View Full Version : I am Legend - Alternate Ending **Spoilers**

22-04-2008, 10:18
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.. do you like this way to block the text from appearing in the summary?

Why the hell didn't they release it with this alternate ending?! Its so much better than the theatrical release. Would have absolutely made the movie in my opinion.
Damn stupid fools.

22-04-2008, 10:33
Can't say I've seen the alternative ending, how close is it to the book?

22-04-2008, 11:22
Ha ha... the alt tags don't disclose the spoiler writing :D

BB x

22-04-2008, 11:25
Can't say I've seen the alternative ending, how close is it to the book?

Full spoiler follows

Will Smith's character discovers the reason for the butterfly being marked on the door by the lead 'bad guy' is because its on the body of the creature he's been testing. He takes the girl out, and removes the drip that was curing her, and lets the big guy who is obviously in love with the girl, take her away.
Comments that he's finally started listening to them. Looks up at the wall of test subjects that he's killed / murdered in the attempt to find a cure.
Drives off into the sunset with the lady and her child, broadcasting a 'there is hope' message whilst they go

22-04-2008, 12:24
Seems like a decent ending, nothing like the book though. :)

22-04-2008, 13:17
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.. do you like this way to block the text from appearing in the summary?


Nice one. Its the way I pre-read threads along with 'new posts' so could only be me noticing!!!

BB x

21-07-2008, 12:50
Just watched I Am Legend and then followed it up with the alternative ending.

The actual film was ok. The happy happy alternative ending though was dreadful. Much prefered the theatrical one.

Glad I rented it rather than bought it.

21-07-2008, 18:13
I dont see why they couldnt stick with the book. Are the viewing audience so fickle that they can't cope with a thought provoking ending??

21-07-2008, 18:59
There's a book!?!

I presume the book was first?!

Darnit. And I thought it was a good filum minus a book. Now there's a book involved I will have to read it and the filum will be pants.


On the alternative ending thingy ma bob, we've just watched it on you-tube because when we "rented" it on V+ it didn't have an alternative ending to watch. Boo! It's good. I like both. I like it when films have different endings. Makes it more fun.

21-07-2008, 19:21
Alternate ending > Theatrical ending.

21-07-2008, 20:42
what is the book ending?

21-07-2008, 20:48
There's a book!?!

I presume the book was first?!

Darnit. And I thought it was a good filum minus a book. Now there's a book involved I will have to read it and the filum will be pants.


On the alternative ending thingy ma bob, we've just watched it on you-tube because when we "rented" it on V+ it didn't have an alternative ending to watch. Boo! It's good. I like both. I like it when films have different endings. Makes it more fun.


There you go pheebs. Written in the 60's I believe

A Place of Light
30-07-2008, 01:23
There's a book!?!

There's a sequel.....or at least there will be if you wait a couple of years.

30-07-2008, 06:58
There's a sequel

Thought it was going to be a prequel?

A Place of Light
31-07-2008, 00:27
Thought it was going to be a prequel?

That's what I heard, although I guess I should've said follow-up movie instead of sequel.
I hope it's not going to be some rushed out affair to make some cash.....although the chances are that's exactly what it will be.
