View Full Version : Rambo

26-02-2008, 14:55
Well myself and the antipodean midget are heading to Islington tomorrow (wednesday) evening to have a looksee at this film (I say film, I use this term in the loosest possible sense :p).

Anyone interested in heading along as well is more than welcome.

Plan is to meet in The Nags Head (On Upper Street, right next to the shopping centre) at about half four/five and then catch the half six showing with possible drinks/foodage afterwards...

I don't expect the film to be any good, but should be a laugh and very manly what with all the explosions and fighting and whatnot :p

26-02-2008, 17:09
Arse.. I'm packing for my long weekend away that night otherwise I'd be there :(

27-02-2008, 11:26
Awesome film

BTW that's the worst excuse ever Garp :p Packing should always be done with a strict time limit and preferably in an inebriated state - it means you always have a surprise or three when you get to where you're going.

i.e. When I went to Cancun, opened my bag and I had a white tux jacket, a tweed jacket and the only pair of pants was a pair of superwoman ones. Oh and no socks. Perfect :D

27-02-2008, 12:41
i.e. When I went to Cancun, opened my bag and I had a white tux jacket, a tweed jacket and the only pair of pants was a pair of superwoman ones. Oh and no socks. Perfect :D

27-02-2008, 19:38
I even managed to leave work on time today, could have made it... shame I've got no money.

27-02-2008, 23:45
Watched it on the cheap at the local independent cinema this evening. :D
Surprisingly, I really enjoyed it.

The killing starts pretty much immediately. :D

It's a very gory film, sadly the chunks of it that is CGI is VERY obvious.... It's also much better imo than Rambo 2 and 3

27-02-2008, 23:48
And so I return home...

Beers in the pub were, as ever, great... Here's one:


And then onto the film...


What can I say!!??

I'm sure there was a story in there somewhere, but that aside it was an awesome gorefest of outstanding proportions!

50mm rounds blowing holes in people as well as removing limbs, claymores combined with british artefacts decimating entire sections of forest, land mines literally turning people into liquid... It was AWESOME!

The only thing which I found distasteful was the depiction of the Burmese army regulars. They were seen as disgusting misogynistic, sadistic pigs..

Good job that ol' Jonny dispatched them :D

Plus of course there was the beautiful, beautiful irony of a vampire playing a missionary (that one had me in giggles throughout the entire film, along with what I described in the spoilers :p).

Afterwards we retired to a very lovely Turkish restaurant where we ate MEAT and then had some damn good Turkish coffee (mmmm... sludge... *drools*).

All in all a thoroughly excellent evening out :)

28-02-2008, 09:58
Want to see this :D One of my guilty secrets is that I am a Sly Stallone fan :o :o

semi-pro waster
09-03-2008, 21:45
Watched this last night at a late showing and it is pretty entertaining really, it seems to have about triple the killing of any other Rambo (maybe someone has the link to the chart?) and I'm not sure why there always has to be an obnoxious Brit in any American action film but there you go. Shorter than I expected as well but packs a lot of death into the 80 odd minutes it lasts. :D

09-03-2008, 22:48
Hadn't seen the chart but had a quick google..



09-03-2008, 23:23
I watched it a few nights ago, thought it fit the Rambo franchise perfectly. Some pretty good realism, mixed in with Hollywood madness so the two merge perfectly.