View Full Version : Thermite. Yes. No. ?

20-02-2008, 14:48
I want to make and play with (in an *ahem* responsible way) some Thermite. It's very easy to do.

Should I?

20-02-2008, 14:51
No Option for Yes & Don't be careful with it. No good messing with it unless you do some damage to summit, not you though but you know what i mean.

20-02-2008, 14:59
Thermite's fantastic.

So are thermal lances. :D

20-02-2008, 14:59
Yes you can. This is on condition that under no circumstance whatsover should you let Huddy join in ;) ;p

20-02-2008, 15:00
DO IT! And get Richard Hammond to report your findings :D

20-02-2008, 15:05
I had to google it :o

Agreed with Mubs - no Huddys allowed :p

20-02-2008, 15:07
Do it.

Bear in mind this little tip from the Wiki page:

Ignition of a thermite reaction normally requires supervision by a trained technician

I had a rough idea what thermite was but wanted to make sure I had the right stuff so I Googled it. It was only after this that I wondered if it was such a good idea Googling for "Thermite" over a BP internet connection on an oil rig off the coast of Egypt :confused:

20-02-2008, 15:14
Dooo Eeeeit. If I knew how and had the room to play around with it without one of my neighbours complaining I would. Though I might end up blowing my hand off :D

20-02-2008, 15:24
You even had to ask!! :D

20-02-2008, 15:34
What?? :huh:

what is it? why would you use it?

BB x

20-02-2008, 15:42
What?? :huh:

what is it? why would you use it?

BB x

In very simple terms, it's aluminium powder and iron oxide powder (rust) that's all mixed together and ignited.

It creates an incredibly powerful chemical reaction and burns at around 2500C.

Brainiac messing around with it.

20-02-2008, 15:47
What is Feek trying to achieve with it?

What would you use it for?


BB x

20-02-2008, 15:49
Just for fun I expect. He's a boy, it's hot, melts stuff, goes on fire (sort of)... what other reason is needed?

It can be used for cutting metals and such, or in incendiary bombs in the military.

20-02-2008, 15:51
It was used in WW2 to disable large guns silently. Light the fuse, chuck some in the breach, close it and the thermite would weld every together.

It's also good for burning through engine blocks.

20-02-2008, 15:52

20-02-2008, 15:53
It was used in WW2 to disable large guns silently. Light the fuse, chuck some in the breach, close it and the thermite would weld every together.

It's also good for burning through engine blocks.

Thermite grenades :thumbsup:

20-02-2008, 15:53
Pics or no.

20-02-2008, 15:56
I'm still confused...

Why would you have it? Where would you get it from?

Yes pics :p

BB x

20-02-2008, 16:28
Conversation with the boss via MSN because we were talking about this in the car earlier this week..

Feek says (15:09):
Listie says (15:10):
Feek says (15:10):
I had a look on ebay last night.
Listie says (15:10):
Feek says (15:10):
There's a firm in Ipswich selling Aluminium powder, Iron oxide and magnesium strips....
Listie says (15:11):
NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Feek says (15:11):
They even say on the item listing that it's ideal for thermite....
Listie says (15:11):
Feek says (15:12):
but but but but but but but but but but but
Listie says (15:12):
Feek says (15:12):
I'm not getting your meaning there, say what you mean, don't beat about the bush
Listie says (15:13):

20-02-2008, 16:29
I'm still confused...

Why would you have it? Where would you get it from?

Yes pics :p

BB x

It's easy enough to make, mix aluminium powder and iron oxide together and that's it, light the blue touch paper and retire.

As to why - Why not? :D

20-02-2008, 16:35
BD says Yes to Thermite usage :cool: + ;D

20-02-2008, 16:35
I say yeah baby. KABOOM. I ask only one question, what is a nug? :huh:

Is it one of these? http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=nug :D

20-02-2008, 16:55
As to why - Why not? :D
Even though I'm all for the idea, the main 'why not' would be "you can't extinguish it and it'll burn parts of your body off".

20-02-2008, 17:06
It's hard to light but go for it. Quite a contained reaction and fun to watch it melt its way through metal bowls etc. I am on TV lighting it with an acetylene torch in series 2 of X-peri-mental if your kids watched that tripe :D

20-02-2008, 17:11
I'm yes, provided you film it and post it.

Oh, and use safety goggles, Safety first, safety second.

20-02-2008, 18:00
Boys :p

BB x

20-02-2008, 18:13
Smoke it, SMOKE IT!!!!!

20-02-2008, 18:25
Oh, and use safety goggles, Safety first, safety second.
Thermal concrete goggles?

20-02-2008, 18:35
Ah, thermite. Brings back memories of school :D

Many a happy afternoon with the nicked ingredients from the science department :evil:

It does have real world use too. Including welding rails on the railway.

But that's boring. Putting it on the bonnet of a car and watching it go through the bonnet, through the iron block, through the gearbox and through the floor is fun :lipsrsealed:

20-02-2008, 18:39
It's hard to light but go for it.

I believe strips of magnesium are often used as fuses to light the thermite due to it's relatively good flammability and the high temperature at which it burns.

20-02-2008, 18:49
magensium ribbon is the ultimate firestarter's tool :D

20-02-2008, 18:52
magensium ribbon is the ultimate firestarter's tool :D
*sings* I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter

20-02-2008, 22:08
It burns at 3000 degrees, please be careful with it. My dad just mentioned something about someone being really badly burnt by it recently.

20-02-2008, 23:11
It can be used for cutting metals and such, or in incendiary bombs in the military.

