View Full Version : Looking for some advice please!

10-04-2008, 19:22
Stay with me here because I know nothing about cars at all! :o But! I both want and need a new (well, new to me) car in the next couple of months which is where I'd like some advice. :)

Ok, this much I know... I'm looking for a little car similar to my Corsa (so something along the lines of a Fiat Punto or Renault Clio?) but not another Corsa, a Ka or a Smart Car. I'm after used (obviously) and under £2K, but the further under that the better to be honest ;D

Where you guys come in... what should I look for? Other than the colour (showing my n00bness there!) I have no idea what's important! :D How do I know it's a good price? Are there particular things I should be looking out for? Are there makes / models I should avoid and are there any that will skyrocket my insurance? And on a related topic, how do I get rid of my current beat-up mess of a car?! :confused:

Give me real basic, don't worry about offending me because I'd rather you think you're pointing out something obvious than me not think of it if you didn't! :p I'm very nervous about all this because there isn't really anyone who can come look at cars with me that know what they're doing and this is a lot of money for me to spend - but it needs doing now!

Thank you in advance! :o

Dr. Z
10-04-2008, 19:29
£2k will probably get you a 1999/2000 Ford Focus, which is probably where I would be looking unless you thought they were too big for you or whatever :)

I personally wouldn't touch a Corsa with a bargepole, nor would I bother with something Italian like a Punto. Clio isnt a bad little car :) My sister has a Polo, which will command a ridiculous premium for being a VW (the reliability stories are all a myth IMO) and thats not a bad little car at all.

EDIT: 30s on autotrader turned up examples like this:


One piece of advice I will give you is that at this sort of price, condition is vastly more important than (low) mileage and the two don't always go hand in hand! :)

10-04-2008, 19:35
I loved my little fiesta, she was brilliant. My little sister has a punto wouldn't know anything about it yet, she hasn't even driven it as she naffed off to Italy the day after passing her test.
I would probably go for a fiesta in your position, cheap to run and insure.

10-04-2008, 19:36
Clio is probably my first choice as I think they're lovely little cars, but most I've seen advertised as around the £4K range :confused: Hadn't considered a Focus though! Don't really want a Polo though for the simple reason my sister already has one as well ;D

I'm not too fussed about insurance tbh as I've got 7 (8 come June) years NCB and I'm old enough to not be too much of a risk :)

Dr. Z
10-04-2008, 19:40
Comparatively speaking, a Focus will be newer for the money and if you shop wisely will have full electric everything, air con and if you don't mind the bigger engined variants (depending on your view of fuel costs and insurance etc) you will get leather and stuff like that.

On the other hand, a Clio will probably be more girly and if you are crap at parking, it might be easier to park. :p

Beware of the middle-shape round clios if you are looking at them, check to make sure the bonnet catch at the front hasn't rusted away - fairly common / major issue on these.

10-04-2008, 19:43
DRZ is probably right about the Focus really they are good and cheap.

10-04-2008, 19:45
Oi! :p I can park like a pro thanks DRZ!! :D

Beware of the middle-shape round clios if you are looking at them, check to make sure the bonnet catch at the front hasn't rusted away - fairly common / major issue on these.

That's good advice! It's the kind of thing I'd never know of looking for :o

Blackstar, it is one I'll look into :)

10-04-2008, 19:48
Blimey what a Minefield ;D
Sorting a car out for a women is a nightmare but seeings it's the Interweb I'll be brave & ask a few questions first.
What are you going to use the car for ? How many miles do you do a week ? Where will it be parked ? How many people do you usually carry ?
I know they seem irrelavant to a woman but just humour me & answer them :p

10-04-2008, 19:57
DRZ is spot on, a Focus is well worth considering.

Also, speaking as a keen driver, they're a much nicer drive than just about anything Corsa sized that I can think of.

10-04-2008, 20:16
What are you going to use the car for ? How many miles do you do a week ? Where will it be parked ? How many people do you usually carry ?

Work, food shopping and close-ish meets!
Average week, not many. 75 miles max if I'm not going to a meet maybe?
Out front of the flat in the street.
2 people a lot of the time, 3 most usually when I take my parents out and about :)

10-04-2008, 20:16
Focus is a bit big though if she is only town driving & carrying herself & a mate about. A little 2 door hatch would be far more practical & more cost effective. If she is doing regular motorways though I'd agree on a Focus.

Trust you to post when i am writing :p

10-04-2008, 20:17
Only motorways would be for meets really :)

10-04-2008, 20:18
DRZ is spot on, a Focus is well worth considering.

Also, speaking as a keen driver, they're a much nicer drive than just about anything Corsa sized that I can think of.

Echo the above. For the money thats what I would get. Get a zetec model or higher for the 'sportish' suspension. There is a fair difference between it and the LX on chuckability. Depends on what you drive like.

1.4 Nope
1.6 yep, yamaha engine IIRC
1.8 extra torque is handy on the motorways
2.0 for a bit extra go.

The 99/00 won't have climate. Unless you can find a Ghia (not sure if this had it) The heated front screens are a godsend.

edit:- just saw the above post. Erm, Fiesta?

