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18-03-2008, 18:23
Well for A Kettle of Fish I need to produce a number of books! After some umming and arring and looking through previous thoughts I have scribbled down I am going to do Alphabet books!

The first one on my list will be The Alphabet of The Nerd :D

I have quite a few already but figured you guys are fairly nerdy and would love to know your ideas/thoughts for nerdyness! See what inspiration I can zap from your random thoughts!

What I have so far (though will be doing more on each of them!)

A = Algorithm (not drawn this yet - want to include "1337" in there somewhere but not sure how... will have a play later!)
B = BSOD or Binary Code...
C = Computers (naturally)
D =
E =
F =
G = Gamma Rays! Pew peeeeew!
H =
I =
J =
K =
L = 1337ness
M = Memory (I R out of Memory)
N = NERD! Well Duh!
O = O Rly?!
P = Physics!
Q = Quantum Physics
R =
S =
T = Trekky! (though not thought of words to match the pics yet!)
U =
V =
W = Webby
X =
Y =
Z =

I have more... but need to take my doggy to puppy training class! Will be back later to post more! :D

18-03-2008, 18:25
F = FTW! :D

18-03-2008, 18:35
S = STFU :cool:

18-03-2008, 18:46
F = Flux Capacitor
X = Xenon/X-Ray/xantophyll
E = MC²
H = Hologram / Halo / Harddisc / Hyperterminal

18-03-2008, 18:50
U = Unix?

18-03-2008, 18:59
J=Jarp ;)


18-03-2008, 20:17
J=Jarp ;)



18-03-2008, 20:59
Y = youngs slits... (waits to get arrested) :eek:

18-03-2008, 21:08
F = Fire (kill it with...) OR FNAR!!
K = Keyboard (kill it with a...)
Z = ZOMG!!

18-03-2008, 21:27
D = Darwin?

18-03-2008, 21:29
K = Keyboard (kill it with a...)

Keyboard warrior probably has a cartoon or two in it :)

18-03-2008, 21:57
M = Meme (or A = Annoying Memes)

F = Forwards

O = Older than the interweb

Dr. Z
18-03-2008, 22:44
H should clearly be H4x :D

18-03-2008, 23:39
I'd be a bit wary of filling it with current memes. A could be "All your base are belong to us." However no-one really uses that anymore because internet memes move so fast. Plus, not to be really picky, but theres nerd and theres geek. Geeks are cool. Geeks say ftw and o rly. Nerds are calculators, maths and a perfectly aligned collection of pencils. Frink from the Simpsons :)

19-03-2008, 00:15
Don't get me wrong, its still cool but "old" technically speaking. I also have a tshirt with it on, and everything else (http://www.threadless.com/product/the%20internet#zoom) :D But its missing a lot because the net moves so fast. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Internet_memes

19-03-2008, 00:32
L - Linux (the penguin!)

Isn't he called Tux?

19-03-2008, 00:37
He is.

19-03-2008, 01:09


19-03-2008, 10:30
Oh S should be Shroedinger's Cat. That would be an excellent cartoon :D


19-03-2008, 11:03
Schrodinger's Comic (http://xkcd.com/45/).

19-03-2008, 11:15
C = Ceiling Cat

19-03-2008, 12:25
P = Pr0n surely?

19-03-2008, 12:26
Stop calling me Shirley! :D

20-03-2008, 00:05
B = Big Bang
H = Hyperspace
J = Jedi
X = X-Wing
I = Internetz!
F = Flamewar
T = Troll
M = Morpug

20-03-2008, 09:18
lol some of these are fab! I've just drawn a couple of ideas and they made me giggle! Will do them properly when I have a moment :D


24-03-2008, 19:55

I've done a couple of hilarious ones today - made me LOL anyhoo :) Will post them soon but got to do the whole copyright business first (funno) :)

On a separate note from the A-Z of The Nerd, as part of my webby I am going to have a "request" page where people can submit lines/a note which they want me to draw (a bit like "explodingdog.com")

It's gonna be cool - anyone can submit anything! Like Desmo asked me to draw him with a chin-axe face - and so I did! (See his avatar!)

Equally it could be a line like:

"The sun don't shine here"


"What on earth is THIS?"

And I will draw it as I think it! :)

Any requests people!? :D

24-03-2008, 21:09
Like Desmo asked me to draw him with a chin-axe face - and so I did! (See his avatar!)
No. You went mental on MSN after we were talking about something and I somehow ended up with a chin-axe-face ;D

25-03-2008, 09:26
Oh yeh! I was saying how your chin was too chisled to draw and I had drawn one but it was as big as Jimmy Hills chin and said it could kill small children it was so big... and then it somehow developed to being a chin axe face?! You wanted me to draw you wang-slapping piggy!

Hehehehe. Funny how thought processes develop :D

One of my nerd ones people - made me lol yester as it reminds me of Picky! :D



Any requests at all people?!?! Or will I just have to wait patiently until my request web page is up? :)

25-03-2008, 19:52
I will have one when I can think of something :D

I've actually been meaning to ask you when you had 5mins if you could do me something that I can put on the partition next to my desk as we can put anything we want up there. It'd be really cool :) And could earn you some business in the future when people go 'oooh what's that amazing picture'!
But I can't think what I want :o

26-03-2008, 13:10
I will have one when I can think of something :D

I've actually been meaning to ask you when you had 5mins if you could do me something that I can put on the partition next to my desk as we can put anything we want up there. It'd be really cool :) And could earn you some business in the future when people go 'oooh what's that amazing picture'!
But I can't think what I want :o

Hehehe well what shape/size is your partition! I'll think up something!

Currently mid way through plonking together some prices and a portfolio for our local card shop - planning to take it down there tomorrow. They will hold it for anywhere up to 2months (:shocked:) before asking for more info! Madness!

If you're lacking inspiration it doesn't need to make sense! I drew these yester for a couple of friends on either things they requested or something they said to me!

Hayley asked for a drawing titled: "It's Empty"


Henry asked for one saying "I'm glad you're not horrible or covered in warts"


and Lozza lolled at her hair after she had taken it out of a huuuuge towel, so I drew this:



26-03-2008, 19:53
They're great :D
My partition's big enough to hide my two monitors and my head behind as they're quite raised.....which is a crap description ;D
I was thinking something sorta postcard size ish or maybe a little bigger.
I'll have a think tomorrow, I have some random daydreams in work so something might occur to me :D

26-03-2008, 23:48
Can you do kiddie faces (we can supply pics if inspiration is needed) with our kids names (Joshie, Georgie and 'Ella) on for bedroom door plaques?

P.S. If you start doing door plaques I want 10% :D


Admiral Huddy
27-03-2008, 10:04
H= Huddyism :p

P= Pron as in porn

N - noob

27-03-2008, 10:13
Well kiddies faces are easy because they just smaller circles than the bigger ones ;D

Piccies would be fab and maybe a note of something the love (animals, toys, games, things they say - whatever :))

A couple of extras I drew - you probably all saw this in the other thread but figured I would keep it together...

