View Full Version : Help For Sending off my Designs (part GAZILLION!)

07-03-2008, 13:34
Hey peoples!

I have been asked to send a bunch of designs through to Urban Graphics (http://www.urbangraphic.co.uk/) and The Really Good Card Company (http://www.reallygood.uk.com).

Now really I should be looking at sending approximately 15 designs MAX! Ten would be a better figure.

The cards I like the most are the "I Like You" range (which I think would go down well with Urban Graphics) and the "Nerd" range. Smaller market, but one I can't seem to find as done before.

I figured I could use 2-3 from each of those ranges and then pick out some others to show where else they can lead to.

Obviously I will give them my webby... but what do you think? Which ones would you send to these guys?

www.akettleoffish.co.uk (http://www.akettleoffish.co.uk/)

*hates this selecting business... it officially sucks*

Fankoo in advance people :D

07-03-2008, 14:10
Ten: (others in brackets)

I like you even though you are a nerd
Mmmm Pi!
(You are a bird)
Nummmmmmmmm choc
Some love for you (box)
To a special couple
Thinking cap
Christmas Trees - love the Christmas Tree!
Christmas pressies
Thank you

Well done! These are all my personal choices btw and it appears that I have totally ignored what you asked for sowweee :o


BB x

07-03-2008, 14:19
Personal choices are gooooooooood though so thanking you :D

*reminded me - must reply to your email - silly me!*

07-03-2008, 19:19
Thank you
Moving Home
Happy Birthday
from the general :)

I can't decide which Christmas one so I'd just say all :D

I'll add some more suggestions later on :) Just didn#'t want to forget about this thread!