10-04-2008, 20:24
Well as you already like the Clio I'd say it was a perfect choice. Half the battle is over as you have decided on a car & know how much you want. Next step is patience & buying off the right person at the right time, We call it Stealing it off them, In other words having there pants down when they need ready cash :evil:

Lets all keep our eyes open & see what faults are known & what to look out for. I'll ask a few of my trade mates over the next day or so & get teh word back.

Just for experimental purposes lets watch this.
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1998-RENAULT-CLIO-GRANDE-RN-BLUE_W0QQitemZ160225094422QQihZ006QQcategoryZ9861Q QssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Nothing serious but it looks a nice little low owner motor with 60k up it & is advertised at around 1500 quid. Just for experimental purposes remember.

10-04-2008, 20:31
aaww... Thank you Malc! :D You're really putting some effort into this! :o

10-04-2008, 20:37
Kitten had a clio, it was her favourite of the small cars she had bar the minis (107/Corsa)

10-04-2008, 20:38
No I am not so don't feel guilty.
You know what it's like, When you are actually into something you do it in a second without a thought & it's No chore at all. It took me about 3 seconds to find that little motor & it's just to give everyone an idea of what kind of Clio May be avaialble for that money.
What's really needed is maybe a few more suggestions of different kinds of motors to compare, That way you can be sure that you are getting the best all round deal for the money. Bare in mind keeping it under 1.4 will keep Tax renewal prices low. Would you believe the Pug hatch costs around 65 quid a year to tax, How cool is that.
Overall though I must say that women look far cooler/sexier in a flash little Clio than they do a Focus or Pug, Uber improtant fact that :cool:
You have dark hair don't you so a Flame red Clio with you stepping out of it in Black would look Excllent :)
That Blue pictured is a nice blue though, Good thing about those little Clios is they do look nice, You have to like your car if you are going to keep it for a while :)

10-04-2008, 20:42
This one is well sexy :cool:
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2004-RENAULT-CLIO-DYNAMIQUE-16V-SILVER_W0QQitemZ220220492221QQihZ012QQcategoryZ986 1QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Still has 14 hours left at auction but will be interesting to see what an 04 with higher miles fetches.

10-04-2008, 20:57
You have dark hair don't you so a Flame red Clio with you stepping out of it in Black would look Excllent :)

See?! Now that's the kind of thinking I can get behind! ;D

11-04-2008, 13:07
This one is well sexy :cool:
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2004-RENAULT-CLIO-DYNAMIQUE-16V-SILVER_W0QQitemZ220220492221QQihZ012QQcategoryZ986 1QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Still has 14 hours left at auction but will be interesting to see what an 04 with higher miles fetches.

Winning bid: £2,450.00


Ended: 11-Apr-08 10:47:21 BST

11-04-2008, 15:47
Means an 02 is not out the question then for 2k :cool:

11-04-2008, 22:08

15-04-2008, 22:06
Right, I've been thinking about this more and more and everytime I do I think of the Clio... so I want a Clio :D Now I just need to find one I like and can afford, but I've got a bit of time so I don't need to buy the first one I see.

What I also need to do is get rid of my current car... anyone know how I go about doing that? :confused:

15-04-2008, 22:26
Describe your current car here, Age/mileage/condition/extras/service history etc etc etc.
What do you expect to get for it money wise ?
Easiest & quickest way with 2nd hand cheapys is your local paper, Just prep an add set the price a hundred quid more than you want then wait for the phone & let them chip you a hundred quid. Don't bother with flea bay or auctions as you want Cash for the motor when you sell it & always write Sold as Seen on the reciept.
How much money have you got for the Clio ?
And being patient is the key to getting a Decent motor for your money. There will be literally loads & loads so always remember that when looking one over. No matter how good that one is there will be one as good next week & maybe better. Never rush into a motor/deal.
What i do is have a Full day but do a lot of prep work. I get around 5 motors set up on the same day to look at & plot my route & arrange my mate/lift.
My route goes to the closest motor working out, On every motor i bid the owner to see what he will take, I then go to every motor doing this until i am furthest out. I then use my mobile to deal up the best motor & reserve it over the phone & deals it off against any of the other motors. It's literally, Hi mate it's Malc again, I'm at this other Clio & it's nice but I do like yours better, I can have this one for 1900 quid but i want yours but yours is 2200 quid, How about meeting me in the middle & I'll be back at your door with cash within the hour No messing, I'll just pay & be off & you'll never see me or the motor again sort of thing.
Obviously it's not a script & i play it by ear but you get the idea I'm sure :)

Also I/we are here any time & like i said before me & other chaps will talk this kind of crap till the cows come home :cool:
*Idea* With mobiles these days you can go see then ring take pics post them bla bla bla :) It'll be great :cool:

15-04-2008, 22:33
To be completely honest with you Malc, it's old and it's a mess - I half expect to have to pay someone to take it away :o

15-04-2008, 22:38
Describe it if only for comedy value :p

04-07-2008, 17:55
Time has come :confused: Insurance runs out July 17th so I only have a couple of weeks to sort this out! :shocked: