View Full Version : People in the office starting to annoy me. Please moan in here.

21-04-2008, 11:35
I don't get why people in the office feel such a need to comment so much on what I do or eat. Today I have home made soup. Nothing out of the ordinary, it's got spinach in it so it's bright green, but it's no different from any other soup I make. They are all 'ugh', and 'is that the green stuff in the fridge' and 'uh that smells like nettles'. One guy here eats literally nothing but plain ham rolls every day and if we go out for a company meal he will only get ham, egg and chips. They all take the pee if I have anything that resembles a salad with my lunch.

Maybe if people here ate something like this they'd look healthy like me rather than fat and ill looking. I feel like pointing this out to the girl opposite me and calling her a fat pig because that's what she is, but that's against the rules. Though it's fine for them to comment on me being skinny. **** off :angry:

Then there's the car. I've learned to deal with the car thing by being dismissive but I don't feel obliged to jump in there and tell them how dull their Ford Focus must be to drive. I don't care if it's rusty! If it bothered me I'd do something about it!

Are their little lives really that unfulfilling that all they have to do is comment on other people's?

Anyway, thanks for listening. Please add to this thread with your moaning. Maybe I vill start talking mit a German accent in ze offis and not gif in no matter vot happens :D

21-04-2008, 12:22
I drive a Focus you bastard!

21-04-2008, 12:26
We had a new guy working for us here last summer. As it got to the enrollment period for new students his exact words were 'It's getting a bit busy round here, I might ask for a week off.' The whole point of us hiring him was to ease the workload during busy times. I later happened to mention what he'd said in passing to my supervisor, just in general conversation, and as it turned out he had indeed asked for a week off. My supervisor declined the request as it was indeed too busy, but allowed him to take the following week off as it would have been less so. The guy didn't show up for the week he'd originally asked for, calling in sick every day. Then he had his week's holiday, then he handed his notice in.

When the collection came round for his leaving card, I took a pound out.

21-04-2008, 12:28
Faysh says "Go Postal"

21-04-2008, 12:32
They always comment on what I have to eat at work. Whether it's a fruit salad, tin of custard or just a packet of crisps they always have something to say.
Most of the smokers and the friends with the managers also bug the hell outta me. Lunch is half an hour but the incrowd take at least an hour in the staff room then 15 minutes to go out for a fag!
If I'm a minute late off my lunch I get shouted at! :(

21-04-2008, 12:33
If it winds you up that much, then say something to them, seriously. I know thats easier said than done, but you shouldn't have to explain every little thing to people.

Our new boss encourages it, any little thing that bothers you, you tell him and he will sort it. Its starting to work too :)

21-04-2008, 12:37
The key word here is Sabotage ;)
Start laying Booby traps, Revenge is dish best served cold :evil:

21-04-2008, 12:51
If it winds you up that much, then say something to them, seriously. I know thats easier said than done, but you shouldn't have to explain every little thing to people.
I do, just adds to the problem. Once people see it bothers you they tend to push harder. They must have been bullied at school or something to pick up on such petty things *sigh*

21-04-2008, 12:55
Faysh says "Go Postal"

Write them a letter? :huh::p

21-04-2008, 12:58
When the collection came round for his leaving card, I took a pound out.


21-04-2008, 12:58
Write them a letter? :huh::p

It's an American term that stems from a series of incidents in the 1980's when American postal workers shot and killed a bunch of people.

See, I may complain about the postal service here being crap but at least the worst they do is lose my letters, not shoot me.

21-04-2008, 12:59
Yeah I know what it means. I was joking :p

21-04-2008, 13:08
Ah, seems my sarcasm detector is faulty today.

21-04-2008, 13:10
Oh is that what that means? Awesome ;D And Belmit? Genius.

If thats the case Helmut, cant you say to them, "Dont you have anything better to bitch about? Is your life SO pathetic, you have to scrutinise my entire working life?"

Or something to that effect :p

21-04-2008, 13:17
Revenge is dish best served cold :evil:

With wasabi as an extra topping. ;)

Not that I've ever made a Wasabi filled doughnut for anyone.... ;):evil:

21-04-2008, 13:26
If thats the case Helmut, cant you say to them, "Dont you have anything better to bitch about? Is your life SO pathetic, you have to scrutinise my entire working life?"