Pete mentioned how he had SEVENTEEN cans of coke on his desk and that anymore might take him over... which made me laugh hysterically and thus made me draw:


Also, Lozza asked for a card to be drawn for her friend who "always wants hugs" so much so it's like she's "possessed" or like a "zombie". She's a nurse too and welsh and Lozza wanted something like "cwtch me now" written in it (Cwtch is welsh for "hug" apparently :))


Got a few ideas I want to play with too for a BD Comic... a bit like that one someone posted a while back from another forum where some dude did a drawing and then people told him what they wanted the drawing to do (ie. "fap") and they built up a story from it. Might try that with the coke can as I like him as a character and figured it would be fun! :D

27-03-2008, 10:14
H= Huddyism :p

P= Pron as in porn

N - noob

NOOB! Why didn't I think of Noob!

But ofcourse!

Silly billy willy me! Fankoo Hudster! :D

27-03-2008, 10:40
i love that zombie one ;D

27-03-2008, 12:28
Zombie Welsh Hug Nurses FTW!!!!!!

27-03-2008, 15:10
I will make you a zombie one of sorts Haly!

Bout to grab some lunch - will look into it after!

Two more requests though:

The Kelleeeee asked:

I'd love a pic I can use as my desktop for work - headset on maybe, talking to stoopid customers!

And so has got:


Also, Jasper, The God of Websites, asked me to do one for him as part of the deal whilst sorting out my webby. He's put a lot of work into it and I'm so very appreciative of it :) And so Jasper, I bring you your request!



27-03-2008, 15:13
Pheebs, the one for Jasper is AMAZERING! (Not that the others aren't good but that one is awesomeness in a basket)

27-03-2008, 17:31
Well he deserved an uber amazing one after all he's done for me :)

I admit though, I will never EVER want to draw matrix symbols. Ever again.

27-03-2008, 18:03
Pheebs that Jasper one is amazing! I'm sure you've already thought of this but these sketches would make excellent pressies for people. Basically people come to you for a custom sketch about someone, they give you the details and monies and then you send them their very own sketch. It could all be done online as well. Perhaps a sideline earner for KOF?

I'd certainly pay for something like that, personalised gifts always go down well in my experience. :)

27-03-2008, 18:13
oOh, would you be able to do one based on this pic:


I know the "me" bit is quite small in it. No idea on a caption :(

Fankoo :D

And just spotted the "hidden" message in Jasper's one.

27-03-2008, 18:18
Fankoo :) I wanted to make it a bit more special cos our Jasper is the mutts nutts :) Plus, this is the kind of quality I like producing and type of thing I like doing too. I hate all this "happy birthday" parp, but do it because I am instructed to :(

I will probably do something similar charging wise - for the moment all I am concerned about is getting known and liked. When I have more welly and a much bigger following then the charging will commence :)

A worry I have about singular items though is the price. With costs of prints/mugs/tshirts and delivery... it's quite expensive for singular purchases. If it's pricey for me, it will be pricey for the consumer once marked up, which equals no purchases.

Don't worry though I will sort out something properly though :) I'm not going to be doing this as a freebee always (grab a chance whilst you can ;))

Hopefully my A Kettle of Fish facebook group will spread the connections slightly too! Think I'll tootle over to OCuk too - haven't posted in YEARS so I don't know what their reactions are going to be!

27-03-2008, 18:19
and *eak* a car... I will see what I can do! Cars + me don't go well. I may have to have a play!

27-03-2008, 18:23
Don't worry if you can't, I know it's well outside you're normal stuff :) Was just the only thing I could think of.

Would you like me to invite my non-BD facebook friends to your group? 3 or 4 of them I think :o bit of word of mouth anyway :)

27-03-2008, 18:38
That Jasper one is the dogs danglies :cool:

you any good at motorbikes pheebs? :D

27-03-2008, 18:40
I can add you to my Facebook too if you like? I don't have a huge amount of people on there but exposure is exposure.

If you get chance Pheebs I'd love a simple sketch about my girlfriend Rhiannon; she's working really hard at the moment at Uni and I'm really proud of her, but sometimes a picture speaks a thousand words. :p Something along the lines of me loving her and she being a smart brainbox would be perfect, or whatever you think will look nice, you're the artist. :)

Pic of her so you know what she looks like: http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/7104/21012008ra0.jpg

27-03-2008, 19:29
I will make you a zombie one of sorts Haly!


That one for Jasper is awesome :)

27-03-2008, 19:37
Ahh boo... I didn't know about the "fan of" in facebook... just creating ANOTHER page now ... uncertain whether or not to scrap the first one and get the second one going so people can be a fan of (means I can create albumns and things too - much betterer)

Or do I keep both?

WOM is superb! Spread it as much as possible!

I will do the drawings asap :D And I know cars aren't my remit ... nor bikes... but it's worth a shot! :D

27-03-2008, 19:47
Or do I keep both?

WOM is superb! Spread it as much as possible!

Keep both :) Just invited about 50 random people :D

27-03-2008, 22:29
As far as I'm aware... no... in fact I have been encouraged to put them on the internet to get a following, thus giving me more oomph in the future :D

I will double check though! But am 100% convinced I'm a o k for it :D

27-03-2008, 22:36
Hey Pheebs, if you do cars, you can do pop up light cars and do a Humphrey one for us :D

I'm loving the 'stud' one, but as a greeting card would it be better to say 'You put the stud....' rather than 'I'?

The Coke one is ace. i particularly love how they are all making a different noise :p How long did it take to think of all the noises? :)

27-03-2008, 22:53
Hey Pheebs, if you do cars, you can do pop up light cars and do a Humphrey one for us :D

I'm loving the 'stud' one, but as a greeting card would it be better to say 'You put the stud....' rather than 'I'?

The Coke one is ace. i particularly love how they are all making a different noise :p How long did it take to think of all the noises? :)

Will look into requests toooomorrow!

Card wise you're right - If I had it in a portfolio/something to send off I would change the writing (have done for a couple of cards already) :) This is the beauty of it being done on PS - means I can edit easy peezy lemon squeezy!

And as for the coke noises... they weren't hard at all! They all look like they're making the noise they did so I just listened to their actions and wrote it!

*wonders if that makes sense*


27-03-2008, 22:54
And as for the coke noises... they weren't hard at all! They all look like they're making the noise they did so I just listened to their actions and wrote it!

*wonders if that makes sense*

:)Er no. :D But then I'm probably not as hyper as you. ;D

27-03-2008, 22:59
It makes perfect sense :)

Cheers for the car thing, if you want any pics just let me know :)

28-03-2008, 09:51
I tried to draw a car! I really did! And I failed! Miserably!

Still, this is what I came up with! :)


Hope it's likeable!

