View Full Version : Weather warning

09-03-2008, 20:32

Looks like a bad one - possibly worst for at least a few years. :shocked:

Hope everyone is safe and suffers no damage to person or property.

09-03-2008, 21:16
I'm actually hoping for damage to the server room at work. ;) Could do with replacing the Pentium Pro machines in there.

09-03-2008, 21:30
Indeed, stay safe everyone please :)

Think I'm going to end up driving through some of it :shocked:

09-03-2008, 21:48
Looks like London should miss the most of it.

Richard Slater
09-03-2008, 22:21
this (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=Peacehaven&daddr=Hove&sll=50.802029,-0.056305&sspn=0.146896,0.283928&ie=UTF8&z=13) is more or less my journey into work... should be fun. The bus company have suspended double decker services along the coast road and they have been known to suspend all services in the past.

09-03-2008, 22:43
As others have said, I hope no-one is hurt. However I do secretly hope for some bad ass stormy weather just so I can take the photos.

09-03-2008, 23:17
I hope no-one gets hurt too.

Been a while since I last saw the Met Office charts full of this much red. In fact, the pressure charts are full of occlusions too (makes me wish the main TV stations go back to proper weather reporting, rather than the idiots guide). There is even a good trough to show on Wednesday morning. Aviation charts are interesting too. :D

09-03-2008, 23:25
I have to walk over a big ass hill in dartford to get to work, I hope I don't take off... though it would be fun to be airborne for a while, till I realised what goes up must come down (usually faster than it went up too :p)

10-03-2008, 07:45
eurgh - windy, rainy and horrible!
i'm getting a lift to work - it means i'll be there an hour early - but at least i won't have to cycle through this!
here's hoping things don't get as bad as the bbc are suggesting :)

10-03-2008, 08:03
Well it wasn't too bad driving into work this morning from SE London to NE London - it's windy sure, but it's not OMGWTFWE'REGONNADIE windy. I wonder how it'll develop.

10-03-2008, 08:15
Sounds like armageddon outside :shocked:

10-03-2008, 08:43
Sounds like armageddon outside :shocked:

It's the same in dartford, I'm not looking to the walk in 20 minutes. gonna take the longer route (sounds insane) so I don't have to walk across the train tracks - I'll take the bridge instead.

10-03-2008, 08:43
Nothing here so far!

10-03-2008, 08:54
A bit gusty and rainy in Kings Cross...

Nothing apocalyptic though.

10-03-2008, 09:05
Its sunny! *weird*

Was a bit rainy and windy last night but I'm sure we've had worse in the past few weeks!

10-03-2008, 09:52
I'm glad I had a few cheeky Sunday bevvies last night, would never have slept otherwise! Gates slamming, milk bottles rolling around, driving rain... On the plus side, a completely clear run into work, maybe even clearer than normal. Passed under the M3 and it was crawling.

10-03-2008, 10:02
Lots of rain and I'm taking a lady for a 4k run at 11!

10-03-2008, 10:33
It's now a beautiful day in Winchester. Went to get a coffee in just my T-shirt (fnar!) as it's so warm and sunny now. If a bit wet.

10-03-2008, 10:38
We've got two fence panels down in the garden :/
Luckily they belong to next door.

10-03-2008, 10:38
Nothing much here. Bit wet, bit windy. Bin day though, and already seen and heard a few skating down the road :D

Going to go round the top of the M25 later. Just got a call from a colleague who's been queing to go through the tunnel (bridge is shut) for 2 1/2 hours!

10-03-2008, 11:29
Well the trains had it this morning, as had the underground. I have a pic of LST underground station but I can't upload at work, will post later. The platform is about 20 people deep and thats after a load had left I thought of taking a pic.

10-03-2008, 13:00
Watering can, pot of rosemary (already dead :( ), recycle box all being bashed about outside, recycling bin fallen over but not moving about thankfully.

Keep getting waves of hail and the wind sounds horrible :/

10-03-2008, 13:17
...the wind sounds horrible :/

You can hear Demso from there?!?! :shocked:

10-03-2008, 13:18
Well it's now 1220 and I have to say I'm rather disappointed. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and in fact it wasn't bad at all.

10-03-2008, 13:21
Local news so far (http://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/Storm-update-Seafront-closed-as.3860853.jp) high tide is at 1:20pm which they think will coincide with another band of the really heavy rain.

10-03-2008, 14:39
Central Line was so much fun this morning. Left early and still ended up standing on the platform for 30 minutes in the rain, waiting for a chance to squeeze on.
Stupid idiots trying to force their way on when there was definitely NOT enough space for them on the train helped everything run dog slow too. They always seem to have the arrogance that even though they're stopping the doors from closing they're definitely "On the train" and not going to get off no matter what, even if they're screwing up both theirs and everyone else's journeys.

Got to work about half an hour late, but then a fair number of folk were affected by it so *shrug*

10-03-2008, 14:50
Central Line was fine when I went to work :p

Plenty of rain in Kings Cross now, cue me flaunting the Council smoking policy and smoking on the estate where I can keep dry \o/

10-03-2008, 14:55
Trains were late this morning... but hey thats a day to day occurence :p

Saw some sun this morning, but its raining now.

My socks are still wet :(

BB x

10-03-2008, 15:40

Starting to bet a bit windy and wet in essex. I have to be in Fareham for a night shift for 8pm, seriously considering leaving at 4... :shocked:

10-03-2008, 15:44
There are quite a few downed trees and stuff around here atm and a driver had to be rescued from his car near fareham - take care.
Mic is at fareham college today and tomorrow doing training for work.

