View Full Version : Got me a Man Bag

16-02-2008, 14:15

Even Indiana Jones have one :p


16-02-2008, 14:17
Metro :p

BB x

16-02-2008, 14:17
Gay bag :p

16-02-2008, 14:19
Indiana Jones kept the sacred Sankara stones of Kali in his. What's in yours?!

16-02-2008, 14:20
Indiana Jones kept the sacred Sankara stones of Kali in his. What's in yours?!

Pron :p

16-02-2008, 14:24
Pron :p

Good enough for me :D

16-02-2008, 14:25
I need to get me a shirt like that to go with my hat..

http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/7889/titferhy2.th.gif (http://img403.imageshack.us/my.php?image=titferhy2.gif)

16-02-2008, 14:29
That is so Gay ;D

The only way that would be not gay is if i dragged it behind my jeep on 3 Off roading sessions. Then it'd look cool as **** :cool:

16-02-2008, 14:31
Malc, I may buy one and send it to you just to do that with!

16-02-2008, 14:33
What's the difference between a Man Bag and a record bag?

16-02-2008, 14:34
You could just leave it on your drive for a month & drive on & off it every day i s'pose.
I have this Mulberry rucksack, it is one of the very few things i have left over from my other life, It's Truly Awesome & the older it gets the better it gets, I must have had it 20 years now & can still take it Anywhere :cool:

16-02-2008, 14:38
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Early-WW2-Mark-VII-Gas-Mask-Bag_W0QQitemZ300197956097QQihZ020QQcategoryZ4721QQ ssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


16-02-2008, 14:52
Manbags ftw. I have probably more than most girls in mine.

2 x migraine tablets
4 x nurofen 200mg
Emergency wangslap postit
Random flyer for event
Shutter release cable
Emergency "I haz the LOL" postit
Random meeting notes
Booking for virgin trains from dec
More random notes from meetings
Lens cloth
Random used postits
Random business cards
Model release forms, signed
Xmas Party Hat. Yes, the one from my xmas cracker at Swansea :D
Mini deoderant
More random postits
My portfolio
Business cards to hand out
Sigma 10-20
ND Graduated filter
Cokin P holder for said filter
Emergency lollipop
Moleskin notebook
Flyers from eighthundred exhibition
Stickers of my photos
Postit pad

Thats the current contents. Don't leave home without it :D If it works for Indy, works for me.


16-02-2008, 14:55
If a man bag is as battered as Indy's then it's ok ;)

16-02-2008, 14:58
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Early-WW2-Mark-VII-Gas-Mask-Bag_W0QQitemZ300197956097QQihZ020QQcategoryZ4721QQ ssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


See. Now that is just Cool :cool:

16-02-2008, 15:02
If a man bag is as battered as Indy's then it's ok ;)

Especially if you look like Indy :D

16-02-2008, 15:06
Especially if you look like Indy :D

I have a hat, and the bag. I could stretch to a liquorice whip. ;)

16-02-2008, 15:14
I think it's quite cool, but I get frustrated with bags and prefer rucksacks so I can put them over both shoulders.

16-02-2008, 15:27
I think it's quite cool, but I get frustrated with bags and prefer rucksacks so I can put them over both shoulders.

I'm pretty much the same, I must have slopey shoulders (that's what my boss says, anyway :D) as shoulder bags always slide off so I prefer a small rucksack.

16-02-2008, 15:33
You are supposed to have it across your chest :p

16-02-2008, 15:53
Easy access too. I can quickly whip out my portfolio and show someone.

16-02-2008, 15:56
Easy access too. I can quickly whip out my portfolio and show someone.


I that what it's called these days ? :p

16-02-2008, 16:33
Woofter :p

Actually, can't wait for them to be a bit more the norm. Smaller ones though :)

16-02-2008, 18:17
What's the difference between a Man Bag and a record bag?

About 10 years I think. They were called record bags in the 90s :)

16-02-2008, 18:40
About 10 years I think. They were called record bags in the 90s :)

And are record shaped... unlike the above, which you could quite clearly not fit a 12 inch in...

BB x

16-02-2008, 23:17
Yeah I was saying on IRC how in the 60's photojournalists used manbags to carry lenses. Non of this modern day sissy foam padded backpack nonsense :) Quick access to lenses.

17-02-2008, 00:16
Gay bag :pQFT. :D

17-02-2008, 01:00
People are getting confused

These are satchels/messenger bags which are perfectly unisex

Manbags are the mincy little short strapped ones which go right in your armpit like a handbag!

omg, that one actually says man bag on it... that's all wrong, people are spreading the definition of man bag so much that soon we just won't be allowed to carry anything at all without people thinking we're one of them gayers :(

17-02-2008, 01:02
P.S my bag = best bag ever


17-02-2008, 01:02
People are getting confusedWe ARE NOT confused. I like women and that is that. Mmmkay. :D

17-02-2008, 01:05
P.S my bag = best bag ever


Now that bag is cool :D

17-02-2008, 05:26
it looks so much better than misshapen pockets

That's why I need a bag. Being a smoker and a technophile, I carry a lot of stuff when I go anywhere which requires the wearing of apparel with numerous large pockets for holding the likes of baccy pouch & lighter, mobile phone, camera, iPod, keys, loose change, hankie, lip balm, wallet and occasionally, TomTom (when I'm somewhere I don't know my way around). If I'm wearing a woolly hat (only in winter), that has to come off when inside and needs to be stored somewhere too.

