View Full Version : ooooh camera!

27-04-2008, 17:36
my birthday present from jasper, a canon g9

i like pictures, i like going out exploring, i get bored just watching him take pictures and I'm not allowed to thieve his camera (too many buttons)
so i am now the proud owner of a g9 - partly to keep me busy, and i guess partly give him an excuse to go out and use his more too!

expect a ton of mediocre photos in the near future! you have been warned!!

*snap snap*

27-04-2008, 17:40
Nice, congrats :D

29-04-2008, 17:21
Mediocre photos? Excellent, down on my level then :D

17-05-2008, 20:26
as promised - the start of my mediocre photographic 'career' can be found here (http://www.flickr.com/charlotteelizabethprince) :)

17-05-2008, 21:09
G9 is a very good buy, it is the camera a photographer would used if they did not have their DSLR.