View Full Version : Powerpoint - printing gradients

28-03-2008, 18:37
Basically, I have a slide with a nice background and there are background boxes for my text, that have a slight transparent gradient on them, so you can still see the background.

However, when printing, the boxes come out solid white, which kinda ruins the whole thing :/

Is there any way to make the boxes print transparent?

Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
28-03-2008, 20:22
You should be able to click on the box and make them completely transparent using the drawing toolbar, fill tool (the pain pot). If that doesn't work email me (pm me) the powerpoint and I'll take a look :)

28-03-2008, 21:04
I don't want them transparent completely, they're a gradient going from about 10% to 50% transparent but it would seem from googling, only 2007 can print semi transparent elements properly, the rest just display them in slides but print solid white.

Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
29-03-2008, 01:08
Bummer! :( Sorry couldn't be more help. If you can't get hold of 2007 version (I know its not exactly what you want) but does transparent look better than white blocks?

29-03-2008, 01:15
I've sorted it now, you can bodge it, by copying the element with the transparancy in it, then pasting it back in with 'Paste Special...' and choosing PNG.

You can't adjust the colours or level of transparency any more but it does the job just about.

Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
29-03-2008, 15:19
Ah cool at least you've sorted it :) what a faff!