View Full Version : We can haz gotz KITTEN!!!!!

13-04-2008, 15:12
Didn't post anything on here before now because with the week I've just had, I didn't want to tempt fate!

I rang a cat rescue shelter about this little lady last weekend. She's about 6-8 months old and was apparently hand reared because her mummy died. Her previous owners had their home reposessed and couldn't take her into rented accommodation with them, so she got dumped with the shelter. She was spayed on Thursday and managed to pull out her stitches, hence the big collar around her neck.

Went to fetch her today and she's just settling in. She's SUCH a sweetie and really friendly/fussy. All seems to be going really well so far as she's taken to me and Leon instantly :D Yay!!!

Oh, she's called Florence.... Flo :cool:











13-04-2008, 15:16
awww she's lovely, but does seem rather large for 8 months

13-04-2008, 15:20
She's not as big as she looks on the photos actually. Still very much a kitten, but could be older as they don't know exactly how old she is. Doesn't matter either way really... she's fab :D

13-04-2008, 15:22
Aah she's be cute kitty. Does that collar make her meow sound like a RAWR? :D

13-04-2008, 15:22
Aww she is lovely :D

13-04-2008, 15:31
Aw, she's lovely :)

13-04-2008, 16:51
Aww the puddy cat!

What a cutie! And the cat too ;)

13-04-2008, 17:06
What a cutie! And the cat too ;)I wanted to do that but I'm not sure what the laws are like for e-sexual harrassment. :D:o

Just realised kitty could be sonar cat. :D

13-04-2008, 17:46
Yay !! Kitties rock ! \o/

She looks quite settled in already :)

13-04-2008, 18:08
Look at her getting all cuddly. She's well settled already.

13-04-2008, 18:10
She is :D We're both really surprised that she's settled this quick, but she's so snuggley and friendly already. She's already learnt how to ask for food too! lol

We've both been asleep on the sofa most of the afternoon in between visits from Dee & Daz and les parents.

Can't wait to get her space collar off so she can get back to playing etc. She has no spatial awareness at the moment and walks really funny. You also get headbutted a lot, which leads to a face full of collar, which smells of catfood. Mmmmm!!

13-04-2008, 18:16
Yay for the cat \o? <-- it's Captain Hook. I just made him by accident :D

13-04-2008, 19:12
I dont like Cats..
But I am VERY please Leon has another pussy in the house :D

13-04-2008, 19:48
She's beautiful you guys! :D

13-04-2008, 19:57
Lovely! Just make sure she doesn't look up when it rains! ;)

So what's the deal with letting her out so close to the main road etc??

13-04-2008, 20:18
She is much smaller in person :)

13-04-2008, 20:18
Very cute kitty, but it seems to have had an accident with a funnel!? :D:o

14-04-2008, 18:36
She haz infiltrated the bedroom!!! :eek:


14-04-2008, 20:58
Does she make a comfy pillow? :D

14-04-2008, 22:40
aw smashing, she looks to have settled in really quickly

re the collar, how sure are folks that they need these , when Izzy was done she didn't have one and had no problems at all

Still got 2 months till Ace comes and joins us :(

14-04-2008, 22:55
just realised, I said this to Kate directly, not on here, so you won't see the post I'm referring to :embarrassed: because it doesn't really exist ;D

Ha , nutter ;D

We were never asked if we wanted Izzy to have one, maybe something was done differently, was a while ago

15-04-2008, 06:23
She didn't have a collar until she pulled her stitches out. None of our cats before have had them, but they've all pretty much left the stitches alone. Few little pulls but nothing major. She took the collar off on Saturday and managed to pull at her stitches again, which is why it's still on.

We took it off her last night to give it a wash because it was stinking and to see if she was still fiddling, but the first thing she did was start messing with her stitches. Back on with the collar. Poor little sod! Should be off before the weekend :)

15-04-2008, 08:48
She's definitely a she-hulk like my Diva!

She is lion-cat! Hear her roar! Meeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooowwwwwww!!!

15-04-2008, 11:27
Hehehe. Oh definitely! :D She's been roaring at me this morning because I was still in bed and she wanted food.

Phear her p0w4h!!!


She gets big 'Puss In Boots' eyes when she wants something though. Need to get a photo of them :)

15-04-2008, 11:37
She is GORGEOUS! *wants a kitty*.... though trio would probably eat it!

15-04-2008, 11:48
She is GORGEOUS! *wants a kitty*.... though trio would probably eat it!I wouldn't be surprised if kitty scared Trio. There are vids on le YouTube of wittle kitties meowing at MAHOOSIVE doggies and making the doggies jump backwards! ;D

Like dees. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ntqUPAyy8RU

15-04-2008, 11:51
I get woken up by Divas paw smacking me in the face with claws out at 5am-6am every morning so she can be let out of my room and go and see Beck (he gets up at 5.30 every morning). If I hide under the duvet she reaches down into it and smacks me again!

19-04-2008, 14:12
Her collar is off... she's a little bloody terror!!! Think Taz, only in tabby cat form. :D She spent a lot of time sleeping when she had her collar on. I don't think she's stopped to draw breath since it's been off :)

New hobbies include:
- Tearing up and down the stairs at 300 mph for no apparent reason
- Killing anything that moves under the duvet
- Exploring everything she couldn't get her head into before
- Crouching in pouncing position, waggling her arse and then launching herself across the lounge
- Sitting on the windowsill looking longingly at the outside world

So... just typical kitten behaviour really :D She's also taken a liking to the lizard tank.

I am on your tankz watching your lizardz

ZOMGZ, crickets!

19-04-2008, 14:17
Awww, she's lovely and reminds me so much of Pebbles Cat :D

She has taken to sitting on the floor next to the bed in the morning and giving me death stares until I get up and feed her ;D

She also paws my eyelids and my nose :/

19-04-2008, 14:24
Yeah she does look like Pebbles doesn't she :D

Flo just attacks the duvet every time we move until I get up and feed her. Little cow!

19-04-2008, 14:32
She's lovely :D

27-04-2008, 21:53

She is SILLY!

Hehehe, I love her expression :D

I amz in your bedz, eating your duvet!!

MUMMY!!!! On certain fabrics she kneeds them, purrs loudly and starts trying to suckle. Apparently it's a sign of being removed from her mother too early. Poor little bab. Unfortunately, one thing she REALLY loves is my dressing gown


She's also very cut though:

Awww :D

27-04-2008, 22:05
Whats in the tank, whats in the tank. (oh thats box isn't it?)

Is that giant cockroaches i see?

She looks lovely :D

27-04-2008, 22:15
Lizards, toads, frogs (well, not anymore because he finally died last week :( ) and numerous cockroaches, who clean up all the debris.

28-04-2008, 14:16
She looks just like mine :D Not the best pics to illustrate that mind! Her markings across her back are very Bengal-esque as are Feeb's:



28-04-2008, 17:58
awww poor toad :( Not the one in the log :(

Lovely Flo, she's beautiful. Our Gomez used to suckle too, he never grew out of it.
No not the big fattun. You can see him in the picture to the bottom right actually. It was the tree frog. He had a massive tumour on his head. It's been growing since before Christmas and was bigger than his head when he died. His mate died about a year ago. They were both very old so it wasn't unexpected. I'll be getting a couple of new ones soon hopefully :)

28-04-2008, 17:59
And yeah she is quite bengal in appearance Randal... not noticed that before!! :)