Or something to that effect :p
I'm going lower and more childish than that :evil:

And I'm going to fit a louder exhaust to my car I think.

21-04-2008, 13:29
Or sardines down the back of the rad when you go on holiday ;D

If you wont take the high road, (well who would really? ;)), then quite rightly so, revenge is the best route ;)

21-04-2008, 13:45
When the collection came round for his leaving card, I took a pound out.
That made me proper ;D

21-04-2008, 14:44
My tutor takes the piss out of me cause I'm always hungry. Which I am...can you buy tapeworms on the 'Bay?? :D

I don't mind though, I take the piss out of him cause he's a ****, everyones a winner :D

21-04-2008, 16:09
When the collection came round for his leaving card, I took a pound out.

Haha, Belmit you're a legend! ;D

Admiral Huddy
21-04-2008, 16:46
I think everyone in my office a miserable bunch of old bastards.

They all think I'm a perv..

21-04-2008, 17:50
They all think I'm a perv..

Whereas we know you are :)

21-04-2008, 18:27
Oh I do so sometimes love being techincally the only employee at my place.
At least I only have to put up with the teachers for 45 minutes at a time before the next one comes in

21-04-2008, 18:33
When the collection came round for his leaving card, I took a pound out.

Absolute genius! ;D ;D

21-04-2008, 22:31
When the collection came round for his leaving card, I took a pound out.

This gave me the biggest laugh of the day ;D

I have alsorts of issues at work, but all related to 1 girl that no-one gets on with. She's pregnant so going on maternaty soon but she treats it as an excuse to be a b*tch and bloody illness at a drop of a hat! Very frustrating!

Was quite amusing today though since it's got so bad now, we had a "team building" exercise during our team meeting. We had the HR manager in with us who started on a 15 minute rant about how people can be so stupid as to hurt their own career and their own reputation by being unprofessional and shouting at people, while not realising this same lass had done this countless times recently ;D Strangely, she never said a word :huh:

21-04-2008, 22:45
Cram yourselves with Fresh veg & currys & then don't have your early morning poo before you go to work. Then all morning hold it in but let out silent sewer smelling poo farts. Just before dinner like 2 minutes before announce in your Loudest voice that it was you & that now you are going to have a big dump, Then Whistle as you wander off to the loo. When on the loo make Loads of noise by singing at the top of your voice & remember to hit the porcelain with plenty of mud. Then don't flush & walk back into your office/work place & announce that you have just had a Marvelous crap that was almost spiritual but tell them not to worry as you haven't flush so they can pop in for a look.
Whilst they are all wondering whether you are joking you bring out the Clincher & that is Pics of you baby hippo on your moby which you happily wave in everybodys face.
That should do it :D

21-04-2008, 23:10
Hmm, JSB you've described what we do in the office most days anyway! (except perhaps the polaroids) ;D

Del Lardo
22-04-2008, 06:18
Pats working from home.

There were a couple of guys that I had to deal with that really pished me off. One guy would start sentences "I don't know much about [insert topic]" and then go on a 5 minute talk about what he thought. If you corrected him (as I often did) he'd turn round and tell you you were wrong.

Cut a long story short both of them made the 'career limiting move' of pissing off a VP (one of the top 50 people in a company of 67000) and they were gone very quickly. Their replacements are both excellent chaps who I get on with very well.

22-04-2008, 07:15
We have lots of know it alls, piss takers (which is fine when it's in a jokey way, but when it comes to taking a mile when we give them an inch it's not...), abdication of responsibility - my biggest pet hate I mean FFS people take the initiative and get it done :angry:, people who refuse to cooperate... oh the whole nine yards.

It's funny isn't it, when you look back at your school days and you see fully grown adults behaving in exactly the same way. It's quite worrying. I mean I don't mind a bit of tom foolery (in the right place/time) and people having fun, but when it's time to be professional I expect 110%. Though it doesn't matter how many times you remind people, it's in one ear out of the other.

