View Full Version : Word 2006 problem :

Admiral Huddy
22-02-2008, 11:37
In word I can save a change OK at the start but when I reach a certain
page and try to save I am told that this is a read only doc! but it's not!

I cannot save in the original doc.

Idea ideas?

Vista premium / Word 2003

22-02-2008, 11:41
When I get a problem like that the first thing I try is copying and pasting the entire content into a new document. Does it still have the problem after this?

Admiral Huddy
22-02-2008, 11:46
When I get a problem like that the first thing I try is copying and pasting the entire content into a new document. Does it still have the problem after this?

Yes, I've googled a bit this morning. There appears to be many asking the samething but no answers :(

22-02-2008, 12:38
What are you trying to save to? Hard disk, USB stick, etc.

Admiral Huddy
22-02-2008, 15:13
My docs on HDD. Read only is off for directory.

22-02-2008, 15:25
Hmm so the rumours that Microsoft installed a feature into Office 2007 that stops users saving porn pics in Word documents is true! :D

What file type are you using? .docx?

Admiral Huddy
22-02-2008, 16:48
nope just a normal .doc

23-02-2008, 14:45
You mention a googlathon. Could you post the search terms you use so I can see what you get and see if your Huddyness missed anything. :D

Admiral Huddy
23-02-2008, 17:51
This is actually a customer PC.

Seems I'm not the only one:

On copying the document to another folder it appears to work which suggests a problem with "my Documents" in Vista..

She can get by using this but she's not that comfortable with Windows so I'd like a solution to give her.

Any ideas?

23-02-2008, 17:56
Ah OK. Vista Home Premium ja?

What happens if the document is copied/moved to another folder and then back?

And have you seen these? http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/235586-44-office-2007-vista-read-only-problem

I know it won't help you but I don't use my My Documents on XP. I don't like the way that MS organises stuff so I just use another folder on another physical disk. Means that if XP goes bang it won't take my files with it. Course I'm quite advanced in terms of PC skills and your customer might quite like My Documents so that won't help. :D

Admiral Huddy
27-02-2008, 10:15
Looking at that last link, the same problem appears to be in Word 2007 as well :( I'm going to give her a trial version, see how that goes. I'll check the virus scanning softwate too. What's strange, it only started happening a week ago.

27-02-2008, 12:16
If it has only recently started, then she's recently installed something or changed a setting that would explain this.

Admiral Huddy
29-02-2008, 11:03
Ok, I went round to see the lady yesterday.

The problem appears to be when you append information to the end of the document. In a test, I copied, paste then saved 3 times. On the third attempt, the document switched to read only.

The document is over 8Mb although that shouldn't make any difference.

The only other thing I have noticed is that it appears to be on documents created on her old PC (XP Home/word 2003).

Looking at google, we are not sure that Word 2007 is going to make any difference. She's pulling her hair out because it's part of her research into writing a book.

I have the document handy and have her permission to try it. I can't replicate it here. If anyone else would like to have a look, I can send you the doc.


29-02-2008, 11:17
Hi Huddy. I would help but I'm off home today and no Office 2007 there. :(

Perhaps this is a bug affecting documents made in XP but now being used in Vista? I take it documents made in Vista don't have this problem at all?