View Full Version : Shure SE210

29-02-2008, 13:57
Currently pondering on upgrading my Sony EX71 earphones to a set of these.

Does anyone own a pair? Have any sensible alternative suggestions?

So far the only other things suggested to me for about £65 have been the BOSE TriPort IE, though after DRZ's scathing attack on all things BOSE recently i'm loathe to consider them seriously.

29-02-2008, 14:21
I'm going to have a set of these in a couple of days.

Had to send off my old reliable E3C's as the right earpiece failed. :( Sadly, I was expecting the SE310's to be the replacement - WRONG! The SE210's are. I have to pay to get the SE310's. :mad:

Shockingly - I've picked up a set of SE530's for less than the price to upgrade from the RMA at Shure! Just need to get the custom moulds sorted now...

When they arrive I'll give them a go then pass them onto the other half.

Aaaanyway - enough of the rant. You could also look at:
Ultimate Ears super.fi 3 Studio
Ultimate Ears super.fi 4

29-02-2008, 14:30
I hear the SE210s are basically the same as the E3Cs with regards to sound quality.

I'll have a look at those Ultimate Ears pairs, cheers.

29-02-2008, 15:07
I just got a pair of Ultimate Ears super fly 2's, on DRZ's recommendation. £40 from Amazon. Stunning basically. I'm still, literally, getting my head around hearing my footsteps as I end up listening to them more than the music. But they've got better base than my Grado sr60's and better sound than any earphones I've ever had. I can only imagine they get better with more money.

29-02-2008, 15:25
Hear your footsteps? What? :confused:

That isn't sounding like a plus point from here if i'm honest :p

29-02-2008, 15:29
Whoopdy whoop!

My SE530's have arrived. :D

Shame I don't have several hours to play with them at the moment. :( Plus, still need to buy a new set of custom sleeves. Another £80.....

29-02-2008, 15:32
What's wrong with standard sleeves?

29-02-2008, 16:08
I find them uncomfortable for wearing for many hours straight. I had customs on my E3C's and have them on my E4C's and I've worn them for 18 hours straight with no problems.

Best non-custom moulded earpieces I've used are some Ear Planes earplugs that I cut down slightly. They were pretty good. Only £4 as well.


29-02-2008, 19:21
I recently had to RMA my E2Cs and they sent me SE110s as a replacement. I was a bit miffed as the build quality on the SE210s is so much better than the 110s but they were free and I wasn't expecting them so can't moan. The sound quality is every bit as good as the E2Cs, if not better (with regard to better clarity at higher volumes and, indeed, the lack of necessity for higher volumes!). I find the foam earplug covers really really comfortable, though they appear to make my ear canals sweat, which is quite disconcerting the first time!

I'm contemplating saving for the 530s - seen a couple of pairs for quite a reasonable price on fleabay so I might give them a go. All in all, after having tried Etymotic ER6s, some weird Bose ECHs and the Sennheisers, I much prefer the Shures.

01-03-2008, 12:22
Just about to take a wander in to town.

Lets hope the Apple shop have some to test, though i'd be surprised if they do as they can't be the most hygeinic thing to have out on test.

01-03-2008, 15:34
They won't let you test them, but I think you can return them if you're not happy with them. how silly's that :/

01-03-2008, 21:19
By test I meant just plugged into all the display iPods but as I suspected, they weren't.

However, I don't fancy laying out £100 for them at Apple when they're £65 at Play.

05-03-2008, 00:03
I've got some SE210s, they're good stuff. Takes a little getting used to how you wear them, but I don't find it uncomfortable. Really good headphones - not worth the £100 Apple ask but worth the £65 I paid from Play for sure :)

14-03-2008, 19:12
So, the pondering is now between...

Shure SE210 - £65 @ play.com (http://www.play.com/Electronics/Electronics/4-/3438216/Shure-SE210-N-Sound-Isolating-Earphones/Product.html)
UE super.fi 3 Studio - £55 @ amazon.co.uk (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ultimate-Ears-Super-fi-Studio-Headphones/dp/B000B5XU06/ref=pd_sbs_ce?ie=UTF8&qid=1205515463&sr=8-2)
Jays D-JAYS - £70 @ advancedmp3players.co.uk (http://www.advancedmp3players.co.uk/shop/Headphones.6/Jays.297/S015-BLACK/D-JAYS_Micro_Armature_Earphones.2868.html)

Reviews would seem to rank the D-JAYS best but I can't help but be attracted to the super.fi 3s...