View Full Version : Hmmm i just accidentally won an iPod on eBay

18-04-2008, 12:24
I'm watching them because i'm thinking of getting a bigger iPod it can't keep up with my music (50Gb) but i threw a cheeky bid in at the end to push the price of a cheap one up and i just accidentally won an 80Gb classic for £104 but i'm not even sure if i want it now =/
Haha, what do i do :p? =/

18-04-2008, 12:34
You've bought it now, but if you speak to the seller you may be able to come to a deal or something? First lesson of eBay, never bid unless you're prepared to cough up if you do win. :D

18-04-2008, 12:36
;D you cock. Buy it and re-list it?

18-04-2008, 12:46
I've been told "dont bid if you dont want to buy !" already :D

Yeah i was just being a cock to the guy trying to get a bargain only pushed him up £4 =/ Hmmm

I'm thinking relist possibly (cause its a bit cheaper than normal) but this is hassle and i could lose out. So i could either offer him the fees and kiss his feet so i dont get negged, or buy it anyway cause i do kinda want it, just not totally sure yet... My iPod grows long in the teeth, dodgy battery, not enough space. I looked at upgrading to 100Gb and replacing the battery and this came to the same price i just won the 80g classic for, but this way i get a new iPod (new interface/searc/coverflow/nicer case) so i'm slowly convincing myself it might be ok :p Hmmmm

18-04-2008, 13:58
LOL you twonk:p

Do as everyone else has said, sell it on afterwards or keep it and sell your old one:p

18-04-2008, 14:21
Yeah i think raymond has kinda convinced me to sell my old one now :p

18-04-2008, 15:49
Wow, 5g 30gb ipods, generally sell on for £90 which means i've just gained 50gb or space and new firmware for about £20 at the very most =/ I would have done this ages ago if i'd noticed...

18-04-2008, 16:26
Silly twonk. :D

Still kind of a bargain then? Going to be getting me a new iPod Classic 80Gb soonish. :D Don't think I can justify 160Gb of Apple goodness.

21-04-2008, 22:00
Balls, this just arrived:
Hiya, I was prepairing you ipod for shipping today and i realise it says you bought a 80GB one. The one i have is 30GB. I must of entered the wrong gig in the listing discription. The obvious action to take is to give you a full refund. I will await you reply before i make the transfer. Once again i am very sorry.
Hmmmm, here's the auction, (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170209783235&ssPageName=ADME:X:AAQ:GB:1123)he eve uses the classic's picture how can you not know what you own :confused:.

21-04-2008, 22:06
Hmm a bit suss that. Perhaps a mate of his has offered to buy it for more?

21-04-2008, 22:14
Yeah probably, well he's refunded me, so its fine, but now i actually want a new iPod :p hahaha what a saga...

21-04-2008, 23:22
Get a Touch, they're sex compressed into a small device.

21-04-2008, 23:52
I need space not a fancy UI though, my music collection stands at 50Gb now and its only growing, i like to have most/all of my music around with me and a touch would never allow that :(

Oh well i'm gonna start looking for bargain 160's now though ;)

22-04-2008, 00:00
32GB is a lot of music though to be fair, taking the average size of an MP3 into account and having videos on there too, you're still looking at about 50-60,000 MP3s, 80,000 if you solely used it for music. Would you really get through all those quick enough to get bored and need more? :shocked:

22-04-2008, 00:11
what!??! 60,000 songs? how small are your files?
32 * 1024 (this is even rounding up) / 4mb per track = 8192, and i'm being generous.

I've got 10,000 tracks now, 32Gb just doesn't cut it, its not about getting bored, its about having something when i want it. I tried swapping music about on my 30Gb iPod once you get to a certain size its actually even more of a pain, i'd rather only have to swap and keep track of 4/8Gb nano if i wanted to start playing the swap game...

With the 160Gb i've got about 39k tracks room to play with, giving me room for my collection to triple in size :)

22-04-2008, 10:19
You're right, WikiAnswer says 80,000 for some reason

I reckon they added a 0 :p

22-04-2008, 10:22
I haz 6089 tracks in my Winamp and they take up 34Gb. Hence why my 40Gb iPod is rapidly running out of space.

22-04-2008, 12:45
You're right, WikiAnswer says 80,000 for some reason

I reckon they added a 0 :p

Somebody there failed maths ;D A factor of 10 out, it sounds like the claims manufactuers give with MP3 players: "1 Million songs*"

*A 10Kbs...

22-04-2008, 12:51
I need space not a fancy UI though, my music collection stands at 50Gb now and its only growing, i like to have most/all of my music around with me and a touch would never allow that :(

That's what I thought, until I went to the Apple shop and used the touch for 5 minutes.

I would have bought one there and then if it hadn't been sold out.

They're absolute ****ing sex with a screen :p

22-04-2008, 12:52
That's what I thought, until I went to the Apple shop and used the touch for 5 minutes.

I would have bought one there and then if it hadn't been sold out.

They're absolute ****ing sex with a screen :pThey are wipe clean yes? ;D

22-04-2008, 13:29
I've just ordered my new phone so hopefully I'll get my iPod Touch as a free gift within a week. 32GB is plenty for my music considering I'm at a PC every day, so I can easily swap a few things in and out depending on my mood. I'm sure I'll have about 15GB of core albums which will always be there, and swap out the rest (allowing some space for videos of course).

22-04-2008, 13:40
How did you get the touch for free? What phone and what contract?

Also what's the best software for tagging MP3s?

22-04-2008, 13:47
How did you get the touch for free? What phone and what contract?

Through http://www.buymobilephones.net/store/merchant-4-9-3383-phones.ihtml - K810i, £35 a month on Orange, 600 cross-network minutes, unlimited texts, 18 month contract. A huge improvement over my current contract which currently costs me just under £30 a month.

Also what's the best software for tagging MP3s?

MusicBrainz PicardQT - http://musicbrainz.org/doc/PicardDownload

22-04-2008, 14:12
Jesus we need a MusicBrainz Picard and MediaMonkey sticky i swear :D

I'm now unsure whether to go for another 80Gb classic for under £100 two ending today in about 5 hours (don't go competing with me ;)). Or spend the extra £40 it seems for 160Gb.

I'm thinking of going 80Gb with a view to upgrade when i need to in a year or so, when 160Gb costs feck all then? Make sense?

That's what I thought, until I went to the Apple shop and used the touch for 5 minutes.

I would have bought one there and then if it hadn't been sold out.

They're absolute ****ing sex with a screen :p

Hahahaha, i would no doubt be reaching for my wallet :D But atm common sense prevails as long as one of my friends *doesn't* buy a touch ;).

22-04-2008, 14:14
Jesus we need a MusicBrainz Picard and MediaMonkey sticky i swear :D

I'm now unsure whether to go for another 80Gb classic for under £100 two ending today in about 5 hours (don't go competing with me ;)). Or spend the extra £40 it seems for 160Gb.

I'm thinking of going 80Gb with a view to upgrade when i need to in a year or so, when 160Gb costs feck all then? Make sense?

Sorry I was just asking :p

22-04-2008, 15:16
Oh no worries it just seems i've been recommending it a lot recently, see here (http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showpost.php?p=198426&postcount=35) for the most recent mention ;) :D

24-04-2008, 20:57
Wahey! :D Won another 80Gb 6G sniped in at £98 with isn't bad at all! ;D I do want the 160, but its commanding quite a price, over 40% more than the 80Gb which doesn't seem worth it to me...
This one looks decent though, so it probably wont fall through :)