Other ones will be done later today - I have to pop into town in a bit so am busy making sure odds and ends are tied :D

28-03-2008, 09:56
hehehe, I like that one Pheebs!

Even I can't draw cars and I spend most of my day with them, so don't worry :D

28-03-2008, 10:16
The Jasper one is amazing, simply fantastic :D

And for the alphabet thing, if O = O RLY, then Y = YA RLY :D

28-03-2008, 17:09
Just as a warning people I have developed an inner ear imbalance infection (labyrinthitis or something) and therefore look and feel constantly drunk.

Sadly I am not.

Docs have said I am to take it easy and stay away from long usage of pootas so it looks as though requests will be on hold for a bit.


*wishes she was ACTUALLY pished and not just feeling it*

It's quite funny really. I just tried to walk in a straight line down my hallway and ended up with my face on the wall. We should set up a walking line and people can make bets on how far I can get without falling over.

*silly ear*

28-03-2008, 17:10
Ah bless. Get well soon. :D

28-03-2008, 17:15
Ah no worries at all, there's no rush for it whatsoever. :)

What I do want to see though is a video of you walking in a "straight" line! :D

28-03-2008, 17:22
I would need someone in the background with a big sign saying "FAILED" on it.

Best go rest! This is POO because I just feel pished! I don't feel sick or nothing and I can still talk fine (takes me a while to process things but I am fine)

I waaaaaaaant toooooooooo carry on drawwwwwwwwing!


Will leave off today and will see how I get on after I've popped the docs pills :)

Fankoo for your niceness. (There's a word I want to say beginning with E here but I've forgotten it. Energy. Enticing. Economical. Eh. Meh. I dunno. I will blame my labyrinth brain. But niceness will do! You know what I mean!)

28-03-2008, 18:19
When you are better and if you have time could you do the rest of my ratties in a similar way that you did Merlin? I can always try and give you more info on their personality traits if that'll help.

Hope you feel better soon *hugs*

28-03-2008, 18:35
Aww that inner ear thing is awful Pheebs. I had it a few years ago. I should have thought when you mentioned the dizzyness actually but at least you had it diagnosed properly :) Take it easy :)

28-03-2008, 18:45
Aw poor you :(

And that pic is absolutely fantastic :D Thank you so much!

28-03-2008, 19:01
Oh, is it ok to use the pic? You should have put the AKOF web address on it :)

29-03-2008, 08:38
These are absolutely brill, Pheebs :D If you're looking for another one to do, could you draw me wrapped up in a big white dressing gown (avec hood up) with the words "I'm a polar bear" or something to that effect. Feel free to put some "rwoooooaaar" words in there :D

29-03-2008, 12:07
When you're all fixed could you possibly try doing my three girlies? But not until you are fighting fit and you have time! Or ELSE!

29-03-2008, 13:30
THE LAW™ has spoken! :D

I would like one too but can't think of anything to help illustrate :(

I think a good one of Kate would be in the kitch with a chefs hat and loads of yum creations!!! Including bread! :D

BB x

29-03-2008, 16:29
Yeh I have a few of the girlie ones stashed away actually :) Didn't finish a couple for some reasons - will get on to it on monday! Weekend off from drawing (as the sooner I have woken up, the sooner I fall asleep... silly drugs)

I have to admit I am better at drawing random things (like suggestions of lines with no meanings!) But am always happy to draw ones of people :D

29-03-2008, 17:51
i can't think of anything but i do remember asking moooooons ago that if you did requests, would you do one of me & leo, tis all. No rush :)

I seem to remember asking this as well ;) (for me, that is, not for you and Leo!)

29-03-2008, 18:41
Just to echo the others, Matrix Jasper ftw. Pheebs I'd suggest getting some Moo cards and stickers (http://www.moo.com) done. I have stickers but I never really use them. They're surprisingly resilient too. I've got one on my lens hood thats survived snow and rain. Also badges (http://www.badgesforbands.com/). I <3 badges and have a growing collection on my bag. Little things like that can really help promote your work. I'd also do some iPhone / iPod touch wallpapers. Even though the thing comes with a built in wallpaper making feature so you can make your own from any image, there are sites like Poolga (http://www.poolga.com/) that specialise in trendy design wallpaper for your iPhone. It all helps to spread your work around, get known etc. Desktop icons too.

29-03-2008, 18:46
I'd also do some iPhone / iPod touch wallpapers. Even though the thing comes with a built in wallpaper making feature so you can make your own from any image, there are sites like Poolga (http://www.poolga.com/) that specialise in trendy design wallpaper for your iPhone. It all helps to spread your work around, get known etc. Desktop icons too.

That's an excellent idea :D

29-03-2008, 22:55
THE LAW™ has spoken! :D

Proper ROFFLECAKES!!!!!!! LOL!

I can haz cheese....

29-03-2008, 22:56
I can haz cheese....

/me hides under the table ;)

29-03-2008, 22:59
/me hides under the table ;)

Hey its been a while, I've forgotten how to do it!

29-03-2008, 23:33
Incoming!!! :evil::p

30-03-2008, 00:03
How rood!

30-03-2008, 00:15
Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa!! Cuffs and coat are at work. Next time ;)

30-03-2008, 11:04
Some of these are making me grin loads :) Especially the 'Stud into Studying' one because we had the motto 'Putting the Fizz into Fizzicks!' back at Uni. Err. :o

Someone mentioned publishing and losing rights before and I had a brief seminar on this a couple of weeks ago.
As I understand it you only lose the right to patent published work. Provided you can prove other published work is yours then the intellectual property rights remain yours.

Fanned and joined your FB group too.

Get well soon.

30-03-2008, 12:20
Well the information I got was geared towards technical IPR like inventions and software and therefore mostly about patents but as I understand it provided you state somewhere that the work is yours and can prove it then the rights are yours unless you sign them away.
This doesn't stop someone viewing what you've done and being 'inspired' by it.

What you're describing sounds like it's about exclusivity to your work, but it should be clear in whatever you've signed what you can and can't do.

Everything that I do is dated and referenced and carries a legal copyright disclaimer as standard. This is mandated in the company operational framework.

Don't know if that helps at all.

30-03-2008, 14:16
I had inner ear troubles a few years back, so I know the wobbly feelings :p shame you don't get any of the happy feelings of drunkennnesssss too.

When you're all betterer I have a one word inspiration: "Metal" (of the music variety :p)

Pweeease :D

30-03-2008, 14:47
I've had the same thing Pheebs, i have a lot of inner ear problems it is not nice at all. When you are back to your normal self could you do something archaeology related?

30-03-2008, 15:56
Had a couple of suggestions: "Focus" and "That's not good enough" :)

30-03-2008, 17:52
Haha! I'm loving these requests!