It's not too bad in the winter when wearing a jacket or a fleece as these have pockets which takes the strain off the trouser pockets but in the summertime when it's too warm to wear these, I have to wear combats which limits my wardrobe and tends to look silly with bulging pockets on the sides of my legs :(

I quite like the idea of that gas mask bag Feek, I may look into something like that when I get back.

17-02-2008, 12:26

Even Indiana Jones have one :p


Top bag sir, take no notice of these philistines!

17-02-2008, 12:37
Quoted for..erm.. *thinks of reason*...ah Sod it, just quoted, OK? :p

:D :thumbup:

17-02-2008, 13:54
a bigger bag like Indy's or Pete's or the gas mask bag which is more like Indy's are cool, but the trend for small hand-bag esque bags or men is Very peculiar. I still prefer rucksacks, but I actually used to love doing exercises with big 2-3st burgens - now THAT'S a real man bag ;) ok carrying a rifle helped probably :p

each to their own, I might try a gas mask type bag at some point, jack bauer had one afterall, but it has to be made in a manly material none of these silly girly fabrics.

17-02-2008, 16:24
Eugh now that's crap.

17-02-2008, 19:55
that isn't a man bag - it's a girl clutchbag surely?!

I have a man bag - pens, magazine, ipod, paper, laptop, deodorant, ibuprofen, hard drive, book, DS, hat, scarf, iPod cable. I actually have quite an unhealthy obsession with bags. I think Charlotte buys bags for the sake of it, just to be more girly than me

04-03-2008, 21:33
My my my my my.....


04-03-2008, 21:38
I don't ****ing believe it! Look what arrived today and I just came on here to post...


04-03-2008, 21:42
whoop whoop !

btw, my bag is "breaking in" nicely, the leather is getting a nice shine after 3 weeks of constant use now.

04-03-2008, 21:55
I think we need an Indiana Jones themed meet - I've got the bag, the hat, the leather jacket - All I need is a whip and a gun, and I've got the gun, so that just leaves the whip.

I could be Indy after he's gone to seed for a few years :)

09-04-2008, 22:46
I don't ****ing believe it! Look what arrived today and I just came on here to post...

How's your bag doing, Belmit? I'm using mine to work now and I'm coping well with the ridicule ;D

(in all seriousness, the bag rocks!)

09-04-2008, 22:50
Doing fine! Very handy for taking my lunch to work in, and my gentleman's brolly fits in it perfectly. Rarely go anywhere without it now!

09-04-2008, 23:35
I think we need an Indiana Jones themed meet - I've got the bag, the hat, the leather jacket - All I need is a whip and a gun, and I've got the gun, so that just leaves the whip.

I could be Indy after he's gone to seed for a few years :)

The whip can be arranged - I'll ask the other half for her 10ft bullwhip. ;)

It's nice and supple through useage. :shocked:

Admiral Huddy
10-04-2008, 09:26
ehhh Indiana's bag was for his tools not for his purse ;)

In saying that I was thinking of getting a satchel.. Oh Sorry MAN BAG (Sticks out chest)


11-04-2008, 00:02
Mondo where'd you buy your man bag? I managed to procure the sacred Sankara stones of Kali (sniped 'em on eBay) but I can't carry them around in a Tesco bag, looks all wrong! Need to get myself a proper carrying vessel.

11-04-2008, 06:29
I nearly bought some sacred Sankara stones as well, but don't carry them in a purse! Get a bag like Belmit and I, it's the real deal ;D

11-04-2008, 08:52
I too perused said artefacts on the 'bay...

11-04-2008, 21:02
Mondo where'd you buy your man bag? I managed to procure the sacred Sankara stones of Kali (sniped 'em on eBay) but I can't carry them around in a Tesco bag, looks all wrong! Need to get myself a proper carrying vessel.

Of all places, TK Maxx !!!

The bag is wearing in very well. The leather started to have that worn look to it and its getting more manly by the day :D

13-04-2008, 18:25
Cheers fella.

21-04-2008, 01:24
Old I know, but I had to.


I got this recently to replace my black Converse one & I love it!

08-11-2010, 23:37
Major bumpage.

I still use my bag every day, the strap has lost that shiny new effect it had before and it's all nicely worn in now. The bag is just as it was, old and cool :D



I would love to try and trace the original owner, the number brings up a name in the 11th Canadian Mounted Rifles but the name doesn't match the one on the bag. The Mk VII bags were often issued to Canadian troops so that makes sense. Shame the name doesn't match the number though :(

09-11-2010, 05:53
We have a Jim MacPherson who runs our Scotland office, would be a bit of a coincidence though! Pretty sure its Mac not Mc.

09-11-2010, 07:25
Unless he's in his 80s, I doubt that it's his bag :)

09-11-2010, 07:32
Ah :) Could be his Dad's :p

09-11-2010, 20:23
It's Mc. Shows you how much I know about the people at my place ;D

Strangely, the estate agent bloke's name is Jamie McPherson just realised> Twiglet zone...

11-11-2010, 00:41
I've got this one, does the job :)
