06-03-2008, 20:42
The new SDK is out soon and there will be a major update in June for everyone to allow people to download their new toys. Its going to be great. EA have already had a play and made a Spore like game in 2 weeks. Sega have made Super Monkey Ball using the acceleromater in 2 weeks too. I really hope that comes out as it'll be great fun.
I liked this;
11:32AM - We asked: Will SIM unlock software be considered software not allowed in the app store?
A: Steve: (pause) "... yes." Laughter.
Hopefully we'll see some excellent apps out come June. Etch-a-sketch for example :D
I liked this;
11:32AM - We asked: Will SIM unlock software be considered software not allowed in the app store?
A: Steve: (pause) "... yes." Laughter.
Hopefully we'll see some excellent apps out come June. Etch-a-sketch for example :D