View Full Version : Need to parking near Camden

01-03-2008, 15:53
This is really going to be aimed at Rich as he lives around that way.

Aitch and I are going to a gig at the Roundhouse on Sunday and its going to go on till 11.30 which will make it a pain to get the train home. Does anyone know the best place to park in that area, I know its a nightmare :(

We have a place we can park in Bloomsbury and get a taxi but it adds to journey time. Its either that or leave early and get the train :confused:


01-03-2008, 15:56
Rich lives Seven Sisters way now iirc, which is further away than Bloomsbury.

By Sunday, do you mean tomorrow or next week?

If the latter I may be able to find you summat as one of the lads I work with lives a stone's throw from The Roundhouse, but obviously I'll not see him until Monday morning at work...

01-03-2008, 16:01
Thanks mate but its tomorrow, we had always planned to get the train and then I saw how late it went on till. Its an all day gig from 1pm so we'll get to see a lot of it but might miss some good acts if we have to leave at 10ish :(



01-03-2008, 16:05
And this is why you should ask things earlier ;)

I'd say go the Bloomsbury route then jump on a tube at Kings Cross or a number 24 bus from Tottenham Court Road (I could be way out on the bus btw) there and back :)