I am feeling UBER better now - I still have a funny five minutes every so often (being driven is like going on a roller coaster! Tis funny - everything whizzes past at super sonic speed! WOOSH!.. and we're only doing 20mph ;))

SOoo I am hoping tomorrow I will be 100 and 20 gazillion percent betterer! :D


*umph umph umph* :D

30-03-2008, 19:38
Great to hear you're getting better :)

30-03-2008, 20:47
Just trying to re-upload a number of request piccies onto the facebook page - tis taking FOREVER!


Anyhoo here are a few more requests which I played with this afternoon:

iCraig - I did one of your girlfriend but it was poo. So I did this one instead and I preferred it :D Hoping you like/get it :D


Haly - I tried to make it look like a retro horror movie poster (hence the cheesey writing!) Hoping you like the zombieeeees!


And you people don't know him but I like this one. It's for my friend Henry, who's a complete nutcase. It resembles him perfectly.


More to come tomorrow, although I have 10 men round all day (and before you think I'm a filthy ladeh, they're tarmaccing my drive :)) So I may be busy making teas all day! *rollseyes*

30-03-2008, 21:31
Hope you're feeling better hun :) x

30-03-2008, 23:26
So I may be busy making teas all day! *rollseyes*

Don't forget the custard creams.

The magic one is brilliant.:cool:

31-03-2008, 00:11
Haly - I tried to make it look like a retro horror movie poster (hence the cheesey writing!) Hoping you like the zombieeeees!


That rocks :D I'll be printing that out in the morning to stick on my desk at work :D
Thank you very muchly :D *hugs*

31-03-2008, 11:09
Still struggling with the cars... I will keep trying every so often but currently brain is foggy as it is so I lose patience quickly :P

However, bit of a different style and well... a bit weird I think (I don't know whether I like it but then I have been fiddling with it most of the morning inbetween feeding/watering builders so... feel it's a bit interrupted)... but yeh, one for the Desmo as he requested.


31-03-2008, 15:16
For the Kate :)


31-03-2008, 17:40
That's BRILLIANT Pheebs!!! Absolutely perfect, you are a star :D Thank you!!!!

31-03-2008, 17:43
These are awesome!

I think mine would have to include firearms of some sort and maybe twiggy beer thrown in for good measure, even though it's not a good idea to normally mix the two, but making an exception is always possible :D

31-03-2008, 17:56
That's BRILLIANT Pheebs!!! Absolutely perfect, you are a star :D Thank you!!!!

YAAAAAAAY! It's my favourite at the moment! :D

Feeky - I am looking forward to doing yours :)

Jasper suggested "many hands make light work" and so I did this...


and then I thought of this...



31-03-2008, 18:14
I _love_ that!

*runs to colour printer*

31-03-2008, 18:51
lol @ Hans :D

31-03-2008, 19:02
There yar feekaroo!


Vix and Phil - I have been struggling with cars ALL day... however... I have just spawned a plan so will see what I can do tomorrow!

Kitten - I canny find your Sally one so will redraw a better one tomorrow!

Anyone who wants specific people done I will need a piccy pwease :D


31-03-2008, 19:02
Haha I love that Hans one :D

31-03-2008, 19:17

*runs to colour printer again :D*

Thanks Pheebs!

31-03-2008, 19:39
Pheebs, quick point.. you're copyrighting them as 2007, and its 2008 ;)

31-03-2008, 20:39
Oh poo. I forgot it was only TM's you mark with the date it was created... oh butt cheeks.

SHould be easy to sort though.


01-04-2008, 09:02



I can't believe it!

Someone wants to make a small donation to me for doing them a drawing!

I have never had that and never asked or anything....


I am shocked!


They've asked if I have Paypal... which I do... but I don't have a clue how to sort that!


I have NEVER been paid before for my work! NEVER! If they do decide to donate as they've said this will be my first bit of money for me! EVER!


*goes to look at paypal account to see how it all works*

01-04-2008, 09:28
don't forget to tip your web developer ;)

Pheebs, quick point.. you're copyrighting them as 2007, and its 2008 ;)

that might be partially my fault, judging by the text :o

01-04-2008, 18:19
I really do love all your work Pheebs, they are brilliant!!!

01-04-2008, 19:11
If you've got time Peebee, one of me in a black ninja costume would be most awesome (Ninja Davey is another online nick of mine). I absolutely heart Kate's polar bear picture :D

01-04-2008, 20:09
Do a Ninja vs Pirate one.

Maybe Cokey-the-coke-can could get involved.

01-04-2008, 20:23
I made a request for an archaeologyish one if you have time please.

01-04-2008, 23:00
Looks like you're inundated with requests but I'd like to add 'egg chaser' to the list, please

Ta :)

02-04-2008, 13:39
Fanking you people! Had a bit of a wobberly day yester and the dog training in de evenering(after just about recovering from weird upped head/ear syndrome, Picky snotted on me and I ended up being all snotty and achey! My immune system must be the biggest pair of pants ever! Either that or my immune system was down and the germs thought ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK! RAAAAAGH!)

Bit more back on track today! Gonna play around this afternoon with some designs.

Gopefully I will sort out a blooming car drawing! If anyone else requests a car in the future it will be like nutcases. You will get a box. ;)

Wubs ;) xx

02-04-2008, 17:51
If anyone else requests a car in the future it will be like nutcases. You will get a box. ;)

Wubs ;) xx

Hey, I like my box :D

02-04-2008, 21:07

I'm sorry to have caused so much hassle Pheebs :(

If you get some stickers make up with your URL on, I'll put them on our racecar ;) Tis a good sponsor to have :D

02-04-2008, 22:53

I'm sorry to have caused so much hassle Pheebs :(

If you get some stickers make up with your URL on, I'll put them on our racecar ;) Tis a good sponsor to have :D

Hell, come over here with a paint brush and livery the whole car. It'll be a talking point :D

03-04-2008, 07:54
Hell, come over here with a paint brush and livery the whole car. It'll be a talking point :D

I would LOVE to!!

I have always ALWAYS wanted to buy a campervan and then paint all over it! Preferably nekky bodies on it in seated positions so when people look at you sat in the window it looks like your nekky!

Doing lots of requests today I am from here and the facebook one :)

If it seems I'm not doing it in any order.... it's because I'm not ;) I sometimes have ideas for one or start one and then think "bah, don't like this" so leave it/start another and go back to it later :) So bear with me if I've not done yours yet! I will get there :D

03-04-2008, 10:59
I resorted to a box.

I R Sorry.

I did try though! I promise you! :D


I will try again in the future - I reaaaaaaalllllly will! But for now I just can't face trying to draw another car (though saying that I have to draw MB's and Aitchs mini!)

03-04-2008, 11:21
Boxes for cars work quite well. Maybe you could develop it further by doing boxes with things drawn on like you did with nutcases numberplate to make them look like particular cars in the same way a child would. Most cars these days look similar enough that you'd only need to grab a few minor styling cues to give an idea of what sort of car it is.

03-04-2008, 11:28
Yeh I did and it just looked poo! I was so sad! I think I've played with it too long and so I kinda lost my flare and got angry! Give me a week I might suddenly be able to do it fiiiiine!

