View Full Version : RickMob at Liverpool St.

Admiral Huddy
11-04-2008, 12:00


How on earth did all this start?

This sone reminds me of being punch by some bird in a Harlow nightclub for trying it on.

11-04-2008, 12:03
Mahahaha! I was in the great Habbo Raid of 2006. It was awesome!

11-04-2008, 12:16
How did it start? 4chan, like so many other interned fads.

Actually it started out as the duckroll (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbaTur4A1OU), then someone saw fit to replace Picard with Astley and we got this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4T5yMoKOiNo). And it's only one step from there to the Rickroll (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0) we all know and 'love'. ;D

11-04-2008, 12:20
Booo cant go. Am going go karting :(

BB x

11-04-2008, 12:24
How on earth did all this start?

Like anything else popular on the internet it started at 4chan/b3ta/SA etc. then everyone else copied.

I believe Rick Roll started as a modification to a Duck Roll and then grew in popularity when the internetisseriousbusiness link was first made.

11-04-2008, 12:25
NOOOOOOOO!!!!! :'( :'(

I'm currently being Rickroll'd by my MP3 player. I've got it on random and guess what comes up ten minutes after looking at this thread.

Damn you Huddy! Damn you for life! :p

11-04-2008, 12:30
I got Rickrolled by the news last night. Was on the treadmill at the gym listening to my mp3 player and the news was on one of the screens on the wall with subtitles. I looked up to see the Rick Astley video with the subtitles from the previous story going. Of course it was a news report about Rickrolling and the subtitles were slightly behind, but for a moment it looked like the video was playing over the news!

Edit: Almost forgot, I was 'rolled by Pickers the other day too. Answered my phone and...

Astley: 'Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down...'
Me: 'Nooooooooooo!'
Pickers: 'So, what is Rickrolling?'

Cheeky ****.

Admiral Huddy
11-04-2008, 14:44
I can't get that damn tune out of my head..

"neva gunna giv you up..neva gunna giv you up..neva gunna giv you up..neva gunna giv you up..neva gunna giv you up.. etc etc"

11-04-2008, 15:14
Here you go Belmit - you can relive your Rickrolling at the hands of BBC News...


Admiral Huddy
11-04-2008, 16:30
here's an email I've sent to work peeps:

UPDATE 11/04/08
rickmob is today!
It's going to be AWESOME.
Some final instructions:
1. Find a spot in the main concourse area (not on the balconies), and make sure you're near to the arrivals/depatures board right in the centre of the station. We can look up at those and look like genuine commuters before we sing.
1. There will be NO HORN! Please use the digital clock on the arrivals/departures board, and at exactly 6pm begin singing (the first line is of course 'We're no strangers to love').
2. Sing LOUD! This will help us get in sync and cause maximum confusion and entertainment.
3. Before we sing, try to look as inconspicuous as possible. I know this will be hard for those in the polo neck / overcoat combo but we should aim for the element of surprise...
4. Don't forget to print out the lyrics if you can't remember them, and have a final listen to the melody before you come. Don't be afraid to share your lyrics print out with friendly passers by.. infact, actively encourage people to join in!
5. If you are interviewed by the media, please give NONSENSE answers. Drop in a random lines from Never Gonna Give You Up. Do not be coherent or charming. This is just for fun and as ever the media will want to delve deeper into something that has no real point but is just about fun!
6. We'll be drinking after in the nearby Pitcher & Piano on Bishopsgate:
See you later!

Should have been a meet?

11-04-2008, 16:37
It's gone too mainstream to be funny any more.

Memes aren't funny when normal people know them.

Admiral Huddy
11-04-2008, 16:41
ah well just a bit of nonsense is good for the soul! :)

11-04-2008, 16:43
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." :)

Here you go Belmit - you can relive your Rickrolling at the hands of BBC News...


*Rickrolls self*

Admiral Huddy
11-04-2008, 16:52
*shuffle dances in office*

11-04-2008, 17:15
I just emailed the entire London Office warning them about this (our office is across the road from the station) and no responses..well one saying 'You're so silly!' and another totally irrelevant, thanking me for doing something for them.



BB x

11-04-2008, 19:19
Memes aren't funny when normal people know them.

Maybe i'm getting too old for this but memes are rarely funny full stop.

Oh and don't flashmobs become a bit self defeating when half the country know it's going to happen in advance?

11-04-2008, 22:39
dammit, I was about 200yds from L'pool street at 6, could have been a few mins late for the job and seen it if I'd have known :(

Am I sad for liking that song? :o

11-04-2008, 22:46
I missed it :/

Loads of people in the station though.

Just got back from Go Karting and introduced myself to James Caan, who's first response was 'Oh yes you are the person who emailed at 5pm about the Rick Astley thing'


BB x

11-04-2008, 22:57
Few videos already up on YouTube but they're pretty lousy. :/

Showing up under BBC London News too but no video there.

14-04-2008, 07:51
So then Admiral, how did it go?

BBC report on it here (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/7343833.stm) and Stephen Merchant was talking about it on his radio show yesterday afternoon :p

C'mon! We needs a report from the Admiral!!!!


14-04-2008, 10:05
That exact footage is on YouTube. You'd have thought they'd have made a decent attempt at recording it given the publicity. :/

Admiral Huddy
14-04-2008, 10:43
Surprisingly quite a few turned up :D I was nearly late as I got caught short for the loo en-route. Bloody protein supplements!

"We're no strangers to love", You know the rules and so so I "


I'm not sure i'll take up flashmobbing as a hobby. I'll just stick to the flashing bit instead :D