However I have backup up my sleeves. They've now ll been trained, they've signed off their training records, they've also accepted the responsibilities they now are aware of, they've been given 30 days notice of changes in procedure and the requirements that are expected. Furthermore the union have also agreed that all that we're doing is fine, so we have their backing, and we shall be doing "unseens" i.e. covert monitoring of their jobs to make sure they're doing it properly etc - which is perfectly allowed and legal. :cool:

Oh I'm going to nail so many of them to crosses I can't wait. I might even set fire to the cross MUHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHHA :evil: :evil: :evil:

Ahem... Sorry... my satanic management style got the better of me just now...

22-04-2008, 11:03
JSB I think you read my mind sometimes :D

Noticed my fumes were a bit chokey this morning so I decided not to have a poo and inflict it on my workmates instead. My sphincter is like a clenched fist at the moment - in fact I'm sure it's visible on my face and I'm risking filling my boxers - but I think it's going to be a worthwhile day :)

22-04-2008, 12:05
The guy didn't show up for the week he'd originally asked for, calling in sick every day. Then he had his week's holiday, then he handed his notice in.Twerp.

When the collection came round for his leaving card, I took a pound out.Class. :D

22-04-2008, 12:22
What a surprise.... she called in sick today :p

22-04-2008, 13:16
We've got a team of 22 that do our monitoring, respond and do basic investigation of alarms, look after customer's servers and the data centres. Today for no obvious reason they decided they no longer do basic investigation of alarms, don't call and just escalate tickets.

"We haven't got enough staff" they moan. We are a team of 2, but somehow we do have enough staff to handle all the day to day ops work AND pick up tiny little alarms. Go figure.

24-04-2008, 09:28
There's 4 of us on a rota here on the helpdesk and whoever is on the 8:30 shift is supposed to log the calls/emails as they come in. I keep a close eye on the inbox anyway and usually note that nobody ever logs anything. Today it's kicked off again about unlogged calls while I'm on logging duty. Except there are only two unlogged emails this week, the two that came in after I'd left last night. The other 15 are from other weeks when I wasn't on logging duty and don't include all the other calls I logged during that time when I wasn't supposed to be doing it :angry:

24-04-2008, 09:35
There's 4 of us on a rota here on the helpdesk and whoever is on the 8:30 shift is supposed to log the calls/emails as they come in. I keep a close eye on the inbox anyway and usually note that nobody ever logs anything. Today it's kicked off again about unlogged calls while I'm on logging duty. Except there are only two unlogged emails this week, the two that came in after I'd left last night. The other 15 are from other weeks when I wasn't on logging duty and don't include all the other calls I logged during that time when I wasn't supposed to be doing it :angry:

My old boss tried to shaft me when I was on monitoring duty for NOC. I missed one alarm for 30 minutes at the end of my shift (was on 8-5 that day.) One alarm, and he wanted me up on major disciplinary. Thankfully the shift manager with balls was on at the time and he refused to do it, pointing out the large number of alarms I'd successfully dealt with that day. The other shift managers would probably have just let them put me on disciplinary and stuff. For one alarm. We have 10 monitoring systems, each with over 1000+ things being monitored, be it CPU usage, memory usage, leased line state, etc. etc. Things are always alarming, and he was kicking up a fuss over a single alarm.
If they'd kicked up a fuss I would have walked. Stuff like that no sane human being puts up with :)

28-04-2008, 09:55
My boss text me at 8.30am when I was on the bus saying that she slept through both her alarms.

Its 10am and she's still not here... take the p!ss.

She lives on a tubeline too.

BB x

28-04-2008, 10:21
Today is a Perfect example of why you couldn't put me in an office with other people. I'm having one of my Dark days where i could quite easily punch somebody to the ground & then laugh uncontrolably whilst i tear there face off with my heel.
I'd get to the office & just be Real quiet but of course that awkward **** that has been winding me up for weeks woud keep pecking away, Only this day he would only have to look at me & I'd be giving him the heel & enjoying every minute. Those that tried to stop me would get the same unles they were heavy enough to literally sit on me holding me down. Unless there is an intelligent woman about, They have a different effect on me, Not stupid screamy drama queen types as they make me more mad, Intelligent women have a way though that just cuts straight to my mind & clicks me back to normal by saying about 5 words usually :huh: Then i go Ultra quiet & have to go for a Long walk. ;D
I have to say that Intelligent women have me sussed or are just more perceptive so therefore head off my archaic thicko caveman type BS before it happens.
Giving myself some hope I'd say that i am a super sencitive guy that reacts directly according to his surroundings & to those that surround me ;D

WHAT A LOAD OF ****** BULL**** ;D

Or is it ;)

Apologys for thread diversion me old mate :)

OP this way >>>>>>>>>>>

28-04-2008, 16:49
My boss text me at 8.30am when I was on the bus saying that she slept through both her alarms.

