the previous films and the fact he was older didn't really make a difference.

The bit where they get blown up in the H bomb test is awesome

Bad Bits

The Greaser kid is rubbish. More annoying that the Chinese kid in TOD

The GCI is really over the top

No Nazis. The commies just aren't the same!

The whole love story thing culminating in the shockingly cringeworthy ending and relationship between the 3 main characters. What made the previous films was the humour between IJ and the girl in it. The affection just doesn't work.

There is so much explanation of the plot going on it gets boring. The plot itself isn't up to much either. I'm normally quite into over the top storylines, but it just doesn't work for me in this instance.

The most important thing of all though is it just isn't funny. Don't think it made me laugh once. There are some brilliant scences in the previous ones. Where he is faced with the guy with the big sword and shoots him, the "No Ticket" line in the Zeppaline, when the girl hides in the wicker basket in the market full of them. There's none of that at all in this one

23-05-2008, 16:31
Saw it today, really liked it. It's not going to appeal to everyone I guess, I think some people had quite a lot of pre-conceptions about it anyway. It appealed my my sense of humour, I found it funny and yes it was over the top, but I was expecting it to be. It's Indiana Jones not the Discovery Channel :)

23-05-2008, 16:37
We're going on Sunday morning, yay!

23-05-2008, 17:33
I think some people had quite a lot of pre-conceptions about it anyway.

Yeah, I expected it to be good :p :D :(

23-05-2008, 19:42
My mates have just went to see this, it really isn't my type of film at all and i know i wont like it :)

I'm putting it on par with SATC its going to make money either way and have lovers and haters, this is aimed squarely at a male audience, SATC at the femail audience.

I'm not really a fan of the big just for entertainment films really :(

23-05-2008, 22:37
At least it's acceptable for girls to go watch IJ, if a guy wants to see SATC he better hope he has a GF he can use as an excuse, cos 'I fancy Charlotte' ain't gonna wash and everyone will just assume 'gay' :p

23-05-2008, 23:40
TBH Rambo was actually more my argument when i first used it, but i still think its similar with this film, yes they'd tried to broaden horizons with Ford, but its still a "guy" film through and through, and its still s*** :)

25-05-2008, 18:27
Going to see this tomorrow \o/

25-05-2008, 19:05
I took the family to see this today, we got up nice and early and had a trip up to the UGC in Ipswich.

I enjoyed it - It didn't keep looking at my watch so it was the right length and although the plot was explained as it went along I didn't find it as irritating as I have in other films that have to explain what's happening. Reading some reviews, one would think this is the worst film ever!

I just sat and watched a film telling a story. I didn't think too much about the history of Indiana Jones or compare it to the previous films in the franchise and I didn't think about how much CGI there was. I just watched a film to be entertained and I was entertained. So therefore it was good.

26-05-2008, 15:09
Just saw it. Will probably go and see it again.

I'll get the bad out the way first:

- Although only approximately 30% of the stuntwork was CGI, it was too noticeable. No need for the marmots at all.

- The chase scene in the jungle was about twice as long as it needed to be, and felt too planned because of it with the set pieces.

- We learned too much at the end. The previous films based on the supernatural (Ark, Crusade) left the actual hocus pocus right up until the end, then snatched it away as we got a glimpse of it. With this one we got right into the belly of the beast and the characters all leave knowing exactly what was going on. I think it could have been done more subtly.

- No secondary baddie. It never really felt like the enemy was breathing down their necks enough because it was only ever one person after them with goons. And the 'leave Indy to solve it then follow him in with guns' bit has been done too much.

- Monkeys. **** off.

- JANITOR!... and Alan Dale? What the hell?

- Drink every time Ray Winstone yells 'Jonesey!'.

But the good:

- Although protracted at times, the dialogue stayed familiar to the originals, although the two-ways between Marion and Indy made me long for more of the same, as per the previous films (taken up in Crusade by Sean Connery). A lot of the humour derived from the conflict in the previous movies.

- Even though the archeology/history is fairly embellished, I like that the characters at least sound knowledgeable enough to work things out, as with the riddle Oxley sends Indy. It's that feeling that only Indy would be able to work it out because he knows his friend, who in turn knows that only Indy would be able to work it out.

- John Hurt is superb, and plays a more than fitting replacement for ditsy Denholm Elliott's character.

- Mostly proper stunts done by proper living people. You can tell that Harrison Ford just jumped between two trucks, and that makes a difference.

- Shia LeBoeuf doesn't spoil it, but could have done the bad-boy bit better. He never really feels like the greaser he's meant to be. He was alright.

