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29-03-2008, 16:09

and pose


29-03-2008, 16:11
Excellent :D:D

That first one is superb! Squirrels are awesome, even the grey ones (but red ones are betterrer)

29-03-2008, 16:52
You lucky person you. I've had greys approach me before but they're everywhere. Finding a red is a bit special. :)

29-03-2008, 17:04
That looks like a grey squirrel to me. Red squirrels have big tufts on the tops of their ears and greys do have some tan colour on them, so they can get confused with red squirrels. Greys are also fatter than reds and I doubt there are any reds left in London anyway.

I know greys are considered vermin by a lot of people, but they're so CUTE!!!!!! :)

29-03-2008, 17:09
They are lovely - there was a garden walk bit in Hyde Park and they would follow you up the path in case you had food. I was leaning on the railing and they were climbing the fence and sniffing and nibbling my hands in case they were edible :)

29-03-2008, 17:10
Mmmmmm, hands *nomnomnom* :D

29-03-2008, 17:14
I got bit pretty hard by a squirrel at center parcs when I was a kid, they would come into the lodge and eat from your lap and let you stroke them, or if you stood up and held a nut or something close they would climb up you to get it... I tried to pick one up when it was on my lap and it didn't like it much.

29-03-2008, 17:14
I stand corrected on the colour - the only time I got close enough to a grey it was running away. ;D

As much as I wish they wouldn't drive away our native reds I certainly don't consider them vermin. :)

29-03-2008, 17:25
As much as I wish they wouldn't drive away our native reds I certainly don't consider them vermin. :)

From doing a little searching, even though many people think the greys were the reason of the loss of the reds, it seems that it might not have been the case.

Despite common belief, the grey squirrel has not been the cause of the decline of the red. The red is less adaptable than the grey, and in Britain is living on the edge of its preferred habitat. Deforestation and habitat loss caused them to disappear from Ireland as early as the 15th century, and from Scotland by the 18th, long before the grey was introduced. In addition, in the late 19th and early 20th century they were considered pests and were killed in their thousands. By the1920s their population had been decimated.

Red squirrels are now protected, and in some areas, coexist with grey squirrels.

29-03-2008, 17:31


29-03-2008, 17:33
hehehe, that bottom one is fab! unlucky about the slight misframe but I think he looks uber cute

29-03-2008, 17:37
Well, I'd best just shut up and admire the cuteness then. ;D