10-03-2008, 15:48
Yeah can't say I'm looking forward to deliberatley heading for the "maelstrom" ;) Apparently there's downed powerlines on the A414 which is my usual route to the M25 if I've going over the top (still not going near the dartford crossing, even if the bridge is open!).

10-03-2008, 16:46
Stupid shagging weather. Daz is in Ireland today and tomoro, his flight was just diverted because of bad weather.

He is now a 5 hour coach journey from where he needs to be :(

Richard Slater
10-03-2008, 19:13
Didn't turn out too bad today actually, bus turned up on time got battered about a bit, had some problems with the UPSs at work because the power had been out but that was solved easy enough by my colleagues. Every time I went out side it wasn't raining, boss turned up looking like a drowned rat!

11-03-2008, 00:48
You know, I'd give my right testicle to have your weather right now!! Mainly because that would mean temperatures in the POSITIVE!!! :rant:

11-03-2008, 14:07
Not realted to the weather, but I ended up in a Portsmouth travel inn last night as there was no way I fancied driving home after a shift that manic :( Looks like the same tonight, so I've come home to collect clothes etc. I'm hoping the company is sorting the accomodation this time...

11-03-2008, 14:12
I twigged why we've got the bad weather this week.

It's Cheltenham Gold Cup week, we always get bad weather during Gold Cup week :D

Snuggle Ferret
11-03-2008, 14:34
It's now a beautiful day in Winchester. Went to get a coffee in just my T-shirt (fnar!) as it's so warm and sunny now. If a bit wet.

Winchester !!! I used to live there :D

11-03-2008, 15:20
80% chance of something according to the wet office. Tuesday night / tomorrow till 3pm. I hope we get something just for the photos.

11-03-2008, 19:00
I bet it's the one just up the road from Tak!

Off the big roundabout that goes to the ferry port?

Would have thought from fareham the one near tescos at north harbour would be easier. Have a feeling the one at the end of my road is a lodge not an inn (not sure if thats still the same thing though)

And if there is a party my invite must have got lost in the post :p

11-03-2008, 19:51
There are quite a few downed trees and stuff around here atm and a driver had to be rescued from his car near fareham - take care.
Mic is at fareham college today and tomorrow doing training for work.

Erm, I should probably call my mum then!!!!

In other stormy news..

http://www.thisisjersey.co.uk/code/showarticle.pl?ArticleID=001074 Here is jersey at the moment.

12-03-2008, 07:04
It'd not been too bad around here.. until last night. It's been absolutely howling all night. I woke up 3 and didn't properly get back to sleep after that. Not looking forward to the drive in :/

12-03-2008, 08:48
Same here Kate - was proper blowing a gale and absolutely bucketing it down! I was just waiting for something to smash or take a tumble... but all seems well in the street of the Pheckers.... :D

Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
12-03-2008, 10:15
It was bad getting into work today. Runcorn bride open / closed / open / closed have a feeling it might be difficult getting home tonight unless the winds calm down a bit

12-03-2008, 10:54
Chap who owns the V6 Alfa Gt in our building isn't going to be happy when he goes to his car this morning.

We've got lead flashing underneath our windows - building is old and manky so it's not secured that well. Each sheet is about 1/4" thick, 4 meters long and about 50cm high.

One appears to have crumpled up and falled off the top floor of the building *4 stories up*. Straight through his sunroof. Impact made a nice dent in the roof as well.

I need to move my car...

12-03-2008, 11:00
Really windy here this morning, no rain though and it's lovely and sunny.

12-03-2008, 11:29
Its a bit windy here, nothing to write home over though. Not as bad as last year, annoyingly.

12-03-2008, 11:46
More than a bit windy here I about got blown over whilst walking the Frank staffy dog. I even got attacked by a Couple of Black bins ffs :shocked: Came steaming down the road at me No messing & Charged me & Frank. I had to stick the boot in with the first one & the second got grabbed by the throat & slung onto a garden ;D
Plotted up at home now waiting for something to get ripped off & fly about smashing the place up.

12-03-2008, 11:53
I'm supposed to be flying to Milan tomorrow, hope the weather calms down before then otherwise flying will be fun, if we can take off of course.

Admiral Huddy
12-03-2008, 18:12
I was cycling backwards this morning :D

12-03-2008, 20:52
Update on the Alfa GT.... It's pretty much wrecked..
The lead going throught the sunroof didn't slow it down much and it's trashed the interior and also looked to have bent the floor. Thats going to be pricy to fix.

Bloody glad it's not mine! :D

Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
12-03-2008, 21:30
Birkenhead tunnel will be closed at 10pm tonight according to Everton game on TV. Didn't say why assume the weather it was mad today

12-03-2008, 22:10
was very windy today. I walked along the banks of the mersey and i very nearly got splashed. :p

Random low flying cup of hot chocolate? :p

Birkenhead tunnel will be closed at 10pm tonight according to Everton game on TV. Didn't say why assume the weather it was mad today

Huh. Its not that windy really. I'm guessing its a maintence thing.

14-03-2008, 09:21
I bet it's the one just up the road from Tak!

Off the big roundabout that goes to the ferry port?

Is there a party going on tonight then? :D:D

I wish! No party for me :( Was working n Fareham. Only got home at midnight after an aborted nights work in Winchester. Think there was a tescos nearby, there were two inns one each side of the road. I got the wrong one to start with.

14-03-2008, 09:44
I wish! No party for me :(

Party in Stratford tonight lad? (http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7431)


14-03-2008, 14:51
I know. But so tired :'(