View Full Version : Burlesque Shoot (mildly nsfw)

25-03-2008, 14:50
Easter Monday. 5 photographers, 5 models, 1 studio. I generally don't like studio work. Someone else has setup the lighting to how they like it so I find it hard to work with because I don't like their lighting. I got a couple of test shots but I noticed that there was a split second where one of the lamps was off and things looked great. So I turned off that lamp and bam. Shots worked. Before turning off the lamp I was getting too much light. There was no atmosphere really. Once I turned it off I got shadows I could work with and a look I really loved. It was a bit odd though because although we had a black background with a white lamp pointing at it, because one of the walls off camera was blue the light was somehow being bounced into the shot. It was a little odd, but just so perfect. I loved it. Finally I was getting studio shots I actually liked.

After a few shots we went to the local graveyard by the Anglican cathedral. I've never been in there before and god its scary. Not just because of the graves but because you're beneath the cathedral. Its monstrous. The cathedral is big enough when you stand in front of it, but beneath it is something else. I didn't get any shots with the cathedral in but I did get something I really love. On Saturday I was watching Coleen's Real Women at Kitten & Leo's with Blackstar. Now its not my usual Saturday morning TV. There's no giant robots fighting for one, but I did enjoy it from the photographic point of view. It was interesting seeing the final choices go from "Ew I wouldn't pick her" to "OMG I'd so pick her now." One of the early shoots they did drew inspiration from an old Gap advert with Cat Deely. She was wearing a mac and some boots. Instantly I knew I had to do that. By a completely random act of randomness one of the models who joined us at the graveyard wore a mac. Not only that but she had this classy French look to her. I found this nice little tunnel and framed her in it to get some shots. They couldn't have been any more perfect. She was stunning, light was great. I might have to watch that show more often... don't tell anyone ;)

After we went back to the studio for more shots. The backlight was now set to red. I was kind of running low on inspiration at this point. I told one of the girls I wanted to do something crazy and edgy but I had no ideas. She threw away the parasol we were using and bust some moves. They weren't edgy or crazy but they were great. I really love them. I ended the shoot on the girl I started with. She wasn't a burlesque dancer and had only previously done a couple of shoots but you wouldn't have known it from working with her. She was a natural. Just fantastic.

All in all a great day and I'm slowly starting to get better at studio now I understand things more.










25-03-2008, 15:31
Excellent shots Pete, sounded like you had a blast :D

25-03-2008, 15:44
"I'm slowly starting to get better at studio"

You seem to 'start' at 'bloody good' and then get better from there :p

25-03-2008, 16:22
"I'm slowly starting to get better at studio"

You seem to 'start' at 'bloody good' and then get better from there :p

I have high standards. At the moment I feel like I can handle studio shoots and get nice results. But I'm still not coming up with enough ideas on the fly. Theres a lot of standing around going "Er.... got any ideas?" Cityscapes are easy. Walk around till it inspires me and take the photo. People are harder because they're standing there waiting for direction. Maybe its me and I just don't think on certain levels. I've seen some fantastic portraits and I know I'm not coming up with those ideas. I figure I just need to keep trying until I'm confident enough in what I'm doing that the ideas come to mind.

25-03-2008, 16:45
I know what you mean, I find it difficult to come up with 'ideas' for portraits to make them more interesting than 'standard' shots, which I why I still only generally practice with myself or with friends for now.

25-03-2008, 17:49
The only way I'm going to get to the next level, so to speak, is to dive right in. Fight shyness and lack of experience in one go by working with girls I've never met before. It seems to be working.

25-03-2008, 21:53
Great pictures - I love burlesque. Shame it's hitting the mainstream and will probably get spoiled by scene but great shoot and glad you're happy with the pictures :)