View Full Version : Focus 2008

Joe 90
25-02-2008, 10:38
Anybody been to Focus this year?

I was there yesterday and had a pretty good day - just wish i had a 40d + 17-85 rather than my ghetto 300d + 18-55


http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2137/2290070500_9860dfc0e5_m.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/markwalker/2290070500/in/set-72157603838040075/)

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2182/2290099712_723dc9d755_m.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/markwalker/2290099712/in/set-72157603838040075/)

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3030/2290095304_46a1e92ee5_m.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/markwalker/2290095304/in/set-72157603838040075/)

25-02-2008, 13:24
You're kidding? I was there too :(

Met a few people from Talk Photography too, had a good day :)

Joe 90
25-02-2008, 15:03
lol - you pick anything up?

I was after a 28-135 IS USM lens but there weren't any there so just got a 4gb extrememe III for £25! :D

25-02-2008, 17:08
I was forbidden from purchasing anything, not so much the cost, but its my birthday next week and didnt want to buy something I may already have :D

As for that card you came away with, I had the exact same one from play.com not long ago, only £22.99 delivered, guess you didnt need to hear that ;)

Joe 90
25-02-2008, 21:24
lol - if i did that i'd have to wait on delivery... and it'd of made me more tempted buy something more expensive yesterday!

25-02-2008, 21:29
That huge Sigma lens for example? ;D

Joe 90
26-02-2008, 01:11
;D not quite!

I'm after a decent IS USM walkabout lens... either a 28-135 or the 17-85

probably the 28-135 though as it can be had for £260 on amazon :D