And for demolishing the Twin Towers. :rolleyes:

As for Feek using it, I'd normally say no and to leave it to people who know what they're doing. It's incredibly volatile and will give you no second chances if you mess around; it'll burn you to cinders. There are countless incidents of people underestimating how powerful the reaction can be and have received major burns from it.
However, in this case I'm aware that Feek owns dangerous items already and is obviously very responsible, careful and respectful of things that can easily be fatal in ignorant hands. So I voted yes, go ahead and have a go but take every precaution necessary and leave nothing to chance. :)

20-02-2008, 23:13
Well I thought that was obvious, it plainly had nothing to do with two massive planes crashing into them.

20-02-2008, 23:21
Well I thought that was obvious, it plainly had nothing to do with two massive planes crashing into them.

Two normal planes maybe but these were drone planes made of polystyrene!!

20-02-2008, 23:24
I say yeah baby. KABOOM. I ask only one question, what is a nug? :huh:

Is it one of these? http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=nug :D

How the nug can you not know the term nug?

*mutters about nugging fools*

20-02-2008, 23:25
I haven't a nuggy. :(

21-02-2008, 00:05
Hell yes, as long as you video it :D

Dr. Z
21-02-2008, 00:19
I am trying to find a video of a compound myself and a friend made long ago which literally turned night into day. No matter what your opinion of the brightness of magnesium or thermite burning, this was quite another level.

I cannae remember what exactly was involved, but there was potassium permanganate in there somewhere...

21-02-2008, 05:27
ceasium :D

21-02-2008, 08:50
*sings* I'm a firestarter, twisted firestarter

Me and Keith Flint went to the same school. Coincidence? :evil:

21-02-2008, 11:23
Me and Keith Flint went to the same school. Coincidence? :evil:

No, destiny...

(tis Faysh)

21-02-2008, 12:53
I am trying to find a video of a compound myself and a friend made long ago which literally turned night into day. No matter what your opinion of the brightness of magnesium or thermite burning, this was quite another level.

I cannae remember what exactly was involved, but there was potassium permanganate in there somewhere...
PP and aluminium powder will do what you described, you will be observing aluminium burning in the oxygen given off by the PP oxidising. A similar reaction will happen with sugar which will burn in the oxygen but you'll get a strong yellow flame rather than white.

Next question please :)

21-02-2008, 13:51
I now have a carefully constructed plan*

http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/7519/planvx7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

* - Not to scale

21-02-2008, 13:53
Half a kilo? Is that the control?! ;D

21-02-2008, 14:25
Speaking from experience I will strongly recommend a control experiment first with a small pile of it on the paving slab. This is so you can gauge what the reaction is like and you won't get any nasty surprises. Then use common sense to upsize your experiment. Jumping straight in there without understanding what happens is what gets most people hurt in accidents. And the flowerpot may well explode with the sudden temperature change, just to pre-warn you.

21-02-2008, 14:53
Aye Jonny, that was the plan... I've not just jumped into this without reading absolute shedloads about it beforehand and doing that above wouldn't be the first time I ignite some. I've seen a few videos of people setting 15-20lb of thermite alight and the reactions are just plain crazy.

I also plan to be a long way away when it goes up, my garden is about 80ft long and I intend to make the most of that with a looooong fuse, this won't be done at arms length!

21-02-2008, 15:34
Great stuff. Did I get all responsible sounding then or something?

21-02-2008, 15:38
A little, yes :p

21-02-2008, 17:40
Jonny when are we going to have a video of your fireworks? :D

25-02-2008, 21:26
Oh my word, look what just accidentally happened....


25-02-2008, 21:28
Bloody hell! That is the risk of surfing de web. :D

25-02-2008, 21:29
Finger slip? :p

25-02-2008, 21:35
Haven't you done this yet?! :p

BB x

25-02-2008, 22:12
It takes time to accumulate the stuff.. It will happen :D

26-02-2008, 08:32
Just don't invite Huddy round and you'll be fine. :D

26-02-2008, 14:12
The internet. Where terrorism finds YOU :D

26-02-2008, 15:27
The poll is very telling about this place...

Yes - 100%
No - 0%


26-02-2008, 20:55
MI5's screens just lit up. :p

26-02-2008, 21:08
MI5's screens just lit up. :pThat'll be the thermite burning through I suspect. :D

27-02-2008, 19:23
Today two packages turned up, one containing the iron oxide and one with the aluminium powder. As I opened them LMF (who is 14) said to me "Chemicals? Are you making thermite or something?" When I replied to the affirmative she called me an idiot. I asked why and she said "because it's dangerous, stupid". Then a few minutes later she called me an arse.

So nice to see I have the family vote!

27-02-2008, 19:29
Kids today, eh? No sense of adventure.

27-02-2008, 21:03
No sense of adventure.

... but plenty of sense of impending doom.

27-02-2008, 21:17
She was spot on the money with the assemblage of materials though. :D

Maybe she's already done it... ;)

27-02-2008, 21:35
... but plenty of sense of impending doom.

...also five fully functional senses unlike people who get Thermite wrong I would imagine :shocked:

Still sounds like fun though! :D

28-02-2008, 00:08


The lass needs to be taught some more effective words tbh ;)

28-02-2008, 02:58
You know, I have some large metallic items I need gotten rid of. I wonder if my vid cam would handle the bright exposure of a thermite reaction...

03-03-2008, 20:37
Looks like I've got everything I need for the reaction itself, it's just sorting out where, when and with what. I've got to dig out my video camera as well :)
