View Full Version : Who can I get to write the foreword in my book?

17-04-2008, 18:29
So I need ideas of who I should get to write the foreword. So far I'm tempted by Martin Parr. He's a big name, a Magnum photographer and has also spent time documenting Liverpool. The book is basically photos of Liverpool. So I'm thinking he'd be great for it although I am of course worried he'd hate my over processing. I'll probably approach him as he can only say no. But I'm after backups, or better. A lot of the photographers I respect are either dead, unsuitable, or simply very talented amatuers. I think I need a credible person, a name to essentially validate the book. "I'm a good photographer. You know me. I endorse this book and declare it open." Sorta thing.

So far I'm thinking Martin Parr or Tom Ang. Any ideas? Oh, another suggestion was famous Liverpool folk. Just to have your average famous Joe say something.

17-04-2008, 19:31
Antony Gormley?

Send him your photos of his work and see what he says, bit of mutual back scratching.


17-04-2008, 19:32
David Bailey?

17-04-2008, 22:11
Kitten! Aren't you from there?! That would be sooo handy because you're a great writer, love the city, love photography and love Pete's work! :D

Now I just hope I haven't embarrassed you by nominating you :o ;)

17-04-2008, 22:28
Ansel Adams? ;)

There must be SOMEONE in Liverpool with that name :D

17-04-2008, 22:37
There once was a pap called Pete,
Who did a fantastic feat,
He took loads of piccies,
Of a dock and a city,
And exhibitioned them for over a week.

That do you lad?

17-04-2008, 22:37
/me giggles

17-04-2008, 22:48
lol Dymetrie :D

17-04-2008, 22:52
lol Dymetrie :D

Credit me and send me a free copy and it's yours ;)

17-06-2008, 12:55
Slight update on this. I had no ideas. Had a meeting with the publisher today who do want a "name" for the foreword. I did suggest to them the idea of having Kitten write it but they didn't feel it was marketable. Sorry :( They want a name so they can say "Well s/he likes it." So my current ideas are Dean Sullivan aka Jimmy Corkhill from Brookie la or Ian Broudie from The Lightning Seeds. Dean Sullivan is a good idea because he's known locally in the arts scene, I've met him a few times, he came to my exhibition and he likes my work. However, he's also known as that guy from Brookie. I'm just not sure if thats the sort of thing I want in the book. It might add something negative to it. I'm not sure if it will or not but its there. It might sound bad but I think I'd like my book to show how great Liverpool is now without getting caught up in any stereotypes. My other idea is Ian Broudie and I love his music. Seeing him live at the Mathew Street 06 festival was great. But how to contact him, and the publishers think he might charge for it. They suggested some other names like Roger Phillips, and people I've never heard of. Gotta be done in under 2 weeks too.

17-06-2008, 13:21
Alexi Sale is hugely passionate about all thing Scouse, did you think about my suggestion of Anthony Gormley?

The Duke of Westminster is the driving force behind for Liverpool One might be worth a try.


17-06-2008, 13:28
We discussed Alexei Sayle in the meeting this morning, briefly. They felt he's been overused recently with all the hysteria and his show. Plus he'd ask for money. I completely for about Anthony Gormley. I'll add that to the list. I'm not sure how associated he is with Liverpool though, outside of his Iron Men. We also discussed someone relating to Liverpool One, but we felt that theres too much animosity surrounding it. Most people feel that the Capital of Culture is simply about money and Liverpool One is the biggest sign of that. However Liverpool One was approved before we won the culture award. Most people don't see it that way though. They just see 2008, capital of culture branding around town and a new shopping center. The general public probably doesn't see the art n culture on a weekly basis.

17-06-2008, 13:37
Roger McGough, you might get a poem out of him?

Seems to like talking about it too



17-06-2008, 13:38
He was also mentioned, but again I think they felt he'd want money. Its kinda tricky trying to find someone who's associated with Liverpool and has a big name but not too big that they'll want paying.

17-06-2008, 13:40
If you don't ask you'll never know if they want money or not, McGough is well known but he just does stuff on Radio 4 now if he likes your work he might do you a few paragraphs for a copy. I'd chance my arm if I were you.


17-06-2008, 13:42
James Barton the owner of Cream appeared on Alexi Sale's recent program about Liverpool and might add a funky vibe.


17-06-2008, 14:17
Yeah true. I'll keep an open mind on Roger and suggest James Barton. I've got a contact at Cream so that might be an in.

17-06-2008, 22:30
Don't discount it straight away - Is McCartney even a remote possibility? Is he passionate about Liverpool, I don't know.

18-06-2008, 10:58
Don't discount it straight away - Is McCartney even a remote possibility? Is he passionate about Liverpool, I don't know.

He did a gig here but I think he's way too big to do it. If I couldn't get Martin Parr who made his name documenting New Brighton and Liverpool to do it then I can't see McCartney doing it.

How about someone like Willy Russell?

Not heard of him. Can't help but think of Willy Nelson though :)

19-06-2008, 06:06
Why don't you write a personal letter to a handful of these people and see what responses you get back? I can see why they'd want some money for it though. Afterall, you'll be making money from the book which will contain something they've written. Still, it's definitely worth a try at least. You might be surprised!