View Full Version : horra for Innuendos! A very british thing!

Admiral Huddy
20-02-2008, 16:02
We have just had the following announcement from the young lady on reception..

"Please do not use the front passage until further notice. Please use the back passage"


20-02-2008, 16:12

20-02-2008, 16:13
Is the front passage being decorated....?

20-02-2008, 16:16
My gran was very proud of the fact she had lino in her back passage.

Admiral Huddy
20-02-2008, 16:30
Is the front passage being decorated....?

Apparently, the decorators are always in our house. :p

20-02-2008, 16:30
Is the front passage being decorated....?I heard it was being laminated. :D

20-02-2008, 17:06
I heard it was being laminated. :D

I heard the front passage is always dark, dank, smelly and crowded anyway :o

20-02-2008, 17:09
Steady on! I had a shower yesterday! :D

20-02-2008, 17:23
I heard the front passage is always dark, dank, smelly and crowded anyway :o
And yet some people get their's made smaller.

Edit: I'm not normally that rude. Was just talking to an ex-employee who had it done and is very open (fnar?) about it.

Edit: And now I've gone red. Time for a cold shower....

20-02-2008, 17:48
You don't have a tradesmans entrance for large deliveries?:huh:

Admiral Huddy
22-02-2008, 15:15
Time for a cold shower....

Try doing a handstand and turning the head full on!

22-02-2008, 19:39
You don't have a tradesmans entrance for large deliveries?:huh:

Yeah but it's so busy it's impossible to get a delivery slot.

22-02-2008, 19:44
Try doing a handstand and turning the head full on!
Tried that once, got a black eye. ;):D

22-02-2008, 20:55
There's been a lot of building work going on in the office upstairs and we often sneak up the back passage to have a look.

22-02-2008, 21:11

23-02-2008, 02:52
I used the words 'incredibly well developed tool' to a customer the other day. The hilarity hit me in seconds and it was all I could do to not visibly crease up in front of this guy...