03-04-2008, 11:36
For Humphrey you probably wouldn't need to do much, slope the front of the box and maybe put a bonnet over it, put the vent on the side (with the image the way around it is it'll be on the wrong side but it's a minor detail) and bung a spoiler on the back. Maybe add some scribbles where the stickers are and a big door number (we haven't actually got them on the car yet but they're planned - it'll just be a big white panel on the door with a black 56 or 57 on it depending on who's driving.

Even just a normal box with a rough side profile of an MR2 drawn on it might work.

I can see how it'd be easy to go too far with adding detail and end up ruining it though, getting the balance between making it identifiable and going too far must be difficult.

03-04-2008, 11:48
Why don't you do the drawing of the car and Pheebs can trace over it? :D

BB x

03-04-2008, 12:06
Because pheebs can draw and I can't :p

03-04-2008, 12:51
Pheebs that is fab :D It really made me smile :D Fankoo!

03-04-2008, 14:13
The only reason I am saying is that.. is because the reason why I think Pheeb's drawings work is because of the simplicity of them and moreso what they 'suggest' as they mean more to the recipient.

I like the box cars :D maybe the front could have a right angled triangle on the front to mimic the MR2. Will post a pic of what I mean in a mo.

I warn you - I can't draw either, but I'll give it a go! :D

BB x

03-04-2008, 14:14
Thanks Vix and that's okie :)

I've just noticed that some brown lines are meant to be black in it! It's sunny as here today so seeing details like that isn't too easy and I point blank REFUSE to close my curtains!

Will refiddle them in a bit!

Pete - to make sure you don't think I've ignored you - looked at Polga and it looks cool! I have to make submissions to them though yeh? I may have a word with Maggy when she gets back and see whether she knows them/could contact them... she's probably got more welly than I have!

And Paul - it's taken a while in coming but here yar!


03-04-2008, 14:16
Hahahahah, I love that one ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

03-04-2008, 15:13
Guess whos kid ;)


*wub woo*

I need pictures of your lil ones to do that drawing for choo :D

03-04-2008, 15:20
I love you Pheebs!!! :D those are brill!

There is a linky on the GF to piccies of the Pebblettes :)

BB x

Edit: my carp drawing of MR2 but you get the idea :p


Lob off the bit I coloured in and move man dude forward a bit so that the car doesn't look too long, also move the wheels.


03-04-2008, 17:36
I drew one like that and I hated it :( Boo! I think I'm just pants at cars :(

Garps request - "Focus"


03-04-2008, 17:46
Garps request - "Focus"

Awesome :thanks:

03-04-2008, 17:47
ROFL!!! love it! :D

BB x

03-04-2008, 18:55
They are absolutely brilliant :D As I caught up from last night I kept starting to type 'oh I love that one...' etc etc but they are all so brilliant :D
Cheered me up a treat :D

05-04-2008, 21:12
How are you with chinchillas? I have two, called Stitch and Chu, and they live for raisins.

I've just had to tell Stitch 'Daddy is not a raisin'.

Any inspiration there? :D

05-04-2008, 21:30
How about a crazy hamster?
Mine is a wee bit mental, failing that I have other ideas....

Loving the pics so far. Ooooh my crazy goddaughter and her "can I have that in English Auntie Marie" line would be another!

06-04-2008, 22:18
hey ladies and gents - could I please ask you wonderful people a favour? The requests bit of pheebs' site is all but finished, it just needs some testing. I've been doing it all weekend and it's stopped making sense to me. If you have any requests to make, please go to http://akof.sameagain.net/requests.php and submit them there.

If you could also check out the gallery, that'd be ace.

If you come across anything that you think is amiss (the request form doesn't submit asynchronously in IE6 - that's intentional), could you email me at jasper[at]sameagain[dot]net and let me know what's up. As much detail as possible, screenshots if you can be bothered, or you think it'll help.

Please don't post anything in this thread as I don't want to derail it any more ;)


06-04-2008, 22:39
OK - I've played with the requests bit before and it seems to behave similarly to last time so leaving that to 'new blood' for now. :)

I noticed some wierdness in the 'View info on sketch' scrolling bit in the gallery. Things like the background not repaiting in IE6 and random bitmaps appearing during the scrolling in Firefox. Can't reproduce the one in Firefox (might be cache-related) but I think I've got the one in IE6 down if you want it. :)

06-04-2008, 22:52
I think I'm rather quickly being incorporated into your fanbase Pheebs :)

06-04-2008, 22:59
I think I'm rather quickly being incorporated into your fanbase Pheebs :)In this thread we are all fans! :p

I just can't think of a pic I'd want. I'd pay for it over Paypal. Damn me and no imagination. :'(

06-04-2008, 23:16
OK - I've played with the requests bit before and it seems to behave similarly to last time so leaving that to 'new blood' for now. :)

I noticed some wierdness in the 'View info on sketch' scrolling bit in the gallery. Things like the background not repaiting in IE6 and random bitmaps appearing during the scrolling in Firefox. Can't reproduce the one in Firefox (might be cache-related) but I think I've got the one in IE6 down if you want it. :)

I had a similar problem with IE6 in that it cached the old stylesheet for ages and the background wasn't repeating properly. The only problem I have with IE6 on that page, which appears to be a rendering thing because no sort of positioning fixes it, is the tiny bit of overlap of the repeating background to the right of the right border. If you've got something you can replicate I'll definitely give it a go, though.

As a self respecting web developer, I realise that IE6 can't be ignored yet (like < IE5.5 is!) but there are some things that are nigh on impossible to fix (especially with the amount of complex javascript that's being used) so as long as user experience isn't hampered I'm ok with inconsistencies between browsers. If I'm honest, I'm surprised it actually works as well as it does! I've added you to MSN so we don't pollute this thread, but if you could grab me the version number of your IE6 and a step-by-step I'd be very interested to see how you broke it! ;)

Dr. Z
08-04-2008, 02:05
I didn't spot this thread until I sent you an email following from the OcUK thread.

They really are fantastic :)

08-04-2008, 02:14
I just thought of a request (after days of thinking)

What about me on PowerBocks?


I'm sure you could come up with a really catchy tagline :)

08-04-2008, 11:09
Dudes and dudessess... I have only just returned from COrnwall and thus have muchos catching up to do!

Sorting out a few bits and bobs now but will get straight on to requests asap!

