View Full Version : Some people are just too evil
How could they do that? Seriously, which arse did they leave their head jammed up?
Ive used the word "****ers" an awful lot today, but this justifies it one more time :angry:
What was going through their (tiny) minds when they did that?! I can't believe how selfish some people are.
02-04-2008, 18:05
Quite a stupid thing to do. Heard about it being the first physical attack over the Internet which if true is quite stunning.
I wonder what Tim Berners-Lee thinks of his invention being used like this. He won't have imagined stuff like this happening when he was working on le WWW in 1989/90.
Interestingly, this is the first forum i've seen this mentioned on where the reaction has been negative.
Well, suffice it to say everywhere else i've seen it mentioned, people found it funny.
Del Lardo
02-04-2008, 21:09
I must admit I had a little chortle when I first read it but then had a think about how unpleasant it must have been for the people affected and felt guilty :o
I am going to burn :evil:
02-04-2008, 21:13
How is affecting peoples illness funny? I find that a bit sick to be honest.
What they did is disgusting and i hope they are traced and punished for their actions. It is little different to punching someone, its an assault.
02-04-2008, 21:14
Well, suffice it to say everywhere else i've seen it mentioned, people found it funny.
Well they are all weird simple as. Would the same people find it funny to make a diabetic fall into a coma?
I'm definitely failing to see any funny side in that. It's scary knowing that people can think of doing that sort of thing.
Well they are all weird simple as. Would the same people find it funny to make a diabetic fall into a coma?
If done face to face, no. If done somehow over t'web, yes. Sick isn't it.
02-04-2008, 21:19
02-04-2008, 21:19
Well they are all weird simple as. Would the same people find it funny to make a diabetic fall into a coma?
I'm not usually one to grass people up but in this instance I will
I'm going to burn in hell.
That's actually pretty low, but there's a part of me wanting to laugh
It's one of those "I know I shouldn't laugh but can't help it" moments.
I thought it was horrible, but did laugh myself.
02-04-2008, 21:21
I don't see those posts here Sidewinder
02-04-2008, 21:22
I'm guessing its on the other side of the fence.
I don't see those posts here Sidewinder
SPS posts
02-04-2008, 21:22
I don't see those posts here Sidewinder
That's because they're not posted here.
02-04-2008, 21:23
Ah right never been there so wouldn't have seen them.
The thing is if it was someone they knew it would be a different story. It happens to someone faceless on the interent and they think it's hilarious.
I imagine if a forum regular posted a thread about how he had to give up his car becuase his lost his license due to a fit being triggered by an internet geek. They would all be replying saying how sick it was.
EDIT: Like Kitten said I'm not going to change my mind over a few of the people that had that reaction. If it recieved that response in SPS, well lets just say it doesn't surprise me, it's what I would expect. I too am rather sensetive on the subject having a number of people who I have been close to having their lives completely changed by epilepsy.
They would all be replying saying how sick it was.
Which must make you wonder how truthful some people are on the internet with regards to what they publicly condone/condemn...
02-04-2008, 21:28
That's because they're not posted here.
Don't care if it's over there, would you find it funny if it was possible using the internet a diabetic was made to slip into a coma? Same question to Pebs, Desmo and iCraig??
02-04-2008, 21:29
still think it's sick and not remotely funny - not going to change my mind over a few familiar names. Still I guess I may react sensitively as my cousin is hospitalised by epileptic attacks on a regular basis and the internet is one of the few comforts and ways he can communicate with the outside world when he is suffering.
I'm not trying to make you change your mind about how funny it is (because it isn't funny), just maybe people need to chill out with the "OMFG anybody that laughs at that in any way shape or form is a heartless cretin that is not worthy to kiss my shoes" attitude that is being portrayed.
Don't care if it's over there, would you find it funny if it was possible using the internet a diabetic was made to slip into a coma? Same question to Pebs, Desmo and iCraig??
That's a different situation in a way because of the nature of what people actually find funny about the situation.
No one is laughing at the suffering, more at the act which induces it. Much like you would probably laugh if you saw someone trip and stumble in the street, only far more extreme.
