View Full Version : Ok guys and girls, I just *have* to boast...

Dr. Z
11-03-2008, 20:40
So there I was in work minding my own business sorting out the mountainous pile of buggered laptops in the back when I stumbled across a box that I had seen knocking about for a while but never looked in. Inside there was this:


Its a dual-core Turion 64 X2, 1Gb RAM, 100Gb SATA HDD, 14.1" WXGA Screen, webcam etc.

After a little bit of investigation and some testing, I discovered that a) the laptop was fully working and b) it would cost me £62.99 to buy. At the moment I don't have £62.99 but my parents do :D


11-03-2008, 20:42
lol, nice find!

11-03-2008, 21:22
Bastard!!!! :D

12-03-2008, 00:39
Jeez could have offered it to me! The laptop that is, not sexual favours! :D

12-03-2008, 10:54
Ace find dude :)

Joe 90
12-03-2008, 14:17
and how exactly did this cost £62.99?

12-03-2008, 14:50
Buying it off Uni radio I presume?

Dr. Z
12-03-2008, 19:27
No no, Staples. Head Office occasionally make mistakes on things, this is one of them :D:D I cleared it with my boss etc so there is no way it can come back and bite me in the ass.

13-03-2008, 17:02
I hate you with a passion you can only dream of :(

13-03-2008, 19:50
Lucky git :p

13-03-2008, 19:51
Lucky git :pAnd I'm buying the cheeky bastard a donut or two later on! :D