WUbbles! :D

(BTW Jasper 0wns)

08-04-2008, 12:03
Right! Paula! It's taken some time coming - had a complete blank of what to do for ages and then last night whilst mid attempting to unblock my left nostril so I could breathe normally in bed I thought of this:



08-04-2008, 13:23
Hahaha that is awesome! Thanks Pheebs :D *hugs*

08-04-2008, 23:14
Hahaha that is awesome! Thanks Pheebs :D *hugs*

Indeed, that is very cool :)


08-04-2008, 23:15
Indeed, that is very cool :)

BurnsyBut they all are tres cool. :D

09-04-2008, 12:05
MB! It's taken a while but I think people are starting to figure out I don't like cars much ;)

Hoping this one is okie! I'm not convinced over it for some reason but that's probably because I mulled over the mini for such a long time! Picky hates the colours... muchly... if you want me to change them I will do :)


Picky wanted me to tell you he did his own one which was "1337". I didn't realise it was a drawing so deleted it. ;)

09-04-2008, 12:37
I LOVE it! :D

Thank you <3


09-04-2008, 14:28
I love it too... but it has space at the top for a caption? ;)

BB x

09-04-2008, 14:59
Its a MINI adventure!!!!!!!!

If you do put something on there Pheebs Minnies stripes are white but I'm totally made up with it as it is :)


Admiral Huddy
09-04-2008, 16:26
Pheebs can I have my admiral one you did for my birthday? PLzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

09-04-2008, 17:50
Pheebs, that's ace :)

09-04-2008, 19:14
Fanking you peoples!

MB - I will changeth the stripes asap! Just about to have le bath of bubbles and then making the tea... If I can squeeeeeeeeeeze it in between then and Mister Alan Sugar (leggggeend) then I shall indeed do it!

If not! Tomorrow!

Kitten - I've not forgotten you :) Just wanted to say! And everyone else! Sometimes I need to give peoples comments a thinking and then I will do stuff :D

And the hud... I will dig it out! I know it's somewhere! I may have to add some pubes to it though ;)

13-04-2008, 16:32
I got a bit carried away Belmit :)


People, I welcome you to THE LAND OF CHEESE!


13-04-2008, 16:34
Woah, it's awesome! The Willy Wonka of cheese! Thankyou!

13-04-2008, 16:45
That one is fantastic!
Cant wait to see mine!

13-04-2008, 16:57
My new desktop!


13-04-2008, 16:58
Tres fromagey. :D

13-04-2008, 17:48
Pheebs, when you get a chance could you please do one of me squatting some uber weights on a barbell ? :D

14-04-2008, 10:28
Of course lil lady!

Got a few odds and ends which requiring doing today but I will get back on track with peoples requests asap! :D

21-04-2008, 13:49
Things have been a little mental lately and so... Picky and I went away for a bit!

Back now though and able to do some more drawings! YAY! Although I have to sort out the backs of cards and things for print offs (I am SO excited about seeing my first properly printed and folded card! EEEeEEE!)

Did this one a while back for a very very good friend who I heart muchly:


Got a couple more in the pipeline (knips - I keep playing with yours *fnar* and I'm not happy with it... so I'm leaving it for a bit and doing it when I stop thinking about it... if you get me!) will post when I have more :)

21-04-2008, 16:02
Two that I like for a lady called Mary who requested the line:

"Lights Make Me Go Pretty"



I think I prefer the latter personally... I just like it's simpleness.

Mebbe it's cos I'm simple :p

21-04-2008, 16:19
2nd one works best, for sure :)

21-04-2008, 16:20
I'm trying to think of one that I could have... I know there's already the french peasant one... but it'd be fun to have another one :p

21-04-2008, 16:22
Just think of something random and type it! :D It doesn't have to make sense - I'll draw it either way :p

21-04-2008, 16:38

21-04-2008, 17:42
LOL @iCraig ;D ;D

I had to stop everything I was doing to do this...


;D ;D

21-04-2008, 17:53

21-04-2008, 18:17

21-04-2008, 18:23
For the piggy!! :D


Though I also drew this...



21-04-2008, 18:24
Pheebs you never fail to stop making me smile with all of your pics, and I was only joking about mine, you just do it when the right moment grabs you. I kind of was a bit specific wasnt I?

21-04-2008, 18:46
;D @ Bumface one, his maniacal face cracks me up. LOL

21-04-2008, 18:58
I know I have an avatar one but if you get chance could you do another policey one for me please :) Or a horsey one. Fankoo muchly!

21-04-2008, 20:07
For the piggy!! :D


Though I also drew this...




Fankooo !!!! x

21-04-2008, 20:44
Wow! These are amazing and muchly hilarious! :D

I want one!!

21-04-2008, 20:47
Wow! These are amazing and muchly hilarious! :D

I want one!!Join the queue. :D

I'm ticket 527 I think. Just calling 284 now. :'(

22-04-2008, 08:23
oooo Marclister! I forgot about you!


*digs around for an email*

Normally I have a list of emails (some of which I send to myself to remind me) and I have been silly and not sent one to me from you!




22-04-2008, 10:14
oooo Marclister! I forgot about you!


*digs around for an email*

Normally I have a list of emails (some of which I send to myself to remind me) and I have been silly and not sent one to me from you!



:DTo me, to you. To me, to you. :D

No probs Pheebs. I iz patient. ;D

Need any info?

22-04-2008, 13:26
Heh, I'm in the queue as well but I'm just loving everything Pheebs does. Bumface is superb :D

22-04-2008, 13:27
Heh, I'm in the queue as well but I'm just loving everything Pheebs does. Bumface is superb :DSame. Everything she touches turns to gold. :D

Oh and Pheebs call me Marc or Dave. :D

22-04-2008, 14:42

It's taken a while in coming but hoping it's worth the wait :) Thank you for being so patient! (Same goes to everyone else :D)


After writing "words" for about the 50th time I actually had to go look it up in the dictionary as it had lost all meaning and I didn't know whether I had made it up or spelled it wrong :p ;D

22-04-2008, 14:49

Manager saw this over my shoulder and she really likes this one :)

22-04-2008, 15:31
Did one with hair but preferred the one posted above! Here's the one with hair!


A couple I have done today...

Box of Love:

Uh Nuh:

22-04-2008, 15:55
You are the fab!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

22-04-2008, 16:29
Looks ace pheebs :)

22-04-2008, 16:38
They really are just so awesome. Any chance of a photographer one when the queue is empty, say 2034? :)

22-04-2008, 17:33
When you're all betterer I have a one word inspiration: "Metal" (of the music variety :p)

Pweeease :D


I've pointed my friends at some of these pictures and they all wub them! betterer than purple ronnie :p

22-04-2008, 17:45
I have to say that your drawing are absolutely AMAZING!

I would love one, I just need to think of something for you to draw:p

22-04-2008, 17:51
I think I am going to have to be really wude to people and say PWETTY PLEASE could you email me your requests! I have forgotten some of them (such as sidewinders and marclisters) due to the length of the thread and I really really don't want to let people down :)

So if you could send them through to csouthern@akettleoffish.co.uk that would be awesome (I can plonk them in my "done" folder when finished then :D)

Fanking you and so so sorry to be a pain! I just getting confuddled!