02-04-2008, 21:31
I'm not trying to make you change your mind about how funny it is
it isn't funny full stop. I don't see how saying people are weird is similar to saying "OMFG anybody that laughs at that in any way shape or form is a heartless cretin that is not worthy to kiss my shoes"
That's a different situation in a way because of the nature of what people actually find funny about the situation.
No one is laughing at the suffering, more at the act which induces it. Much like you would probably laugh if you saw someone trip and stumble in the street, only far more extreme.
So you're saying the fact they used the internet was funny??? :huh:
02-04-2008, 21:32
it isn't funny full stop. I don't see how saying people are weird is similar to saying "OMFG anybody that laughs at that in any way shape or form is a heartless cretin that is not worthy to kiss my shoes"
I know it isn't funny.
So you're saying the fact they used the internet was funny??? :huh:
In a way yes, it's almost like an extension of the Rick Roll prank.
02-04-2008, 21:34
I'm not going to change my mind about finding it sick that is happened and being disgusted at people finding it funny, that is their choice to find it funny. Obviously Kitten feels the same.
I have strong opinions on things like this but i'm not going to attack specific people who laughed, i'm just saying i don't think anyone should personally.
Which must make you wonder how truthful some people are on the internet with regards to what they publicly condone/condemn...
I have always been of the opinion that some people aren't in the least bit truthful on the net, more than I would like to believe probably. I don't see the point though, surely it's the one place you can speak as plainly as you find.
EDIT: I know my morals and opinions get up some peoples noses, someone (I forget who) once referred to me as 'Supernanny' :p
It IS heartless and it IS very cruel, I think some people just get tickled ever so slightly by dark humour. It's no different to the jokes about Madeleine Mcann. A 4 year-old who's most likely dead somewhere, yet there's 100s of jokes circulating about it. It doesn't mean the millions of people who chuckled at the jokes are all cruel twisted weirdos, they just appreciate a bit of dark humour. I will concede though it obviously isn't to everybody's taste. :)
I have always been of the opinion that some people aren't in the least bit truthful on the net, more than I would like to believe probably. I don't see the point though, surely it's the one place you can speak as plainly as you find.
People will always succumb to the 'keeping up appearances' mentality wherever they are though, regardless of much an 'anonymous' stage may allow truthful expression. I suspect here there will be people who won't air their honest view on certain subjects for fear of certain reactions and conversely on the SPS forums people will post things they don't really believe to fit in and keep in with the crowd.
^^ Now THAT was funny.
I'm struggling to tell exactly how you mean that, whether you genuinely found that funny or are having a sarcastic dig.
Thing is inappropriate jokes are always pushing the boundaries of taste - like racist, sexist, sexual, death, religious etc... all sorts of those jokes are always tread a fine line. Have I laughed at all of those? Yes. I've even laughed at "cripple" jokes, and my cousin is brain damaged and is basically a rocking vegetable drooling in the corner. It pains me to say it, but it's true - and it's just a dose of being "human" that allows you to take a step back and realise how fortunate you are - and it' not a point and laugh in a mean way it's in a sort of I don't know a sort of jubilation but also cringe at the inappropriate wit.
I don't know how to phrase it - but as much as I find these jokes hurtful when I don't find them funny, I find enough funny that shouldn't be - so I let the bad ones slide else I should be a hypocrite.
I am a sensitive person and would never actively make jokes like that to hurt people, but if I heard a joke that I thought was cruel but sadistically amusing even if only ever so mildly I'm afraid I'd credit the humour for it's evil wit.
02-04-2008, 21:41
I look after a child who suffers from epilepsy (amongst other things) and to see what he goes through before, during and after he has a seizure isnt always pleasant. To think that someone would wilfully do that to someone is just horrible.
Oh absolutely - being put in physical harm is just wrong, then again look at all the slapstick comedy of past that's been re-enacted and that has been hilarious? I didn't smirk at this story as it happens I didn't particularly find it funny - however I do draw the similarities between other similar offensive pranks and jokes and the lines do share the same root. As I said in spite of the fact I wasn't affected by this one either positively or negatively doesn't mean that people can't find it wrongly amusing or the opposite.
