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18-11-2008, 14:47
2 packs plse


18-11-2008, 15:46
I agree with having them blank. I'd much rather write my own message in it.

So are we all sending eachother Pheebs' cards this year? :D

18-11-2008, 16:21
I will have a pack too, but was going to send mine who I thought I needed to market the brand to ;)

Sorry guys bog standards coming your ways :p

They are cute - they have cats on em! (Bought ages ago :o)

BB x

18-11-2008, 16:22
I might have a set. I'll also get round to giving you something for the card you did me a few weeks back :o

18-11-2008, 21:53
So are we all sending eachother Pheebs' cards this year? :D

Nope cos I'm too cheap, you lot'll just have to put up with an email :evil:

19-11-2008, 16:07
You're all going to hate me :(

Due to printers and pricing they've come back with and packaging and posting... financially it's just not viable for me to produce the cards this year. I would have to have over 5000 cards produced to make it slightly financially sound (even then my profits would be around 4p per pack) and well... it would mean having a heck of a lot of stock too of which I'm not sure I could shift this year and with money as it is - I just can't hang on until next year to shift the rest of the stock.

I am gutted.

And upset that the pricing just doesn't match up with anything that's been quoted in the past. Feel so let down. I really do.

Spent all day trying to fudge a way around it and well. I can't :(

I am so sorry and as above so gutted. Been all teary about it and everything (which probably sounds very silly but these are my babies and I was so excited about having Christmas Cards).

At least I have everything prepared for next Christmas and I can pitch without any queries in my head in February to shops. Without having shops to produce Christmas cards for (at the moment all my ranges are "specialist" with the odd general in shops - they sorted their Christmas out before I had a chance to pitch to them earlier this year) it just doesn't add up figure wise to do small batches.


Unbelievably gutted.


So sorry :(

19-11-2008, 16:10
Aw no don't worry. I know the feeling. If I wanted to do calendars of my work I'd have to order a stupid number just to make it cost effective, and well its bloody expensive. Don't worry about it :) Get it in place for 09 and we'll all have our cash ready :)

19-11-2008, 16:32
Boooo :(

Are any of the current Christmas ones in stock in the shops?


BB x

19-11-2008, 16:54

Don't worry about it. First and foremost, this is your livelihood - you have to think of you and yours and I'm absolutely certain that everyone would much rather look forward to next year's cards now. Hey, you can put me down for an advance pack for 2009 :)

I had the same issue - I was going to create my own cards this year based on a picture I have (you've seen it) but the costs were too high for the numbers I planned on sending. I'm sure prices have really increased dramatically this year as well but I'm sure you know more about that than me.

19-11-2008, 17:04
No - they won't be either :) Christmas stock is normally dealt with veeeery early in the year and so I missed this Chrismtas as I wasn't pitching early enough this year to jump on the bandwagon :)

Next year however ;)

Still gutted :(

Pete if you do a calendar put me down for one!! :D

19-11-2008, 17:42
Awww don't worry Pheebs. Next year we'll buy loads :D *hugs*

19-11-2008, 17:45
Yep, put me down on the list for next year :D

19-11-2008, 19:33
Yep, next year is good :) Might get my ones to Oz there on time then :D

19-11-2008, 19:55
Dont worry about it Pheebs, I am eagerly awaiting them next year instead.

21-11-2008, 16:02
Good news everybody! Athena stores in:

(as well as the York one already on board)

... will be stocking 24 of my designs each within the next couple of weeks :D

Woo woo!

21-11-2008, 16:06
Oooh exciting :D Hoping to go to Bristol in a couple of weeks so I'll make sure to go there.
Mind you, I'm also hoping to go to Exeter soon too ;)

21-11-2008, 16:11

21-11-2008, 17:26
Went in to buy some cards from Bishopsgate and they have taken them off till after Christmas!!! :(

Was going to kick fannies, but that would have hurt me more :(

BB x

21-11-2008, 17:31
Woooo Hoooo, that is awesome news :D

21-11-2008, 18:14
I can go and buy some now!
Great news Pheebs!

21-11-2008, 18:47
Reference Clintons - it's all being sorted in the next few weeks and I will get to swap the designs over to what I think it should be (though will obviously check sales records) and yeh.

I'll *finally* get paid!!


Fankoo for your excitedness too :D

18-12-2008, 19:26
Pheebs, wonder how many of your cards have gone international? My brother just got one for his birthday :)

18-12-2008, 19:27
Wow cool :)

18-12-2008, 19:34
Really!? As in from you or just randomly?!!?

Went into Athena today and the display is HUuUUUuge!

18-12-2008, 19:54
Any news on when Brissle is getting some stock?

Just so I can bounce in there like a loon, drag everyone in the shop over to the stand and proudly announce "I KNOW HER!!!" ;D

18-12-2008, 19:59
Really!? As in from you or just randomly?!!?

Went into Athena today and the display is HUuUUUuge!

Oh, from me :)

18-12-2008, 21:38
Any news on when Brissle is getting some stock?

Just so I can bounce in there like a loon, drag everyone in the shop over to the stand and proudly announce "I KNOW HER!!!" ;D

I think if you do that while pointing at cards people will think you are BARMY and call the loony farm :p ;D

18-12-2008, 21:43
I think if you do that while pointing at cards people will think you are BARMY and call the loony farm :p ;D

Its taken you how long to figure that one out?

18-12-2008, 22:58
I think if you do that while pointing at cards people will think you are BARMY and call the loony farm :p ;D

The doctors abbreviate this behaviour to NFF on their charts - Normal For Fishponds;D

18-12-2008, 23:21
The doctors abbreviate this behaviour to NFF on their charts - Normal For Fishponds;D

How very dare you! I live on the hill in clifton dont you know!

18-12-2008, 23:38
Good news everybody! Athena stores in:

(as well as the York one already on board)

... will be stocking 24 of my designs each within the next couple of weeks :D

Woo woo!
Awesome! I was in Athena only a few days ago and didn't think to look...I shall go again when I'm back there :D

19-12-2008, 00:15
Oh pheebs my legendary mother has been telling her chums about your cards and showing them your website! Get the online shop-a-going and you're sure to be quids in!

*spreading the fishy kettle love like a fine paste!*

19-12-2008, 03:24
Dolls/kiniipples/sexy momma of al ady friend they're in cribs causeways athena!

I think!

But theyre in a Brizzle athenia!



Love to all xxsx

19-12-2008, 04:06
They aren't in Edinburgh Athena :( i looked specially and everything.

19-12-2008, 08:19
Dolls/kiniipples/sexy momma of al ady friend they're in cribs causeways athena!

Im going there today!
Will come back wiv pitchaaaaas me promises!
(where theyve hidden Athena I dont know:shocked: ......nope cant find one on the list of shops! )

19-12-2008, 10:09
(where theyve hidden Athena I dont know:shocked: ......nope cant find one on the list of shops! )

Here it is (http://www.citikey.com/business/10035924/)


19-12-2008, 16:03
Thankyou my friend but thats the Broadmead one. Cribbs Causeway is elsewhere. One is in the centre of town and the other is about 10 miles outside it.

19-12-2008, 16:16


19-12-2008, 16:28
There's a Clintons in the Mall at Cribbs (up above Waterstones) I think but don't remember seeing an Athena.
The only one I know is in the Galleries.

I guessed you probably weren't from Fishponds, Knip, as then there would be a 98% chance you'd be a Gashead.
You're emphatically not NFF.

Cliftonites are rich enough to be deemed eccentric.;)