22-04-2008, 17:54
I think I am going to have to be really wude to people and say PWETTY PLEASE could you email me your requests! I have forgotten some of them (such as sidewinders and marclisters) due to the length of the thread and I really really don't want to let people down :)

So if you could send them through to csouthern@akettleoffish.co.uk that would be awesome (I can plonk them in my "done" folder when finished then :D)

Fanking you and so so sorry to be a pain! I just getting confuddled!You've got mail. /Hollywood film name

22-04-2008, 18:31
I'll email you in a bit, but I just needed to say how dumb am I for wondering why Firefox wouldn't open the email addy in a new tab? I tried 3 times too. :o

22-04-2008, 19:25

I think this is my favourite one yet. It feels like there's so much movement in the image I can practically feel the swoop and pan of a helicopter shot as the girl on the cliff recedes away in the distance.

04-05-2008, 00:05
I'll email you my request. :D

BB x

04-05-2008, 07:54
Requests are starting up Tuesday morning! Now I have that wee project out the way with and don't have to panic over proofs... I'm feeeeeeeeereeeeeeee! :D

05-05-2008, 11:29
Being bank hol monday I wanted to thoroughly enjoy my morning and so... I decided to do a card for a chappy on OCUK, which gave me the excuse to stare longingly at lots of Captain Jack Sparrow pictures allllll mooooorning ;D ;D


His request: A Politically Correct Pirate :)

More are gonna be on the waaaaaaaaay!

05-05-2008, 12:46
Haha, excellent :D

05-05-2008, 14:06
For a lady called Jennifer - she requested through my webby for something to cheer up her hubby as he's a bit low cos the house seems like it's falling apart!


05-05-2008, 15:16
Aww :)

05-05-2008, 17:04

BB x

05-05-2008, 22:35
If you have a mo could you do me an archery themed one Pheebs?



06-05-2008, 09:17
MB - fleamail me at csouthern@akettleoffish.co.uk and I will put it in my "to do" bank!

Davey Peeeeeeeeeeee! For choo, with luf!



06-05-2008, 09:21
ROFL Pheebs. I like that. ;D

06-05-2008, 09:35
Davey Peeeeeeeeeeee! For choo, with luf!



Hahahah, that is absolutely brilliant. Thanks Peebee, much love to you for that :D

06-05-2008, 11:15
Mei mei ... for you :D


06-05-2008, 11:26
They're amazing, Pheebs! I love your work!

06-05-2008, 11:31
lol :D

31-01-2009, 06:41
Thread resurrection time. After a quick word with Pheebs, she graciously provided me with a large scale image of Kari's request picture, to go on a t-shirt.

Finally after a few weeks of waiting (thank you USPS for taking over 10 days to get a package from California to Hawaii)

http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/7466/teefrontmc8.th.jpg (http://img228.imageshack.us/my.php?image=teefrontmc8.jpg)

http://img216.imageshack.us/img216/1872/teebackrf8.th.jpg (http://img216.imageshack.us/my.php?image=teebackrf8.jpg)

Think the advert on the back is big enough? :D

31-01-2009, 08:37
lol that's absolutely brilliant :D

31-01-2009, 09:23
Awesome :>

31-01-2009, 10:25
Woah momma! That's a huuuuuge print!

Awesome! :D

31-01-2009, 10:55
Cool :D

31-01-2009, 12:15
Woah momma! That's a huuuuuge print!

Awesome! :D

Definitely a good excuse to make shirts! :D

Do iiiiiiiiiiiiiit! :D

01-02-2009, 18:41
I'd buy one or two...

Could be a good money spinner :)

01-02-2009, 18:46
Looks great :D

01-02-2009, 19:14
I wore it yesterday and everyone I saw was like..."wait, what does your shirt say?!"
Great advertising opportunity!
Thanks Pheebs, I love it!

03-02-2009, 13:51

I've just found my request in my inbox- Pheeblesoftplops I love it! Haha! Thanks & Wubs!!! xxx

03-02-2009, 15:18
I wore it yesterday and everyone I saw was like..."wait, what does your shirt say?!"
Great advertising opportunity!
Thanks Pheebs, I love it!

I've had a few people take down the website off my t-shirt, I was usually pretty wasted so I don't remember who they were though!

03-02-2009, 16:21

I've just found my request in my inbox- Pheeblesoftplops I love it! Haha! Thanks & Wubs!!! xxx



26-02-2009, 16:52

Check it out people!

A Kettle of Fish Online Shop (http://www.akettleoffish.co.uk/shop/)


Thanks to muchos help from Alin I have managed to set up my own online shop! Beansprout has also been kind enough to help me out, as well as Desmo - thank you! And also, thank you for the GAWJUS modelling of the tshirt Lana! :D

WooHooO! :D :D :D :D

26-02-2009, 17:10
Looking cool there Pheebs :)

One quick question - You have a login section on the home page but no "register" link. Is it supposed to be like that?

26-02-2009, 17:19
Ooooh... I didn't think of it like that! I figured people would click to buy something and then when they go to checkout it tells them to register!

Will people want to register just for the sake of it? I'm sure Alin could put a linky there if I asked him nicely (poor chap... I've been bugging him about lots of niggly things over the past couple of days! He's probably had enough of me now!)

What do you think?!

26-02-2009, 18:42
Looks great :D

Maybe instead of a "register" link put in the login box "returning customer login"?

No point registering until you buy presumably? :)

26-02-2009, 18:45
I loves it! :D

BB x

26-02-2009, 19:15
Whoop Whoop! Well done Pheebs it looks fantastic!

26-02-2009, 19:48
Those invitations look particularly fab. ;) Thanks once again. :)
And I think I know where this years Mothers Day card is coming from too.

Site looks awesome- don't forget to place an obvious link to the shop on akof.co.uk
Hopefully some traffic coming your way next week.

26-02-2009, 20:05
OOoOo ... hmm I may have accidentally ordered a few ;)

....Hmmmmmm it let me pick a different postal address on your webby.... but my paypal was determined it is going to my billing address. I guess you just ignore the paypal bit and go off the postal address on your website?

26-02-2009, 20:12
Hmmm paypals been a bit of a pain like that. It wants to say it's going to the billing address because the "bill" is going to the billing address (if that makes sense). But yeh, I have your order and your other delivery address so it has worked.

*kicks paypal up the bum*


I've already had loads of orders! I know it's like an influx as it's neeeeeeeew but I'm amazed as I don't even know some of the people ordering! Woo woo! :D

Steeewbie - glad you got them through alright! And yes, what marvellous invitations they are! Must be for the most fabulous people in the world ;) :D

26-02-2009, 20:20
Steeewbie - glad you got them through alright! And yes, what marvellous invitations they are! Must be for the most fabulous people in the world ;) :D


26-02-2009, 21:05
Oooh *gets ordering and passes onto her Mum's friends* :D

26-02-2009, 21:36
Ordered :)

On the details bit there is no thing for 'Miss', some people get picky about this, I don't care :p

Are you happy with the postage charge? It's lovely and cheap but is it covering packaging, handling etc?