Its 10am and she's still not here... take the p!ss.

She lives on a tubeline too.

BB x

She left at 4pm to get ready for an awards ceremony.

Takes the ****ing p*ss.

I've spent the day not really paying attention to her, I know this isn't good behaviour but I am sorry... she's sposed to be setting an example?! I always lose respect for her when this happens and anything she says...

She's been really nice to us all afternoon = Guilt tbh

I didn't even say 'have a nice time' because I was 'on the phone'.

I know I am being just as pathetic but it really p*sses me off... sorry.

BB x

28-04-2008, 19:26
Been generally getting annoyed with our customers today :D

28-04-2008, 20:13
I was getting annoyed with one of my guys in Germany today, he was been overly Germanic and saying that he can't deviate from the set procedures. Only when I pointed out to him that I'm the guy who sets the procedures so am therefore the guy who can break the procedures did he do was he was told.

I loathe jobsworths.

30-04-2008, 10:00
Our emails were not getting delivered yesterday so I logged a helpdesk request.

I can't believe IT didn't notice till I said something :/

BB x

BB x wrote:

Hello IT

Our tracker update emails haven't been coming through recently - certainly for B and I.

I know we shouldn't rely on these to update us on work statuses, but with being out of the office they certainly help, I have already been chased by a Director on something because I didn't receive some.

Please can you look into it?

Many thanks

Mei Ling

Dear Mei Ling

Thank you for your request.

Email has been really slow this Pm because 'our subsidary company' decided to send over 20 thousand emails and the server is just trying to churn through them all.

Please reply to this email if you have not received them by tomorrow.

Kind Regards,
IT Man
http://ITUKhelpdesk we ro><0r your b0><0rz.com (http://ITUKhelpdesk we ro><0r your b0><0rz.com)

30-04-2008, 10:18
'Info on a need to know' basis = if you don't miss your email then you don't need to know!

My lot are given the same instruction :)

30-04-2008, 10:48
My lot are given the same instruction :)

Likewise, internally.
External stuff we announce though.

30-04-2008, 12:58
Been generally getting annoyed with our customers today :D

you'll probably find they pay a penalty if SLAs are failed - so the less people that notice, the better! When we were IT we were told to operate on an 'Info on a need to know' basis = if you don't miss your email then you don't need to know!
Funny how SLA's only ever seem to be a one way agreement :angry:

30-04-2008, 13:31
What a surprise.... she called in sick today :p

She called in sick there ^^, then had 3 days last minute holiday and then as of Monday has taken maternity leave a month early.... not all bad then ;D

30-04-2008, 13:49
Not quite in the office, but just outside it:
http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/7518/dsc00107km1.th.jpg (http://img166.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00107km1.jpg)

that's been driving us crazy all day.

30-04-2008, 17:05
Not quite in the office, but just outside it:
http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/7518/dsc00107km1.th.jpg (http://img166.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00107km1.jpg)

that's been driving us crazy all day.

what IS that?

30-04-2008, 17:09
Circular saw or similar.

Our shop STINKS, although this is not our fault. The sewage pipes in the area have never been working properly and on a warm day you can smell it about 5 miles away travelling up the bypass.

30-04-2008, 17:21
The sewage pipes in the area have never been working properly and on a warm day you can smell it about 5 miles away travelling up the bypass.

I'm living/working on a property in the middle of some farms in the country, and manure smells are a BIG problem:-P AND our septic tank was blocked up for a bit last month..yuck.

I feel your pain.

30-04-2008, 17:39
Circular saw or similar.

Yup, Circular saw, being used to cut metal sheeting, just outside our office. Makes it nigh on impossible to think.