View Full Version : Waking Up - Why?

20-04-2008, 08:19
Why, as I get older do I wake up at the same time at the weekends as I do in the week?

I used to be able to sleep for England, sleeping in till 11 would not be unheard of but now even if I stay up late my internal alarm clock wakes me up at about 7.30 which is the same time my radio goes off in the week :(


20-04-2008, 08:47
same happens to me Mister MB! Though, if on long holidays my body clock can start to change and I will wake up later (though tend to go to bed much much later... so theoretically I still get the same amount of snoozage).

All in all I'm not sure. Maybe our internal clocks are settling down into a better rhythm?

One for focus magazine I think!

20-04-2008, 08:51
It depends on your body clock. As I usually have to get up 7am everyday I usually wake up around that time even on the weekends and just can't get back to sleep unless I'm exhausted. Once I'm awake that is it I might as well get up otherwise I'll get slapped and poked for disturbing Kitten.

20-04-2008, 09:31
It happens to me too, it's most annoying!

The exception to that is for the first few weeks after I got out of hospital I could have very very easily slept until the afternoon.

It happens to a lesser extent (I can sometimes have a nice long sleep) when I'm in my own bed but when I'm not at home the chances of that happening are usually slim to none.

20-04-2008, 09:31
It's not that early really! Besides it means you can enjoy the day and have some fun. I've already managed to complete 2 errands that needed doing, it means I have a whole sunday to myself to do what I want with! That's the one blessing of getting up regularly at stupid o'clock it means you don't waste your weekends :D

20-04-2008, 09:44
You're an early bird anyway though aren't ya Frenchie?

20-04-2008, 10:07
Yeah - stupid health freak lifestyle :p

20-04-2008, 10:11
I used to be the same, MB.

Not any more though, I now find I can manage a nice lie-in at weekends without any trouble. The trick is not going to bed until about 2AM though :)

20-04-2008, 10:24
I wake up but I can nearly always manage to go back to sleep :D

Sunday is the only day I lay in now, up at 6.30 ish during the week and up at 8am on a Sat to get to the gym by 9 :)

20-04-2008, 10:35
*wishes he could sleep till 7:30 on weekends* :(

20-04-2008, 11:02
The kitten wakes us both up at 5:30am whether we like it or not. It's fine in the week because that's when I get up, but at the weekend... it's not!!! :p I usuallly wake up around 7am on a weekend anyway. Go to the gym Sat so Sun is my only real lie-in day.

20-04-2008, 11:06
The kitten wakes us both up at 5:30am whether we like it or not.

Try turning your phone off, maybe she'll get the message! ;D

20-04-2008, 11:16
I can sleep for ages, but only if its totally dark but i got to bed quite late too. This morning though even though i was utterly razzeled last night and went to bed at 4AM i was up feeling fresh as a daisy at 9:30, weird.

20-04-2008, 12:09
Just woke up *smug* :D

20-04-2008, 14:15
Try turning your phone off, maybe she'll get the message! ;D
Good plan!! ;)

20-04-2008, 19:35
I wake up at the same time at weekends as in the week too

between 10 and 11 :p

20-04-2008, 21:37
I wake up but I can nearly always manage to go back to sleep :D

Same :D

20-04-2008, 21:42
I'm even worse on holiday, I always get up uber early! :o

Need to catch those rays and concentrate on relaxing! lol!

20-04-2008, 23:49
I'm like this. I'll get up at 7.30am perhaps for Uni yet at the weekend I will wake up at the same time but without an alarm. Course I seem to be able to wake up about 10 minutes before my alarm goes off on a weekday.

21-04-2008, 00:07
If I don't set an alarm, I'd normally sleep until about 10.30.

When I was at uni, I slept until after 3pm a few times :p

Del Lardo
21-04-2008, 01:09
I am the king of sleeping. Weekends I often won't wake up till midday and even if I wake up earlier I can just turn over and go back to sleep.

21-04-2008, 06:53
Well some of us have been sat at our desks for at least 30mins already this morning! :( :p

21-04-2008, 06:54
i have no such problem except for the 6ft alarm clock that sleeps in my bed :rolleyes:

Also the dog, cat etc etc are very bad and naughty creatures who like to wake me up just so they can go and wee and then eat and stuff. Selfish little critters.

Hehehe - you wouldn't like me as a housemate then well not if you're a light sleeper :p

21-04-2008, 07:09
My body generally wakes me up before 9am if I don't set an alarm and I have to get up then. Doesn't mean I stay up :o
Got home sometime after 3am Saturday night/Sunday morning, was up before 8:30, went back to bed around 11am and slept through until 4:30/5pmish :o
Went to bed 10:30 and read for half hour or so. I got up 6:40.

I think I needed it because I actually feel clearer headed than I have in a while :)

21-04-2008, 07:13
Morning Sam! :D

21-04-2008, 07:16
I may be clearer headed but I'm not cheery :p it is still a very wet monday morning after all :p

21-04-2008, 07:17

Well I'm happy to see you ;)

21-04-2008, 07:19
Morning glory? ;)

21-04-2008, 07:31
Well if you will talk about wetness.... :o

21-04-2008, 07:38
Well some of us have been sat at our desks for at least 30mins already this morning! :( :p

Yup :(


21-04-2008, 09:50
I used to wish one day my time clock would naturally wake me up at 7am rather than 8am so I didn't feel like a zombie in the morning. Now I'm cursed with waking up at 6:50am EVERY DAMN DAY without fail no matter how late I went to bed or how much I'd had to drink the night before. Apologies again to everyone at Karyn's for Huddy's do. Morning madness got the better of me and I was jealous of you all sleeping :(

21-04-2008, 09:52
I think its to do with working in the week, you just get used to waking up the same time. if i take more than a few days off, by day 3 I can easily sleep til Midday. Actually yesterday (Sunday) I slept from 2:30am til 1:30pm. But Saturday I woke up at 9:30 after 8 hours sleep.

21-04-2008, 09:52
I used to wish one day my time clock would naturally wake me up at 7am rather than 8am so I didn't feel like a zombie in the morning. Now I'm cursed with waking up at 6:50am EVERY DAMN DAY without fail no matter how late I went to bed or how much I'd had to drink the night before. Apologies again to everyone at Karyn's for Huddy's do. Morning madness got the better of me and I was jealous of you all sleeping :(

Where's the German accent?!


21-04-2008, 15:39
Well some of us have been sat at our desks for at least 30mins already this morning! :( :p


Del Lardo
21-04-2008, 16:03
Well some of us have been sat at our desks for at least 30mins already this morning! :( :p

And at that time some of us were working having not been to sleep*!

*Time zone may be GMT-6 but that doesn't matter

Admiral Huddy
21-04-2008, 16:07
I've not slept well for years and this time of year is the worst.

No matter what time I go to sleep, I'm always awake at first light ot just before. Even the Sunday after my party, i was up at 7am after being awake for an hour. Once my brain (yes i do have one) starts going I get anxious to get on with things I need to do.

I think the problem is MB that as we get older, we realise who precious and limited our weekends are. Therefore, we try and cram more in. I know I do. When I saw a sleep counsellour a few years back, she said I must write down what I need and want to do at the forthcoming weekend on the Thursday night. She said try and keep it realistic and don't change it.

It worked for months but I've not done this in ages and slipped back.

Your subconcious plays havoc with your sleep!

21-04-2008, 16:12

Tis the truth! :o