26-02-2009, 22:15
On the view cart page, a few of the words are cut off:


Am buying too! :D

BB x

26-02-2009, 22:20
I just spotted this as I was clicking through the 'you may be interested' stuff.


It does the same in Firefox and Safari - The link to that brokenness is here (http://www.akettleoffish.co.uk/shop/index.php?page=shop.product_details&category_id=15&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=26&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=61).

Incidentally, does one have to register to buy? Personally I really don't like it when I go to buy stuff through a web site and it forces me to register a username and password.

26-02-2009, 22:29
I feel bad picking your site apart Pheebs :( but as part of my job is instilled in me!

The 'About me' page - the paragraph spacing between the paragraphs isn't consistent and the last paragraph is indented slightly.

Luv you! :D

BB x

26-02-2009, 23:42
Nooo I'm going to be critical with one teeny thing too :o And I'll feel bad but....on the Invitation page:
'Whatever your planning,'........Noooooo not your, you're :D

27-02-2009, 07:56
thanks 4 critique guys! Im sure these txt wrapping issues will be sorted asap! Have to say im impressed! Now pheebs has to work out a way to organise her email system!!

27-02-2009, 08:28
Aww thank you guys!!

I've been trying to make sure it's clear of faults for a while now so it's great to have people point out the niggly bits that aren't right as I just can't look everywhere!! Please don't feel guilty! You're helping me!

ZOMG about my your you're mistake :shocked: *goes to change straight away* I did type out the paragraphs rather quickly without checking so I'm guessing that's why :)

Feeky - yuuup you do have to register to buy and I don't think that will change. It helps to stop bots garbage up my site :) And erk about the chocolate over lapping thingy!!

Mei mei, I don't know where I'd be without you :D Thank you! And Vix!!! I knew I had forgotten to change something there! I asked Desmo to register and check it all worked ok so he would have been alright with there being a "Mr"! Thank you so much!

I doubt there's much I can adjust (other than the wording) this morning... poor Alin will be getting another email! I think he's going away today too... though they don't seem to be massive things which will stop it all from working at the moment :) *phew*

Thanks again!

27-02-2009, 12:57
Looks fabtastic :D

/places sneaky order :D

27-02-2009, 13:16
Incidentally, does one have to register to buy? Personally I really don't like it when I go to buy stuff through a web site and it forces me to register a username and password.

It's required from the merchant's point of view though, eBuyer, Amazon etc don't do it to annoy us all, there's many reasons it needs to be done. For accounting and identification purposes on the system. An account is much easier to manage, than random order numbers and addresses floating around. Plus, you need to give them your address anyway to get an accurate total (delivery costs) and it's useful for yourself and the company to not have to enter that delivery specification every time you order.

27-02-2009, 14:07
I may have been pimping your site around the office.... if you start to get lots of orders from Inverness & the Highlands you know why! :)

27-02-2009, 17:56
I registered without buying \0/

(Get paid tomorrow so will buy something then :p)

27-02-2009, 18:19
Woo hoo! Thanking you for the pimping outness :)

28-02-2009, 13:31
Love the site hun :D

I will have to do some purchasing, perfect timing actually as I need to get Mother's day cards!

Just thought I would add this in ..


Friend instead of Fried :)

Ordered :D

28-02-2009, 16:42
Crickey they are here already. Loves them *wubs Pheebs*

28-02-2009, 16:51
Got mine too, along with comedy addressing :)

28-02-2009, 17:43
Got mine today. It's perfect and Mum will absolutely love it. Thanks Pheebs :D

Only thing I would say is consider using hard-backed envelopes, even if it means you have to charge more. The postie bent my card in half when he put it through the letter box. It's perfectly fine to use, but other posties might be a bit rougher with theirs.

28-02-2009, 20:55
Got mine today. It's perfect and Mum will absolutely love it. Thanks Pheebs :D

Only thing I would say is consider using hard-backed envelopes, even if it means you have to charge more. The postie bent my card in half when he put it through the letter box. It's perfectly fine to use, but other posties might be a bit rougher with theirs.

Or put "DO NOT BEND" on the envelope.... cheap and effective :cool:

28-02-2009, 22:28
Ordered my Mothers Day one, oh and ive been pimping you out to my friends too! So any Bristol orders you get you can snog me muchly as thanks :p

Need to speak to you at some point about a Birthday card for Marchant Pheebs.

28-02-2009, 22:52
Was in Plymouth with mum today, walked past Athena, remembered about ze cards, walked in and looked round the shop and what did we find, they were on a tall spinny-thing of cards under the staircase, and Pheebs' cards were facing backwards :eek:

Basically they have it badly-organised in there, the card stands are by the stairs behind which is just an empty space.

So we fiddled around with the layout, pulled the stand with Pheebs' cards forward and turned them round so anyone walking into the shop couldn't miss them :D

Oh and of couse bought a couple, one with the little box of love with a huge rainbow coming out, and another to do with chocolate I think :D

28-02-2009, 22:53
Haha brilliant! Go you!

01-03-2009, 02:24
Walked past Bishopsgate Clintons on friday and they are there ;) didn't buy any though as was going to a 30th drinkies and they would have got bent!

Plus the Happy Birthday ones had nearly all sold out!

BB x

01-03-2009, 12:43
Sorry your card was bent :( I've always used normal envelopes and they've been received fine :( Will look into some hard back ones... but I reckon it would put the price up quite a bit and from a marketing perspective I think it would make them unattractive to people price wise :/

We shall see... thinking the "Do no bed" might be an option though!!

Was in Plymouth with mum today, walked past Athena, remembered about ze cards, walked in and looked round the shop and what did we find, they were on a tall spinny-thing of cards under the staircase, and Pheebs' cards were facing backwards :eek:

Basically they have it badly-organised in there, the card stands are by the stairs behind which is just an empty space.

So we fiddled around with the layout, pulled the stand with Pheebs' cards forward and turned them round so anyone walking into the shop couldn't miss them :D

Oh and of couse bought a couple, one with the little box of love with a huge rainbow coming out, and another to do with chocolate I think :D

I heart you!! Thank you! The Athena in York have an amazing display and they are reordering all the time... the ones down here have them on those spinners in not the most ideal of places and I've heard the Bristol one is quite disorganised too. Leaves me feeling very frustrated as it's jeopardising whether I am kept on board with them or not!

Walked past Bishopsgate Clintons on friday and they are there ;) didn't buy any though as was going to a 30th drinkies and they would have got bent!

Plus the Happy Birthday ones had nearly all sold out!

BB x

Clintons aren't the best organised either :p It's quite nerve racking leaving it all in the hands of other people... you're constantly worried they're not going to do your display justice. Booo!

Glad they're in Bishopsgate though! :D

01-03-2009, 13:34
We shall see... thinking the "Do no bed" might be an option though!!

Teee heheh :p