View Full Version : Serenity

06-03-2008, 16:23
Well as you may have heard serenity has recently been crowned the best sci fi flick ever, topping star wars. Surprising, although i did think the film was excellent personally but i couldn't put a finger on why.

But now I've just finished watching the firefly series, its just got a whole lot better! I really wish they kept the series going, and i implore you all to give it a watch if you've seen serenity whether you liked it or were confused because this is really how it should have been watched i guess. If you haven't seen serenity, i suggest you grab the firefly series see if you enjoy that, if so then watch the film ;D

Top job Whedon!

06-03-2008, 16:29
Couldn't agree with you more. Both absolute top notch, and i'm still pissed off at Fox for cancelling it. They won't let other broadcasters take up the show, as they're making loads from dvd releases. Gits.

06-03-2008, 17:08
Really loved Serenity, the film has such a charm about it. Never seen Firefly though - think I'd struggle to fit it in!

06-03-2008, 17:14
Daz watch firefly asap :p If you even remotely liked serenity, you'll love the series that predates it :)

semi-pro waster
06-03-2008, 17:49
I've yet to watch Firefly (it's on a rather lengthy mental list) but Serenity was a great film, perhaps not the best of all time but certainly up there in the sci-fi genre for me.

06-03-2008, 18:19
I haven't watched serenity again yet, but i'll get round to it soon and i can see why it will be so so so much better than original :)

06-03-2008, 19:28
Really loved Serenity, the film has such a charm about it. Never seen Firefly though - think I'd struggle to fit it in!

It is well worth it; it is brilliant :D

Del Lardo
06-03-2008, 19:37
As much as I love Serenity it is a long way from being the best SciFi film ever and it doesn't hold a candle to Firefly. If you like the film you need to watch the series as a matter of urgency.

07-03-2008, 09:58
hmmmm seems a bit much really. it's good but it's not the epic that star wars is.

though it's easily agreed firefly > serenity.

07-03-2008, 12:58
Well as you may have heard serenity has recently been crowned the best sci fi flick ever

This has to be a joke, surely?

07-03-2008, 16:24
Yeah it has apaprently :D Although i probably wouldn't go as far to say that its the best ever ever, but its bloody good, i suspect it'll drop off again next year, probably more of a fad thing?

07-03-2008, 16:35
Yeah it has apaprently :D Although i probably wouldn't go as far to say that its the best ever ever, but its bloody good, i suspect it'll drop off again next year, probably more of a fad thing?

Well it can't be the best Sci-fi flick ever then can it? if it is liable to change next year :huh:

07-03-2008, 17:30
Pedant, none can then in that case since an absolutely amazing one may be produced in the future ;)

07-03-2008, 17:53
I've yet to watch Firefly (it's on a rather lengthy mental list) but Serenity was a great film, perhaps not the best of all time but certainly up there in the sci-fi genre for me.

my view exactly.. Serenity was a fantastic film, great characters and everything. I wouldn't go so far as to say best of all time, but its definitely worthy of accolade. Must get around to watching Firefly soon.

11-03-2008, 17:04
Firefly series for £10 from Play (http://www.play.com/DVD/DVD/4-/150418/Firefly-Complete-Series-1/Product.html?P36=7PXUH7).