View Full Version : Marvel Comics

25-04-2008, 11:36
I'm not sure who here is a fan, but Marvel Comics have started putting up an online repository of their comic books, using a pretty nifty comic book viewer. Its far, far away from complete archive, but there are some classic series in there as well as a fair number of the modern comics too. I've paid for an annual subscription and have been catching up on various storylines and characters for the past month or so. Works through your web browser and seems to run happily with IE and Firefox, so probably nice and portable for other OSs.

This one is currently free sample I believe, from 1983: http://www.marvel.com/digitalcomics/titles/FANTASTIC_FOUR.1961.257

Reading the early x-men has me laughing quite loudly. So cliche, unbelievably so at times, and some of the writing quality is absolutely dire, but still interesting none the less ;D

25-04-2008, 12:11
I know a couple of lads that are into their comics in a big way, but it's not something I ever really got into :)

25-04-2008, 12:28
I grew up on Marvel comics :cool:
If you heard me talking about them you'd definitely get me locked up. I can't talk about it these days though because my conversations are associated to the new versions of characters that are complete crap compared to the "Real" ones.
In my day Wolverine was a Dude not a faggot like he is now. I'll never forget the escape that characters like Wolverine & The Awesome Beyonder & the Incredible X-Men gave me & remember crowding around with mates to discuss the weekly happenings.
Try not to concentrate on the text though as it's more about the fantastic art work :cool:

12-05-2008, 14:40
I was about to subscribe to this, after forgetting about it, but found out you can't save the comics to your pc for offline viewing :( I would have signed up in an instant if you could.