View Full Version : My iPod is totally dead... should I try and revive?

21-04-2008, 17:03
My mini iPod had a good run, must have had it for going on 4 years.

It had a crap battery life, so I bought a battery off the bay and replaced it, but it didnt make the slightest bit of difference. Anyhoo, me and Daz moved house and I forgot about it, and left it in a box in the garage. One thing Ive found is that it hates the cold. Leave it switched off even for more than a day, and it took ages to spring back to life.

Well Ive found it, and would like to use it again, theres some good music on there I miss, but doing the factory reset/charging does nothing :(

Is it dead forever? :'( If so, is there anyway to recover the music?

21-04-2008, 17:10
If you can't get it to power up then there is no way I can think of to take it off. You might be able to do something with the drive but would mean removing it from the ipod itself.

21-04-2008, 17:12
It has been left untouched in the garage for over 6 months. Honestly, leaving it off for a day meant it took ages to power up :(

Pants :p

21-04-2008, 17:13
The drives use weird ZIF connectors, so connecting them to a PC is tricky although there are probably converters out there. By it won't work what do you mean? If i leave my old iPoodle off for a week or so the battery seems to get so low it won't charge when i try and charge it, and it needs coaxing back to life... Is that the problem, or is it just truly dead?

21-04-2008, 17:21
Not sure what is going on with them. I have a 4th Gen 20Gb iPod and at various times I've not used it for 6-8 months and after plugging it back into the wall it's charged up first time.

Do you have a wall charger Dee?

21-04-2008, 17:21
Faysh got given a deaded 20Gb Pod, he bought a caddy for the HDD off eBay.

21-04-2008, 17:32
Ive got a wall charger, it doesnt do a thing, not even bring up the "charger" icon.

When I say its dead, no amount of button bashing will make it come on. I tried the factory reset thing ages ago, and it actually worked, (when you press up and down on the wheel at the same time I think), but hasnt worked this time.

21-04-2008, 17:33
Have you left it plugged in for say an hour or more and come back to it? Just throwing suggestions out, not sure if you've already done it or if it will work.

21-04-2008, 17:36
Have you left it plugged in for say an hour or more and come back to it? Just throwing suggestions out, not sure if you've already done it or if it will work.

Do this ^^

If they've been sat idle for a long time, they can often take a good hour sat on a mains charger before they even show a charging icon. Had this happen to me when i've run the battery down, then left it doing nothing for a week.

21-04-2008, 17:38
Yeah nout much else you can do except leave it plugged in, and it wouldnt suprise me if it decided to wake up. Unfortunately they can be pretty dodgy in low battery situations. Killerkebab (http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7350&highlight=ipod) had exactly the same problems, and i've had this more than once, didn't stop me buying another (http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7757&highlight=ipod) though :D

21-04-2008, 18:45
Ill give it a go, thanks guys and gals :)

21-04-2008, 19:45
OMG you guys! It LIVES!!!! :shocked:

Lost the wall charger, so plugged it into the computer with the data cable type thingy, went to do some togging, and came back to a pop up window on the screen saying connect to Dee's iPod!

HUZZAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cool:

21-04-2008, 21:08
Told you, they're useless at minimum charge!

21-04-2008, 21:09
But Ive left it charging before to no avail :( Guess it decided to buck up its ideas today eh? :D

21-04-2008, 21:45
Weirdly statistically (which is worrying this means its happened often!) i've only ever had luck at reviving one when plugged into a usb port to charge, but i can't see how that would actually make a difference...

21-04-2008, 21:51
Daz said it wouldnt work cos its only a trickle charge, but hey ho, even the smart ones can be wrong :D

21-04-2008, 22:14
Ha, what would Daz know computers eh? ;)