- The music. Faultless as ever, and not just the main theme.

- Harrison. It's still the same character regardless of his age, and I never felt like he couldn't do the things he was doing... because he was FFS!

- Man in fridge go boom. When the sirens went off I thought 'Get the **** out of this one Jones!'. And he did. Fair play.

So overall I'm happy. I get the feeling Lucas had too much of an influence over it due to making similar mistakes to the new Star Wars films though. Luckily Spielberg seems to have had a word with him though, even if he couldn't talk him out of the ****ing CGI marmots.

Six fedoras out of seven.

26-05-2008, 15:58
- JANITOR!... and Alan Dale? What the hell?

That was exactly what I thought when I saw it :D Ruined that scene a bit for me as I just couldn't take it seriously ;D

29-05-2008, 19:23
No where near as a big a let down as Phantom Menace.

You know if this film had been released without Indy in it I'd have loved it. If it had been the Mummy 3 - Mummies go Inca! with Brendan Fraser I'd have loved it.
But it felt like someone had got my senile old gran out of the care home and put a wooden spoon in her hand and screamed 'MAKE FRUIT CAKE LIKE YOU DID BEFORE YOU WENT OLD AND BATTY!'. Time moves on and sometimes it's better to just leave things be.
I did enjoy it but I left feeling I'd be happier if there were still only three Indy films.

29-05-2008, 22:29
Forgot about this thread. :D

Saw this yesterday and thought it was pretty good and would give it 7 or 7.5/10. My mate didn't like it, got very fidgity and gave it 6 or 6.5/10.

30-05-2008, 07:23
I agree with a lot of Belmit's insights.

For me it wasn't as disappointing as I was expecting, but it wasn't as good as I was hoping. I'm still comparing it to the Last Crusade which had a lot of twists and turns, subtle moments and tricks, some cunning, some puzzle solving, and some almost believeable history/religious/magic stuff which is ALMOST feasible. I found this to be more sci-fi and toned down if that's possible.

I did love the re-uniting of Indy and miss "I can outdrink everyone in the country". A lot of it was too "perfect" or too convenient - not enough exploration and proper Indy style things. Like the sewers/catacombs/church in Venice, the castle in Germany, the gauntlet in Alexandretta, the tanks - I mean the Last Crusade is in just a different league.

Dare I say it the Temple of Doom was in my eyes better than this one too :o

However, that aside it was very enjoyable and brilliant to be brought back to my childhood :D

Admiral Huddy
03-06-2008, 17:13
I enjoyed it.. I tend to go into these films with an open mind and forget previous editions. I can't see how you can compare two films? If they were the same then people would complain "They are the same!!". They have to deviate else it would be boring.

It kept my concenation span all the way through and I have a very low one.. Pete enjoyed it too. So two thumbs up here :)

05-06-2008, 12:37
I enjoyed it.. I tend to go into these films with an open mind and forget previous editions. I can't see how you can compare two films? If they were the same then people would complain "They are the same!!". They have to deviate else it would be boring.

Exactly. I went to be entertained and I was entertained.

Admiral Huddy
05-06-2008, 14:38
"Where you not entertained"??!!!!!!
#Wipes blood from sword!#

06-06-2008, 09:15
Tickets booked for tonight :D

06-06-2008, 12:58
I may have been over critical of this. Lots of my friends are saying it isn't as bad as a make out. I still maintain that as soon as they go into the jungle, things get gay however.

07-06-2008, 09:21
Tak's watch rating - once about 90ish minutes in.

Tak's new tagline for the film - Tomb Raider meets The X-Files

I enjoyed it and I was entertained, but the ending was a bit ... well ... naff tbh. I think Belmit is right - you got told too much too soon, I think it would have been better with a more vague "answer".
The ants made me cringe and hide my eyes :o

07-06-2008, 20:29
Just returned from an afternoon in Brighton with Mr & Mrs Slater where we watched this.

I think I liked it, I'm still not sure :/

Harrison Ford was great, Shia LaBeouf was good, the story was... erm...

Please say I'm not the only one who got the feeling that Lucas saw AvP and thought "YES! That's a great idea to use for my new Indy film!".

I much prefer the religious aspects and stuff from the original films rather than this sci fi stuff.

It did make me laugh, I enjoyed the set pieces and there were some clever bits in it but overall I'm still not sure.

I did have a chuckle over Shia LaBeouf's character's nickname though even if it was a bit trite.

I'll watch it again at some point to see if I like it more...

09-06-2008, 13:23
Am glad I didn't pay to see it! :D was entertaining I guess...

BB x