I'm sorry, but laughing at what is essentially words, sticks and stones etc etc, is completely and utterly different than laughing at someone being physically harmed by someone's actions. It may cause mental upset yes, and through that endanger the physical, but with this, a person's health is directly compromised.
Surely people can see it's not the same as telling a joke.
It's not a million miles away from it though, the jokes about Madeleine Mcann are of a real situation. A real 4-year-old and a real family who are devastated. In this case the victims isn't an innocent toddler, but epilepsy sufferers. I don't know the best way to explain this, because if dark humour isn't too your taste you're always going to misunderstand why people are laughing and what they're actually laughing at. I don't find fits funny, christ my Granddad had a major fit right in front of me and it terrified the crap out of me, and it was no laughing matter let me assure you. I'm not sure where the humour comes from precisely and let me stress here, it's not rolling on the floor wiping the tears from your eyes kind of humour, the prevailing emotion is sympathy and disgust, but there's just a little part involved with how these people managed to engineer the situation that tickled me, albeit briefly. If you're affected by the "joke" closely you're never going to appreciate the dark humour whatsoever, which is obviously as expected. You try forwarding a Maddie joke to the family and see what response you get, or to any other family that have lost a toddler, but it doesn't mean the dark humour is sick or anything.
02-04-2008, 21:57
Its not really a joke though is it? Its a malicious attempt to trigger something that could possibly kill someone, more like happy slapping then any form of joke. I think anyone who has seen someone have a grand mal fit would probably agree but then the way epilepsy is portrayed (when it is portrayed) doesn't really bring home the shock of seeing someone fit and the potential for them hurting themselves, most people surf the net alone which would make the circumstances of turning a normally safe environment even more dangerous.
I think I've been holier than thou enough today so I'm not going to start casting stones but I think its pretty sick
Its not really a joke though is it? Its a malicious attempt to trigger something that could possibly kill someone, more like happy slapping then any form of joke. I think anyone who has seen someone have a grand mal fit would probably agree but then the way epilepsy is portrayed (when it is portrayed) doesn't really bring home the shock of seeing someone fit.
It's more of a joke than attempted murder as far as I can tell, but some jokes obviously have consequences. I've seen somebody having a major seizure like I said, it wasn't pleasant, all I wanted is for it to be over and for my Granddad to come back. I don't find seizures funny, per se. It's not that part of the whole thing that some people admitted to smirking about or whatever.
I think I've been holier than thou enough today so I'm not going to start casting stones but I think its pretty sick
I can totally see why you think it's sick, I do, there's just an element of, well, I don't know that the best word is, ingenuity maybe? that I found a little bit funny. It doesn't mean I think the perpetrators are funny or they deserve a pat on the back or any of that. If somebody had ran up to a sufferer and flashed a pulsing light at them until they seized I wouldn't find it funny at all. I'd be inclined to go over and kick the crap out of them. I suspect it's the same for Desmo and Pebs etc :)
02-04-2008, 22:09
Heres a vid of someone having a seisure in a safe environment (this is induced for study), imagine this with the person being alone and falling off a chair and the ricocheting about on the floor between solid furniture.
As someone has stated on youtube its a useful thing to be able to recognise in case you happen across someone at work or in public who is having a seisure then at least you have tell the ambulance what you have seem or what to expect.
It is a tiny bit disturbing if you're really sensitive to other people discomfort but its a fact of life
I'm not condemning people for laughing and iCraig you're right I have laughed at other peoples misfortune myself, it usually makes me feel guilty but I'm sure its the same for most people.
I fail to see how the OP is funny at all.
Then again I don't find genuinely funny things funny either :/
Thanks for the video Matt. Its probably something that people should see more often.
BB x
I'm not condemning people for laughing and iCraig you're right I have laughed at other peoples misfortune myself, it usually makes me feel guilty but I'm sure its the same for most people.
Personally it's not about their misfortune, it was simply the way they managed to do it over the internet that raised a sly smile. I think I said to myself, "What crafty bastards" They're dickheads for doing it, pure and simple, it's just the ingenuity of how they did it was what tickled me.
03-04-2008, 10:59
I laughed.
