View Full Version : Lifehacker in Opera issues

17-03-2008, 19:36
If anyone running Opera could go to www.lifehacker.com and tell me how the page displays I'd be most grateful. I'm finding that Opera (9.26) isn't loading the css for the site at all so I just get the HTML in one long page. I'm not using my own stylesheet or otherwise affecting what should be appearing so I'm flummoxed and I could do with knowing if it is something about the site affecting Opera (they have just changed the layout slightly I think which is about the time Opera went tits up.) or if it is my PC/Opera install somehow. :D

Muchos gracias.

18-03-2008, 16:00
They've broken it for me too, it normally works but anyhow i use google reader to read the articles these days...

18-03-2008, 16:48
Right. Presume you are using 9.50 or something? Have you seen the site in FF? They've made the content centered on the screen. I think this change is what has borked the site in Opera.

18-03-2008, 17:24
Yeah 9.5, the issue is to do with detecting opera i guess, because its just not loading a css file at all...

18-03-2008, 21:04
I think I've tried masking Opera as FF. Will try again.

I have email Gina Trapani about this but no reply yet.

19-03-2008, 15:46
If this issue isn't fixed by the end of the week I might spend the weekend downloading all the css files that Lifehacker makes use of, compile them into one css and store it locally on my PC. I should then be able to get Opera to use this super css file and be back to normal.

What do you think about that Alex? Worth it?

19-03-2008, 16:14
Thats a personal question, worth it for me, nope, i hadn't even noticed :p It'll get fixed by opera, or lifehacker soon i guess. If you've got free time to kill and really want the site looking right and want to use opera, then i guess yes it is worth it :)

19-03-2008, 16:31
Well I have emailed Lifehacker and haven't yet got a reply and the site still doesn't work. I wouldn't mind if I didn't get a reply as long as the next time I try the site it is fixed but that won't happen.

So is the problem something that Lifehacker.com have done or is it a bug in Opera?

26-03-2008, 16:19
I had to use my restore cd on the laptop last night and when I went on Lifehacker with a brand new install of Opera it was back to normal. :D

20-04-2008, 01:38
I've finally worked out what it actually was because it was happening on other sites and starting to really peeve me off. The css file has /ads. in the url, and this is blocked by the term */ads.* in the urlfilter.ini for adblocking. Removed that one term, or you could add the whole lifehacker css url to the whitelist (but this would fix other sites) everything works fine now, but i suppose i have a slight increase in the chance of seeing an ad!

Well it took a while to fix but i'm on top of it, its amazing what i get up to when i have to do revision! :D

20-04-2008, 12:07
Ah. So you removed */ads.* in the urlfilter.ini?

The site works OK for me now anyway.

20-04-2008, 16:56
Yeah just took it out, it shouldnt work if your urlfilter.ini was updated and working correctly, otherwise opera would be blocking the css file, hence the problem :p