View Full Version : Microsoft have lost it.. Meet the FOURCE!

21-02-2008, 11:54

Oh boy...

Seriously, what crack were their marketing team smoking at the time ;D

Windows Vista Sensei
Super Power:
10th degree black belt and martial arts master trained in the ancient art of combat, security and connectivity.

Office Master
Super Power.
Legendary martial arts master trained in the ancient art of combat and collaboration.

(Seriously.. since when has Office ever been good at collaboration, its always been an afterthought rather than a focus)

ISV Girl!
Super Power.
ISV Super Gal has developed a Super Ultra-Mobile PC device that can transport people/objects from place to place – she keeps this with her at all times!

etc. etc.

21-02-2008, 12:15
[American Joke]
Someone's clearly been sharing Kool Aid with Steve Ballmer
[/American Joke]


21-02-2008, 13:39
And their enemy... the Big Bad Blue Screen of Death, who ****s them over every week!

21-02-2008, 18:02
And their enemy... the Big Bad Blue Screen of Death, who ****s them over every week!


21-02-2008, 18:27
That is actually brilliant. I might pick up a copy of Vista tonight as that's appealed to my love of superheroes. No wait, I won't because I'm not a retard

21-02-2008, 18:41
It's more akin to a group of school kids being tasked to market their products in a "fun" way. Really poor effort from a marketing team in one of the world's most successful companies.

21-02-2008, 19:05
That'll last about 5 minutes longer than it takes for Lego(tm)'s lawyers to find it.