View Full Version : Wii! Wii! Wii!

16-02-2008, 21:42
Guess who managed to persuade her Daddy to buy a Wii today, no not for me, but for my Mum.

We nearly got hung drawn and quartered by Mother for buying it, but my Dad is about to set it up Yay!!!

Darn woolworths didnt have any of the games we wanted, they want brunswick bowling, which has been ordered, and we would've gotten mario party 8 but it was out of stock :(

16-02-2008, 21:45
Put your code into the thread then :D

When I get Mic off the 360 I'll be adding some more peeps :) Also Loz is going to sell me a copy of Wii Play :D

I haven't been this excited over a new toy in ages :D

16-02-2008, 21:55
code? we need to set it up first, Mum's decided she wants to watch casualty rather than recording it :(

Bah bah and bah again!


16-02-2008, 21:58
If you go into your address book (thru message board I think) it gives you the code for your wii
Then we can add you and send our mii's to you (I only got mine yesterday so am still learning and WAITING FOR PEOPLE TO ADD ME!!! :) )

16-02-2008, 22:02
what's a mii?

16-02-2008, 22:13
It's a mini you :)

16-02-2008, 22:20
When you get going you'll see - you can basically create yourself (or something you represent you) which you use to play games and which, if you connect your wii to the web, you can send out to your friends wiis (which is why you have a code - so we can find you :) )

16-02-2008, 23:22
the wii is finally out of the box!

16-02-2008, 23:44
Less posting more wii playing :p

18-02-2008, 15:32
they want brunswick bowling,

Unless they're dead set on it then get something else, from the review I read it's not very good and probably less fun than Wii bowling which is free with the console.

18-02-2008, 16:02
The only thing I am playing on the Wii atm is Ocarina of Time that we downloaded from VC :o

Think the novelty wore off very quickly, but its still fun when you have people over :)

18-02-2008, 16:11
Have been playing Resident Ebil : The Umbrella Chronicles round at my friend Ian's house..

Ordered it on Amazon yesterday along with a copy of Link's Crossbow Training which comes with the Wii Zapper :embarassed:

I shall be shooting at zombies before the week is out, MARK MY WORDS :D

18-02-2008, 23:50
I haven't been this excited over a new toy in ages :D

People here must be slipping to let that one go without a fnarrrrrr :shocked: :D

Tiggy - have you got your mum to play it yet? We couldn't get mum off my brother's Wii at christmas, she got addicted to bowling - she's never played any kind of computer/console games before and she really enjoyed it (plus she was pretty good at it)

Hopefully getting myself a Wii by the end of this week - so excited!!! ;D

19-02-2008, 11:53
People here must be slipping to let that one go without a fnarrrrrr :shocked: :D

I did wonder if anyone would say anything ;D ;D

21-02-2008, 23:27
The wii is money spent very well in our house. Josh loves it and Georgie will be playing on it soon.

21-02-2008, 23:44
I did wonder if anyone would say anything ;D ;D

hahaha ;D

Woooot! My Wii turned up this morning - just a shame I ended up not getting home till 7:30 and have loads of stuff to finish off before I can play :'(

Gonna post my code now, not that I even have any Mii's yet :p

22-02-2008, 14:34
You bought something that couldn't fold?:huh:

Who are you and where's the real Rich?

22-02-2008, 20:39
You bought something that couldn't fold?:huh:

Who are you and where's the real Rich?

Shocking isn't it?!?!?! :shocked: ;D