View Full Version : Bandwidth Limit

07-03-2008, 11:22
I've never had to worry about bandwidth limits, I've always had Virgin with no limits in place but it turns out the new flat may not have cable installed, or at least for quite a while.

So, it's ADSL. We've gone with Entanet as our company is an Entapartner so we get a decent monthly rate and our own commission goes back into our pockets, thus discounting the bill further. :D

Anyway, we've got a package that gives us 90GB on-peak and 340GB off-peak. Is that high? Will we ever top it? Connection will be used by two people, playing online games, web design work during the day etc.

Joe 90
07-03-2008, 11:26
you'd have to download a serious amount of stuff to go over those limits!

(you couldn't do it with just online games, web browsing, web dev, etc... 'work' would depend on what 'work' is though...)

07-03-2008, 12:21
FTPing web files, stylesheets, html templates.. etc

07-03-2008, 12:37
I work from home - uploading/downloading files every day.

Typical month - 60GB total. Heavy month - 120GB total (30GB peak - though my peak is 4-12 which is different from Entanet). Highest ever - 173GB total (37GB peak) - thanks to finding a 1200kbps video stream and backing up one of my servers.

Unless you're absolutely caning it with video downloads you'll be fine. If you are caning it, do the video downloads off-peak.

07-03-2008, 12:45
You'd need to download a full hi-def movie pretty much every day to break that, especially considering the generous timings of what entanet consider on and off peak :D

Joe 90
07-03-2008, 16:35
FTPing web files, stylesheets, html templates.. etc

think about this in a logical sense.
looking over my web site... the average page is <3kb
my entire includes dir is 70kb (style sheets, php include files for menus etc)
the biggest bit might be my images dir at 5mb

even if i spent all day everyday ftp'in them back and forth i'd still have bandwidth spare to download a couple of movies ;D