View Full Version : Emotion

13-08-2006, 23:05

Its not as good as I originally planned. I was going for a photobooth kind of shot. Similar to something from Amelie. I'm just not that good with portraits really. I've got a lot to learn about how to handle skin tones, and various things. I feel the black and white conversion soften the detailed. That aside I do feel it says "emotion" without any words. I hope so anyway.

13-08-2006, 23:20
The bottom right one says to me "watch out im going to bite you" hehe
The bottom left one "im not amused" or disappointed.
The top right one "give me it back" or "im not happy"
and the top left one :D

Those photo snaps in Amelie are awesome :)

13-08-2006, 23:44
I love it :D
Something about it that makes me instantly want to smile :)

14-08-2006, 00:12
It is really good, I love the way you're not central in the frame. It's only a little thing but it really increases the effect.

/edit - checked, and yes, it's thirds ;)

14-08-2006, 00:44
Well if you need a hand then i'm sure DRZ won't mind pimping me out for portrait practice. I'll be in Wirral next week until Friday.

14-08-2006, 01:26
The bottom right one says to me "watch out im going to bite you" hehe
The bottom left one "im not amused" or disappointed.
The top right one "give me it back" or "im not happy"
and the top left one :D

Those photo snaps in Amelie are awesome :)


It is really good, I love the way you're not central in the frame. It's only a little thing but it really increases the effect.

/edit - checked, and yes, it's thirds ;)

Good old rule of thirds. Works well most of the time but is fun to break :)

Well if you need a hand then i'm sure DRZ won't mind pimping me out for portrait practice. I'll be in Wirral next week until Friday.

Ahhh a girl! ;) Shame my "studio" is my bedroom wall. Partially designed that way though for test shots :D

Glad you guys enjoyed it :)

14-08-2006, 02:00
Ahhh a girl! ;) Shame my "studio" is my bedroom wall. Partially designed that way though for test shots :D
;D Where do you think all the pictures DRZ has are taken ;)

14-08-2006, 07:39
Looks good :D

Similar to mine but I used rats :embarassed: And I'm carp at taking photos still :embarassed:

14-08-2006, 08:44
I like that, its quite humourous and tounge in cheek for all emotions due to the monkey beanie. ;D

14-08-2006, 09:01
:shocked: Is that what you were planning for me!?

Looks good, but I'm not sure I can do 4 emotions! :p

Gotta love the monkeh beaneh! ;D

14-08-2006, 09:12
Bottom left looks like you're about to cry.

I like.

I want a decent camera.

I want to be able to take decent pictures.


14-08-2006, 09:28
Looks good :D

Similar to mine but I used rats :embarassed: And I'm carp at taking photos still :embarassed:

Yeah I saw yours popup as I was half way through mine and thought "Doh!" :)

:shocked: Is that what you were planning for me!?

Looks good, but I'm not sure I can do 4 emotions! :p

Gotta love the monkeh beaneh! ;D

Haha no it wasn't and yes, the monkeh rules all! :D

24-08-2006, 22:30

I wasn't last :D :D

I was last for technical again, but then I have no idea how I could even begin to improve that, and as they were just candid shots of the ratties, I can't say there was all that much technical knowledge going into it (unless you count leaning the camera on the cage so you don't get bars thru the shots)

24-08-2006, 23:10
Does the one that won not say emotion to anyone else?

It's an interesting photo, but emotion?



25-08-2006, 01:13
I guess its a hard round to judge. I really don't get how Colin's shot got more theme points than mine when it was the same concept. mrk's shot was technically good but it just seemed like a portrait rather than an expression of emotion. I've got loads of shots that are like that. Bleh :) Silly round. Gregeff's was excellent. Did it say emotion? I'm not sure. The problem was that people were showing the result of an emotion rather than an emotion. Very tricky.

25-08-2006, 06:31
I guess its a hard round to judge. I really don't get how Colin's shot got more theme points than mine when it was the same concept. mrk's shot was technically good but it just seemed like a portrait rather than an expression of emotion. I've got loads of shots that are like that. Bleh :) Silly round. Gregeff's was excellent. Did it say emotion? I'm not sure. The problem was that people were showing the result of an emotion rather than an emotion. Very tricky.
Agree with you on most of this. Colin's shot is a good concept, but it's so similar to yours that I don't understand the differing theme marks either. mrk's is just a portrait (a lot of people seem to have done this) and looks completely emotionless. We both know how he likes to come up with long-winded stories on how it's relevent though (remember the button? ;D). Lots of the entries are photos which I wouldn't class as "emotion". They're just portraits.

However, I do think Gregeff's shot is a well-deserved winner. Yes, it's the result of an emotion, but the guy's face says it all. His emotions are raw and on the surface. Really like this shot as a competition entry.

25-08-2006, 09:47
Oh yeah his shot is definetly the winner by miles. Its a very well executed shot. lol I forgot about mrk's button. Haha that was a bit of a stretch. :)

25-08-2006, 09:48
Well it was the first one I entered and I didn't come last which was a bonus :D

06-09-2006, 00:42
I must admit, although I know little about photography, I love MRK's shots. I rememeber at the 'Pool meet DRZ and Cy said how he went against the grain. I still love his shots though. Gregs shot was good. I must admit I don't know where your shot came from DRZ (no offense intended, I just don't see the emotion).

06-09-2006, 00:51
mrk is a brilliant photographer but his ego is twice the size of his skill level :) His shot was technically great. Sharp, nice detail, well composed but it was just a kid. Didn't really say anything to me about emotion.

07-09-2006, 06:17
mrk is a brilliant photographer but his ego is twice the size of his skill level :) His shot was technically great. Sharp, nice detail, well composed but it was just a kid. Didn't really say anything to me about emotion.
I have to say that I agree completely with you there cyk. His massive ego is evident in IRC. He also comes up with some rather silly (but amusing) long-winded stories to explain why his photo is relevent to the competition. For example:
mrk: Everyone has a story about a button. A button means something to everyone.
cyk: Errrr :/
Lostkat: Right! :/
DRZ: Umm.. yeaah :/


Dr. Z
11-09-2006, 20:16
I must admit, although I know little about photography, I love MRK's shots. I rememeber at the 'Pool meet DRZ and Cy said how he went against the grain. I still love his shots though. Gregs shot was good. I must admit I don't know where your shot came from DRZ (no offense intended, I just don't see the emotion).

It has absolutely nothing at all to do with emotion. I knew it didnt but I entered it anyway as it was the best technically that I had eligible for the competition :p

The competition is really hard to get shots for and besides, its not what it used to be :p

11-09-2006, 20:18
I managed to capture a superb shot of a drinker on the CCTV last week... So full of emotion (if drunken crying can be counted...) and a superb shot...

Just a shame that if I posted it I could a) get sacked and b) go to prison :/