View Full Version : A Joke. - NSFW -

Von Smallhausen
08-03-2008, 19:09
Sorry if it bends BD rules but I just laughed myself daft.

A bloke takes his new girl to his house to meet the parents but he says to her to be aware that they are deaf and mute so things may be strange to her.

On going in the house, the girl is flabbergasted to see the mother with a bottle of Stella up her fanny and the father with a pair of matchsticks keeping his eyes open. Not only this but his testicles are hanging out of his pants.

' What the hell is this ? ' asks the girl.

' It's sign language ', the bloke says. ' My mother is saying get the beers in you c*nt and my father is saying bollocks I'm watching the match. '

08-03-2008, 19:13
I'll tell my boss that one on Monday :p

08-03-2008, 19:13
;D ;D ;D

Joe 90
08-03-2008, 19:24
think i'm too tired to find this funny :shocked:

09-03-2008, 11:49

09-03-2008, 12:12
That was actually good :p

BB x

09-03-2008, 12:58
/me giggled!

09-03-2008, 15:09
Me likey! :D

10-03-2008, 17:58
whooooosh! around my office.

NSFW? oops!

Admiral Huddy
12-03-2008, 18:21

Two teenage girls at school. One is really posh and the other a right slapper.

The teacher asks the posh girl to give one sentance using the word "improper".

She replies with her posh accent, "the weekend my father was digging up the potatoes using a spade. That was improper as he should have used a fork. Silly Daddy". snort snort

The teacher asks the same qustion to the slapper, She replies " last nite rite, me boyfriend was shagin me and his bollox was slappin me arse. I new he was in proper!"


12-03-2008, 18:31

Two teenage girls at school. One is really posh and the other a right slapper.

The teacher asks the posh girl to give one sentance using the word "improper".

She replies with her posh accent, "the weekend my father was digging up the potatoes using a spade. That was improper as he should have used a fork. Silly Daddy". snort snort

The teacher asks the same qustion to the slapper, She replies " last nite rite, me boyfriend was shagin me and his bollox was slappin me arse. I new he was in proper!"


Lol :D

12-03-2008, 18:41
not nsfw (sorry) - but this made me giggle like a naughty school girl earlier...

why were the bakers hands brown?
because he kneaded a poo...