My son in law has Epilepsy that bad that he cannot drive & had a couple of seizures last year. Obviously this means my one & only Grandson has a good chance of having as well.
I still Laughed.
When my Jazmine told me about Bobs' condition & when i am on the phone comforting her after a seizure i have 2 options. Go with the Heavy effecting our lives drama or make light of it & just get on with it, I choose the Latter.
I don't like thinking seriously about problems that effect my life i much prefer to make light of them & laugh at it every chance i get.
You'll see the same attitude if i ever get a terminal illness I Promise you ;)
With my casual heart on the sleeve type posting style i just trust my friends to know that I have a Massive Heart & Never mean Any of my Friends any harm, There is Always a Damn good reason for my actions.
I saw Picky reading this thread last night and asked him what it was about and he explained the article.
My first reaction was:
"What?! No way? That's just wrong. What t***s... who on earth would do that".
I then tootled off to do something or other. I have now though just read the thread fully and I am completely shocked people found that funny?! I don't get it?! After having to clear an area of objects and pull kids out of the way when a child was having an epileptic fit on the floor at school I can no way say this is even remotely funny.
What disrespectful ****s.
I'm always amazed at what people can find funny, I guess I shouldn't be but there you go.
I still think people are misinterpreting what it is people find funny about that article, but it's been explained well enough already, no point repeating it.
I still think people are misinterpreting what it is people find funny about that article, but it's been explained well enough already, no point repeating it.
Heh, sadly re read the whole thread twice to see whether I could spot what was funny/whether I had misinterpreted anything and I found nothing - not the way these people were 'sly' or 'clever' in doing so or anything.
Nothing. At all :)
No repeating required... it's just... not funny!
Personally it's not about their misfortune, it was simply the way they managed to do it over the internet that raised a sly smile. I think I said to myself, "What crafty bastards" They're dickheads for doing it, pure and simple, it's just the ingenuity of how they did it was what tickled me.
Thats exactly how I feel about it.
(and I have seen a fit in real life, my cousin was fairly severely epileptic and had a fit in front of me)
I still think people are misinterpreting what it is people find funny about that article, but it's been explained well enough already, no point repeating it.
Indeed, I can sense people think others here have found the actual seizures funny or something. It's not about that, I think every single person is in agreement that it's pretty ****ing low to deliberately induce a seizure on somebody.
Indeed, I can sense people think others here have found the actual seizures funny or something. It's not about that, I think every single person is in agreement that it's pretty ****ing low to deliberately induce a seizure on somebody.
*waves hand in air* I don't think you find the seizures funny! I understand it was how they did it that you found funny! I don't get why... as I don't find it funny!
I can think of a comparison of what you find funny/amusing:
Silence of the Lambs. I LOVE and find myself smiling at how immensley clever Hannibal Lector is at capturing and killing his victims. I don't like the fact he kills and eats them (even if some of them were complete evil twits towards him) because that's wrong. But I find the lead up to it amusing, with comments like "I am meeting an old friend for dinner". Funny.
But the difference between that and what we're talking about is this is a real situation! REAL people got hurt! Which is horrifying! It's not clever, nor sly that these people managed to do this through the internet! They're cowards! They're masking their actions and disturbed mentality! Bet my bottom dollar they wouldn't do it to these people in RL. Why? Because they know it's wrong!
Anyone could have done what they did... it's not rocket science!
I don't mean to get arsey but please don't generalise when saying people have misinterpreted what you have found funny. Many haven't from what I see. We just all have difference of opinions and morals.
it's not rocket science!
It's computer science!
"Evil Genius Respect Syndrome" - I like that :)
Yeah it's pretty sick, but it's not too far away from 'You've been framed' esque programs, where people are laughing at other people getting hurt in comedy ways. Or 'Balls of Steel/Trigger Happy TV" where people find other people's embarrassment funny.
Just like a lot of doctors I know have an incredibly dark/morbid sense of humour because sometimes making light of an incredibly twisted situation is better then getting depressed about it. Hell, sites like sickipedia have jokes about rape, cancer, aids, paedophilia, a lot of which are pretty funny..depends on your audience I suppose.
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